=== Recover WooCommerce Cart Abandonment, Newsletter, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation By FunnelKit === Contributors: xlplugins, amans2k Tags: cart abandonment, follow up emails, email marketing, email customizer, crm, woocommerce, newsletter, marketing automation Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 6.6.1 Requires PHP: 7.0 Stable tag: 3.2.2 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Recover lost revenue with Cart Abandonment Recovery for WooCommerce. Increase retention with Post Purchase Follow-Up Emails. Send beautiful Newsletters. == Description == [FunnelKit Automations (formerly Autonami)](https://funnelkit.com/wordpress-marketing-automation-autonami/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Automations&utm_campaign=WP+Repo) is a powerful WordPress marketing automation engine that allows you to automate your marketing workflows. You can use FunnelKit Automations to: - Create **WooCommerce abandoned cart campaigns** to recover the lost revenue. - Create post-purchase follow-up sequences to educate and upsell customers. - Set up a welcome email workflow to greet and get your customers onboard with on-brand welcome emails. - Tag contacts, and add them to specified lists or sequences, update custom fields, and do so much more - just like you can in a popular CRM such as ActiveCampaign, Drip, ConvertKit, MailChimp, Klaviyo and others (PRO feature). - Customize WooCommerce email templates - order confirmation, login details, delivery completed emails - with the in-built drag-and-drop visual email builder. - Create targeted audience segments and reach out to them via beautifully designed broadcast campaigns. - Unlock more money-making opportunities by connecting your business with various WordPress plug-ins such as LearnDash, WishList Member, Affiliate WP, and more. - Connect your website to 1000's other services by connecting FunnelKit Automations with Zapier, Integromat, Pabbly, Integrately, and more. And more. > FunnelKit Automations (Formerly Autonami) is a simple yet powerful automation plugin that gives you complete control over your website and automation. It is user-friendly and makes it easy for you to **set up effective automation that helps drive more sales** while helping customers. > FunnelKit Automations is backed by a fantastic support team that is helpful, caring, and responsive. I always receive quick replies, and they go out of their way to help me. > I am genuinely grateful for their plugin, help, and the FunnelKit Team. -- Anthony, And the best thing about FunnelKit Automations? We have **no cap on contacts**, which means you do not have to pay more as your contact list grows. That's what FunnelKit Automations is to your eCommerce marketing automation game. == How Can FunnelKit Automations Help You Automate Your Marketing? == Engage better with your buyers with essential WooCommerce automations like welcome emails, abandoned cart recovery, post-purchase email sequences, customer win-back campaigns, and much more. You can create beautiful emails with a drag-and-drop builder and interact with your leads via newsletter campaigns. Now, you no longer need to have ten different plugins to do eCommerce marketing. == FunnelKit Automations Lite (Free) Version == FunnelKit Automations comes in two versions - Lite (Free) and Pro. The Lite version comes equipped with crucial **pre-built automations** that give you a headstart in your WooCommerce marketing automation journey, and you can build on it as your business grows. === Create Automated Campaigns on the All-New Canvas Interface FunnelKit Automations is powered by the robust automation builder and the minimalist **Canvas interface**. A clean interface that allows you to visualize your workflow as you build it. It **simplifies the automation-building process** and view in-line analytics such as email open/click-through rates and more on the interface itself. In the **Pro version**, you can even **view individual contact's journey** and in-depth analytics. Visualize and create powerful workflows precisely the way you want. === View Abandoned Users and Other Cart-Related Details at One Place Abandoned cart users are crucial to your profits. These are the users who had almost completed their purchases but got distracted and left. If targeted properly, these users are very likely to come back and complete their purchases. FunnelKit Automations gives you cart-related information such as - **recoverable, recovered, and lost carts**. This information can be crucial to understanding your users and be the building blocks for your WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery campaign. === Get One-Click Import Recipes FunnelKit Automations Lite comes with crucial **pre-built marketing campaigns** that you can import with one click, customize the email copy and delay time, and go live in a matter of minutes. You get automations such as - abandoned cart recovery, welcome email sequence for new customers, review collection emails, and a first purchase anniversary campaign. There are various other **WooCommerce events** that you can try out and create your custom WooCommerce marketing automations from scratch. With Autonami Lite, the following WooCommerce events are available at your disposal: - Cart Abandoned - Cart Recovered - Order Created - Order Created - Per Product - Order Status Changed - Order Item Refunded - Order Item Stock Reduced - Order Note Added - Review Received If there are other users you've given permission to access your store, then you can track their activity with **WordPress events** such as User Created and User Login. === Send Simple Text-Based Emails FunnelKit Automations Lite comes with a **text-based email builder** that allows you to create and send text emails with ease. Do not underestimate the power of simple text emails. In some automated campaigns, simple text emails have performed better than visual ones. Personalize your emails with merge tags, add a catchy subject line, and a persuasive preview text. FunnelKit Automations is GDPR compliant; hence, the ‘unsubscribe text' comes pre-inserted. === Time Your Emails Right with Delays FunnelKit Automations allows you to **add delays to your email sequence** and communicate with your customers on the right time. You can set delays in **minutes, hours, days, weeks, and even months** to better optimize your automated campaigns. > My respect and appreciation for the FunnelKit Automations Team continue to grow as we migrate from a major ESP into FunnelKit. > FunnelKit Automations is powerful and intuitive—and the support we receive (when needed) continually exceeds our expectations. > What a delight it is to work with folks who care so deeply about the customers they serve and the products they build! -- Stacy Farrell, == FunnelKit Automations Lite Use Cases == **1. [Create High-Converting Abandoned Cart Recovery Sequence](https://funnelkit.com/woocommerce-cart-abandoment/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Cart+Recovery&utm_campaign=WP+Repo)** FunnelKit Automations allows you to create targeted and well-segmented WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery campaigns. - Live-capture the cart as soon as the user enters the email. Works perfectly on mobile as well. - Create segmented automated campaigns based on cart total, cart items items in the cart, the coupon used, whether the cart has coupons or not, etc. - Intuitive cart abandonment analytics for quick stats of recoverable carts, recovered carts, etc. - Auto ends the automation when a user completes the purchase. - Set up delays in your emails in minutes, hours, and days. - **Pro feature**: Send personalized WooCommerce discount coupon code based on the cart value or items (or any rule) with a set expiry time. Take a look at the video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYKVrW3L1cc **2. [Set up WooCommerce Follow-Up Emails for Post-Purchase Engagement](https://funnelkit.com/woocommerce-follow-up-emails/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Followup+Campaigns&utm_campaign=WP+Repo)** Post-purchase or follow-up emails are sent out to engage with your customers after they've just bought from you. Here are some of the post-purchase engagement emails you can send: - **Shipment Check-In Email** - Check with your new buyers about their shopping experience with you. - **Cross-Sell or Product Recommendation Email** - Send automated emails to recommend products to customers based on the items they bought. - **Purchase Anniversary Email** - Create an automated anniversary campaign with a WooCommerce discount coupon code on the 6-months or 1-year anniversary. - **Product Education Email** - Educate them on how to use the product that they've just bought. This depends on what item they purchased and if that needs education. Take a look at the video to see all the post-purchase use cases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPVvHRQiKX4 This is not it, we have some powerful use cases that you can execute with FunnelKit Automations Pro. But, before that, let's understand what FunnelKit Automations Pro brings to the table! == FunnelKit Automations Pro Version == Even though you can do a lot with FunnelKit Automations Lite version, the Pro version **unlocks a whole new spectrum of WooCommerce marketing automation** that you never knew was possible within WordPress. FunnelKit Automations Pro lets you communicate with buyers to strengthen the relationship and lay the ground for the second sale. [FunnelKit Automations Pro](https://funnelkit.com/wordpress-marketing-automation-autonami/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Get+Pro&utm_campaign=WP+Repo) **makes FunnelKit Automations a mini-CRM, allowing you to view 360° contact profiles**, build targeted audiences, tag users, add them to sequences, run automated campaigns, send broadcasts, connect with form builders, and more - perform all the actions you can in an expensive SAAS-based CRM. All without leaving WordPress. > Like many people, we have used Infusionsoft, Active Campaign, Mail Chimp, you name it, we have tried them all at one point or another, and NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, compares to FunnelKit Automations. > When you pair FunnelKit Automations with your own SMTP servers like Sendgrid, Mailgun, and Amazon SES, you instantly **control your own email marketing service**, and even better, you control your own email marketing REPUTATION. > Gone are the days of using services that send all their email from the same servers, so you don't have to suffer from unreliable email delivery based on the bad habits of other users of the same service. > You can now control everything and tie all your marketing in with your WordPress website, **run email broadcasts, abandon WooCommerce cart emails, automated sequences based on user activity**, and so much more. > FunnelKit Automations is WONDERFUL, and their support is top-notch. -- Monster Development, === Get Actionable Insights on Your Dashboard FunnelKit Automations Pro adds more to the already incredible analytics dashboard. Along with the cart-related data, you get a list of your **Top Automations, Top Broadcasts**, and even **Popular Emails**. These lists can help you replicate your success by following the same formula. The dashboard also displays: - Total Contacts - Emails Sent - SMSs Sent - Total Orders - Total Revenues === View Detailed Customer Profiles With detailed customer profiles, you can view all the important details of every contact on your list. With FunnelKit Automations Pro, you can get a deeper understanding of your customers. Quickly see the most important details about them - the **latest engagement** with your emails, **total spend, total orders, last order date, AOV** (individual), **comparison to the store's AOV**, etc. These details can help you create targeted automated campaigns. Create **advanced segmentation** by tagging and listing the customers and creating a precise set of audiences to use in marketing campaigns. === Send Broadcast Campaigns To Multiple Contacts With live cart capturing, FunnelKit Automations captures emails the moment it is entered on the checkout page. You can create an automation to **tag users in real time**. You can segment these users into audience sets like - US customers, repeat buyers, high-value customers, etc. You can tag your users in real-time and segment them into audience sets based on: - Geographical location - US Customers, Canada Customers, etc. - Products Purchased - Order Values - Coupon Used - AOV and Lifetime Spend - Engagement-related parameters - WordPress User Status, and more This **audience segmentation** will help pinpoint your emails and attain more engagement. === Get Access to 20+ Advance Pre-Built Automations with One Click FunnelKit Automations Pro version unleashes **20+ marketing automations** that you can import with just one click and boost your sales instantly. The library is every-growing and currently includes various email sequences like: - Abandoned Cart Recovery - Post-purchase email sequence - Condition-based email sequence for precise targeting - Turning Subscribers into Customers in 7 days - [WooCommerce Subscriptions](https://funnelkit.com/woocommerce-subscriptions-email-notifications/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=WC+Subscriptions&utm_campaign=WP+Repo) - related email sequences - Affiliates-related email sequences - [Customer Win-back campaign](https://funnelkit.com/win-back-campaign/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Winback&utm_campaign=WP+Repo) and even more === Create Condition-Based Automated Workflows The most important and EXCITING benefit of FunnelKit Automations Pro is **Condition** - the ability to create condition-based automations. Create conditions based on cart total, cart items, contact fields, order total, items purchased, average order value, geographical location, and even saved audiences. Here are a few most-used Condition categories: - **Customer Details**: Gender, Company, Date of Birth, etc. - **WooCommerce Cart Details**: Cart Total, Total Revenue, Total Orders Count, Purchased Products, Used Coupons, AOV, First Order, Last Order, etc. - **Geography**: Country, State, City, etc. - **Engagement**: Last Open, Engaged, Unengaged, Last Click, etc. - **Broadcast**: Broadcast Sent/Open/Clicked And more such amazing Conditions to **create personalized email sequences**. Such conditions allow you to focus more on the profitable side of your customers. **Build advanced email and SMS sequences** according to the conditions set and take your eCommerce marketing game up a notch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV6IFXayAao === Create Targeted Campaigns with Advanced Actions Unlock a whole new spectrum of Actions with the Pro version. You can customize your email workflow with various actions such as: - **Messaging**: Send Email, Send SMS, Send Message to a Channel/User - **FunnelKit Automations**: Create Contact, Change Status, Update Fields, Add/Remove Tags, Add/Remove Contact to/from a List, Add Contact Note, End Automation - **WooCommerce**: Create/Delete Coupon, Change Subscription Status, Assign/Update Membership Plan This is just the cream of the crop, as you delve deeper into FunnelKit Automations, you can add more actions to your email sequence. The Pro version opens up the advanced **Actions** and **Delay** functionalities and even more helpful features like adding **Goals**, **Jumps**, and **Exits** to your automations. - **Delay**: Advanced delay functionalities let you send emails in the contact's timezone, as well as at a **specific time of a specific day**. Add a delay until a **custom date** is picked by the user on a form submitted. - **Goals**: If your email sequence has a common goal, then the automation will stop when the goal is achieved, i.e., the subsequent emails won't go out. Examples of goals include - a link clicked, an order placed, a user subscribed, and more. - **Jump**: Shorten your automations by making contacts jump from one node to another within the workflow. - **Exit**: Exit the automation for all those contacts that don't meet the set condition. These contacts will move out of your automation. === Create Dynamic Coupon Codes to Instigate Urgency Who doesn't love coupons? FunnelKit Automations Pro lets you build [dynamic coupons](https://funnelkit.com/woocommerce-dynamic-coupons/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Dynamic+Coupons&utm_campaign=WP+Repo) from scratch right inside WordPress. Customize your WooCommerce discount coupon settings without leaving your workflow - set an expiry date for the coupon, add a discount amount (fixed or in percentage), add a prefix to the coupon code, enable free shipping, and more. Create **personalized coupon codes with merge tags** - with the user's first name or last name. Once done, embed the coupon code inside your emails with ease. === Create Beautiful Emails Using Built-In Email Builder and Engage Better with Broadcast Campaigns Do not know where to start with email designing? Our WooCommerce marketing automation plugin comes with an **in-built visual email builder** that empowers you to create beautiful emails that can send your click-through rates through the roof. FunnelKit Automations gives you **content blocks for designing emails**. From writing text and adding logos to showing products in emails - there are blocks for just about everything. Save these emails as templates and reuse them in future automated campaigns. Send and schedule [broadcast campaigns/ newsletters](https://funnelkit.com/wordpress-newsletter-campaign/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_campaign=WP+Repo) in real-time. Engage better with your audience with newsletters and create a stronger bond. === A/B Test Your Emails and Choose the Best-Performing Copy A lot of your email marketing campaign's success depends on the copy of your email. If the subject line is catchy and the copy is engaging, you are halfway home. FunnelKit Automations Pro lets you **split-test your emails** and choose the best version that can maximize your campaign's performance and bring in profits. You can **create multiple versions of the same email** by changing the subject line, altering the preview text, and more. == FunnelKit Automations Pro Use Cases == **1. [Create irresistible customer Win-Back campaigns](https://funnelkit.com/wordpress-marketing-automation-autonami/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Get+Pro+Winback&utm_campaign=WP+Repo)** Customer win-back campaigns attempt to bring your lapsed/inactive customers back to your store. FunnelKit Automations lets you: - Define the period of inactivity i.e., for how long a customer has been inactive and not made a purchase in the past - Send a personalized WooCommerce discount coupon code to win back inactive customers - Create a sequence of emails that go out at a set time of the day or day of the week to recover abandoned carts - You can also define the time when you want the win-back emails to be sent. **2. [Engage with your subscribers using WooCommerce Subscriptions](https://funnelkit.com/wordpress-marketing-automation-autonami/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Get+Pro+WC+Subscriptions&utm_campaign=WP+Repo)** You can run automated campaigns for your paid subscribers using FunnelKit Automations. You need to have the WooCommerce Subscriptions official plugin for this. FunnelKit Automations allows you to perform automated actions based on **subscriber-specific events**, such as: - When a new subscriber joins - When their trial is about to end - When they're approaching a renewal - When their subscription has ended - When the card on file has expired And many other subscription-specific events. **3. [Keep your affiliates engaged & motivated through AffiliateWP & FunnelKit Automations](https://funnelkit.com/wordpress-marketing-automation-autonami/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Get+Pro+AffiliateWP&utm_campaign=WP+Repo)** FunnelKit Automations integrates with **AffiliateWP** to let you send engagement emails to your affiliates. You'll need to have the AffiliateWP plugin installed and activated for this. AffiliateWP allows you to manage your affiliates - their commission rate, referrals, etc. Segment your affiliates with FunnelKit Automations and have targeted communication with them. Here are some interesting events that FunnelKit Automations provides to engage with affiliates: - **Affiliate Makes A Sale**: Send out an automated email to congratulate your affiliates when they make a sale. It's a good way to encourage them. - **Affiliate Application Approved**: When you mark their application accepted', an automated email can go out to welcome them on board. - **Affiliate Digests**: Automate weekly/ monthly emails to update them on their performance during that time. You can also share additional resources to help them further. **4. [Take actions based on the form fields filled out: Integrates with Gravity Forms, WPForms, Elementor Forms, Thrive Leads, and Contact Form 7](https://funnelkit.com/wordpress-marketing-automation-autonami/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Get+Pro+Forms&utm_campaign=WP+Repo) FunnelKit Automations seamlessly integrates with popular form builders. So, when a user submits a form, you can take action in WordPress, WooCommerce, CRMs, or Connectors (Slack, Twilio). You can take different actions for different users based on the values in the form fields. You can also add a tag, update a custom field, add to a list, and more based on the information they filled out. **5. [Talk to your favorite CRM: Integrates with ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, and Drip.](https://funnelkit.com/wordpress-marketing-automation-autonami/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Get+Pro+CRM&utm_campaign=WP+Repo) FunnelKit Automations integrates with ActiveCampaign, Drip, and ConvertKit and lets you take actions like - adding a tag, removing a tag, updating custom fields, adding to a list, and so much more. It allows you to segment your automated campaigns and target your users based on their behavior. Consider adding a new subscriber to a Welcome series email automation in your WooCommerce CRM. **6. [Connects to other third-party applications you love](https://funnelkit.com/wordpress-marketing-automation-autonami/?utm_source=WordPress&utm_medium=Get+Pro+SMS&utm_campaign=WP+Repo) **Connect with Twilio and BulkGate for SMS-based campaigns** - According to Sales Cycle, SMS has an **open rate of 98%**, with 90% of messages opened within three minutes. You can also add emojis to your SMS and add images for your USA/Canada-based audience. FunnelKit Automations is a powerful WooCommerce marketing automation plugin that lets you do all of this right from your WordPress dashboard. **Slack for administrative notifications** - FunnelKit Automations integration with Slack enables you to get notified through a channel or individually when an event takes place. This means you can always stay updated on Slack for the events happening in your store/ site. It allows you not just to do your marketing better but also manage admin-related work better. For example, when an item stock gets reduced, set up an automation to get a Slack message. **Zapier to speak with 100s of other apps** - Zapier has thousands of integrations within itself. So FunnelKit Automations connection with Zapier allows you to unlock its limitless potential. It's because Zapier integrates with Twitter, Google Sheets, MailChimp, and many other popular apps. Apart from Zapier, you can connect your WooCommerce store with Integromat, Pabbly, Integrately, and more - using FunnelKit Automations connection functionality. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How many emails can I send with FunnelKit Automations? = There is no cap on the number of emails you can send to your audiences. FunnelKit Automations uses WordPress SMTP to send out emails. Technically there's no limitation. = How are these emails sent? = You can use any email service provider like AmazonSES Sendinblue, Mailgun, Postmark, SendGrid, and more. You can use any email service provider of your choice and connect with WordPress using plugins like WP SMTP, and OffloadSES. = Is there any cap on contacts? = Contacts are the most important element for any eCommerce marketing endeavor, and we understand that. Hence, there is NO LIMIT on contacts. You can collect as many contacts as you want and run your automations smoothly. = How can I set up my first automation? = FunnelKit Automations comes with an ever-growing library of pre-built automations, such as Abandoned Cart Recovery, Review Collection, Winback Campaigns, and more. All you need to do is: import with a single click, customize it as per your requirements, and GO LIVE! You can even build automation from scratch by adding automation, choosing a trigger, adding a condition (optional), selecting an action, and so on. = What's the difference between FunnelKit Automations Lite and Pro? = With FunnelKit Automations Lite, you can create abandoned cart sequences, post-purchase follow-ups, and welcome emails. In the pro version, you can integrate with many WordPress plugins such as LearnDash, WishList Member, and more to create many different automated sequences. In addition, you can view rich contact profiles, design beautiful broadcast campaigns and newsletters using the built-in drag-and-drop builder, send broadcast SMSs, segment contacts, integrate with various forms, and more. = What are pre-built recipes exactly, and what are their use cases? = We've created a bunch of Pre-built automated sequences that you can import with a single click. The idea is to do all the work for you so that you don't have to! Our library is ever-growing, and we consistently keep adding more pre-built automations to it. = How can I migrate to FunnelKit Automations from a CRM that I am using? = FunnelKit Automations connects with many popular marketing plugins and lets you import your contacts with a CSV file. So, just export your contacts from your current CRM in a CSV file, and import it into FunnelKit Automations easily. = Is GDPR compliant? = FunnelKit Automations is 100% self-hosted and fully GDPR compliant. == Installation == 1. Install 'FunnelKit Automations' Plugin. 2. Activate the Plugin. 3. Go to FunnelKit Automations > Automations 4. Start creating Automations. == Change log == = 3.2.2 (Sep 5, 2024) = * Fixed: Issue with unique columns during table creation. (#3407) = 3.2.1 (Sep 3, 2024) = * Fixed: Added a function exists check to prevent errors during updates on some setups. (#3395) * Fixed: Automation Action - Send Email: Correctly maps static email addresses in the "To" field with the contact, or leaves it blank if needed. (#3357) * Fixed: Contact Filters: Corrected the readable value for the "Last Clicked Between" operator. (#3398) = 3.2.0 (Sep 2, 2024) = * Compatible upto WordPress 6.6.1 * Compatible upto WooCommerce 9.2.3 * New: Pro: PushEngage integration added. (#3213) - Send Push notification from Automation. - Send Push notification directly from single contact profile page. - Recording clicks from push notifications. - Push notifications listing on the single contact profile page. * Added: Merge Tags: Order items and Cart items merge tag, new type 'Product IDs comma separated' added. (#3369) * Added: Compatibility added with currency related plugins and a tool to reindex cart and conversions total amount. (#3316, #3260, #3268) * Added: Onboarding wizard for quick setup. (#2768) * Security: Sanitize contact id in the delete call. (#3298) * Improved: Pro: OptinMonster integration redirect issue during connection for a case. (#3284) * Improved: WooCommerce checkout flow, FK Automation code optimized. (#3338) * Improved: Automation Action: Cart items merge tag, images are linked with recovery link. (#3295) * Improved: Static translations made dynamic. (#3320) * Improved: Contacts Listing: Link trigger clicked column values are now linked to respective. (#3307) * Improved: Automation Action: Third party SMS related connectors, anaytics option enabled. (#3326) * Improved: Database Tables: Some columns are marked unique. (#3361) * Improved: Optimize email template data while saving. (#3323) * Improved: Pro: Twilio settings improved. Having just one webhook URL option. (#3356) * Improved: Pro: Twilio settings improved. Keeping just one webhook URL option. (#3356) * Fixed: Automation Contacts: Rerun via Bulk action wasn't working, fixed. (#3267) * Fixed: Automation Export: Sometimes issue in export on cached setup, fixed. (#3269) * Fixed: Compatibility with FunnelKit Cart updated. (#3277) * Fixed: Search component UI issue fixed. (#3275, #3342) * Fixed: Automation Event: Editing event was triggering the JS error in a case, fixed. (#3275) * Fixed: Automation: Action failed message, trimmed before updating. (#3282) * Fixed: Automation Goal: Goal wasn't traversing to Split path step type, fixed. (#3285) * Fixed: Marketing consent checkbox disappears after sometime on the checkout page. (#3305) * Fixed: Automation Rules: Some filters search results were not coming as per the search string, fixed. (#3310, #3303) * Fixed: Automation Builder: JS code optimized. (#3330) * Fixed: Automation Action: Update Field code fixed for number type. (#3378) * Dev: Filter hook 'bwfan_skip_user_agents' added to modify user agents to stop tracking opens and clicks. (#3242) * Dev: Filter hook 'bwfan_email_pre_header_space' added to modify spaces in the email for the preview text. (#3314) = 3.1.2 (Jul 20, 2024) = * Fixed: Legacy automation screen were throwing PHP error, fixed. (#3262) = 3.1.1 (Jul 17, 2024) = * Build updated as some setups were facing blank app screen since WordPress version 6.6. = 3.1.0 (Jul 16, 2024) = * Compatible upto WordPress 6.6.0 * Compatible upto WooCommerce 9.1.2 * Added: Two new statuses have been added to the contact: Soft Bounce and Complaint. Auto integration with AWS bounce handling. (#3054) * Added: WP Fastest Cache compatibility added. Disallow FK Automation endpoints from caching. (#3198) * Added: Optimize Engagement Tracking Meta table; New tool added. (#3044) * Added: Settings > Rest API, developer docs link added. (#3233) * Added: Automation Merge tags: Order shipping phone number & Order refunded items new tags added. (#3237, #3175) * Improved: Automation: Step contacts modal, UI improved in case contact name is big. (#3194) * Improved: Multi-currency sites improvements. Currency symbol in order items and cart items merge tag. (#3159, #3223) * Improved: Automation Actions: Send email action, disallow click tracking on social media links and mobile-friendly app links. (#3181) * Improved: Extra handling for free gift products during abandoned cart recovery. (#3235) * Improved: The site link dynamic merge tag was removed as it was causing confusion with the site URL merge tag. (#3092) * Improved: Automation Action: Send email action failure message changed for better understanding. (#3177) * Improved: App code optimized to increase page load speed. (#3187) * Improved: Automation: Contact activity 'Active' tab. Showing results order by next execution time. (#3166) * Improved: The contact preference page admin UI improved. Better user experience. (#3063) * Improved: RTL improvements. (#3036) * Improved: Translation related improvements. (->3065) * Improved: App UI improvements. (#3136, #3111, #3035) * Improved: General setting UI improved of the license section. (#3121) * Fixed: Automation Import: Goals are not updating during import. (#3115) * Fixed: Automation Rules: Order language rule wasn't working for Polylang, fixed. (#3038) * Fixed: Automation: Reset merge tag data during execution per contact. (#3113) * Fixed: Automation Merge tag: One-click unsubscribe link wasn't working for broadcast, fixed. (#3126) * Fixed: Automation Merge tag: Code handling in 'Contact ID' merge tag when contact object not available. (#3134) * Fixed: Rare issue where abandonment cart wasn't recovering. Added extra handling. (#3229) * Dev: New filter hook 'bwfan_email_review_button_text' improved, passed order item and order object. (#3073) * Dev: New filter hook 'bwfan_modify_json_query' added. Allow modification in the SQL query to use json methods. (#3130) * Dev: New filter hook 'bwfan_default_utm_params' added. Allow modification of default UTM values used in emails. (#3140) * Dev: New filter hook 'bwfan_get_price_format_cart' added. Allow modifying currency on the carts admin screen. (#3106) = 3.0.3 (May 22, 2024) = * Compatible upto WordPress 6.5.3 * Compatible upto WooCommerce 8.9.1 * Added: Automation Rules > New datetime and time type rules added. (#2967) * Added: Automation ended events logged. There are multiple ways to end automation. Visible in the contact journey area. (#2793) * Added: Pro: Forms > Is transactional email, new setting added. (#2956) * Added: Pro: New Email builder > Link trigger selection button and modal added. (#2973) * Added: Pro: New Email builder > Product block, exclude products new setting is added. (#2974) * Improved: HTTP protocol handling when the link is embedded in the email improved. (#2940) * Improved: Automation builder > Code optimization to support long automations. (#2965) * Improved: Single Contact > Add to automation modal updated. (#2969) * Improved: Single Contact > Accordion component fixes used on the automation screen. (#2990) * Improved: Automation > Upon event selection, open the settings modal. (#3017) * Improved: Translation related improvements. (#2909) * Improved: Automation merge tags > Order related tags, error handled when product object not found. (#3025) * Improved: RTL related improvements. (#3026, #2960, #2966) * Fixed: Single Contact > Automation tab > Run now quick action wasn't working, fixed. (#2981) * Fixed: Contact name update issue during cart abandonment, fixed. (#2983) * Fixed: Contact listing > Products column sometimes shows the array as a value, fixed. (#2992) * Fixed: RTL issues, fixed. (#3026, #2960) = 3.0.2 (Apr 28, 2024) = * Fixed: Single Contact > Emails: Merge tags were not showing in the email preview, fixed. (#2926) * Fixed: Pro: New Block Editor, send test emails were not going, fixed. (#2934) * Fixed: Email global styles, social icon image break issue fixed. (#2936) * Fixed: Fetching Contacts API call fixed. Issue was with unsubscribed contacts. (#2938) * Fixed: Pro: New Block Editor: Allowed Google web fonts in email. Dev filter hook to add more. (#2941) * Fixed: Pro: Single Contact: Send SMS call improvement. (#2942) = 3.0.1 (Apr 24, 2024) = * Fixed: PHP 7.4 support added. Test emails, Broadcast & Automation emails, email preview are now working. (#2916) * Fixed: Automation contact activity: Delay tab query corrected. (#2919) * Fixed: Contact Filters: Not applying, fixed. (#2916) = 3.0.0 (Apr 23, 2024) = * Compatible upto WordPress 6.5.2 * Compatible upto WooCommerce 8.8.2 * Added: New Improved UI/ UX for the whole app. * Added: Pro: New Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Email Builder. - Pre-built 40+ emails templates and layouts. - Global styles which can be used in all emails. - 10 WooCommerce blocks for emails. - Saving custom layouts and templates that are reusable. - Conditional Content in New Email Builder * Added: Pro: Automation new step added: Split path step. Allows you to perform A/B testing in automation. * Added: Pro: Add contact to Automation feature is added. * Added: Automation contact activity to manage contacts in automations. One view to see all automation contacts. Failure or Skipped reasons displayed upfront. * Added: Pro: Rest API functionality introduced. Allows to manage contacts, lists, tags and fields. * Added: Comprehensive contact profiles. * Added: Automation merge tag: New tag 'One click Unsubscribe link' added. Can be embed in a email and upon click contact will be auto unsubscribed. (#2902) * Improved: Compatibility added native WooCommerce PayPal plugin for a case where cart price coming 0 on add to cart. (#2903) = 2.8.4 (Apr 5, 2024) = * Compatible upto WordPress 6.5.0 * Compatible upto WooCommerce 8.8.0 * Added: Sometimes automation doesn't trigger in case API is blocked, so the fallback approach was coded. (#2872) * Improved: Automation delete API call code improved. Some validations are added. (#2843) * Improved: CSS and JS assets sometimes don't show changes on cached servers, handling added. (#2853) * Improved: WooCommerce HPOS related improvements. (#2869, #2874) * Improved: WooCommerce checkout: GDPR consent notice improvement in case of multiple languages. (#2864) * Improved: Compatibility with WP Mail SMTP Pro plugin updated. (#2880) * Improved: Cart capturing process performance improved. (#2877, #2885) * Improved: Email body links parsing code is improved. (#2883) * Fixed: Manage preference page, meta noindex tab code is removed. (#2865) * Fixed: React APP, an issue was found with the popover component with WP v5.8.9, fixed. (#2878) * Fixed: PHP 8.2 related notice fix. (#2884) = 2.8.3 (Mar 6, 2024) = * Compatible upto WooCommerce 8.6.0 * Improved: PHP 8.2 compatibility fixes. (#2570, #2826, #2835) * Improved: WooCommerce product search, draft status products were not coming to search for selection, added. (#2789) * Improved: Subscribe page confirmation messages are more dynamic now. (#2794) * Improved: In rare cases, automation ran twice in microseconds, and the code was further improved. (#2803) * Improved: Native schedule event to handle some cases that caused delays in execution. (#2831) * Improved: Tools: Delete logs file code running once a day. (#2829) * Improved: Pro Support: Automation: Contact journey code improvements. (#2813) * Fixed: Automation: Cart abandonment automation code improvement. (#2818) * Fixed: A non-used file was present and had a security issue. Removed. (#2800) = 2.8.2 (Feb 1, 2024) = * Compatible upto WooCommerce 8.5.2 * Fixed: Contact listing sort by feature throwing warning, fixed. (#2770) * Fixed: Automation event: Order created sometimes rerun on order status change. Due to some data modification, fixed. (#2775) = 2.8.1 (Jan 24, 2024) = * Improved: Removed list-unsubscribe from unsubscribe link's query argument. (#2760) * Fixed: Automation merge tag - NextMove merge tag loading error sometimes, fixed. (#2763) = 2.8.0 (Jan 23, 2024) = * Compatible upto WooCommerce 8.5 * Added: One-click unsubscribe feature support is added. Works with Google, Yahoo and Apple emails. (#2669) * Added: Compatibility added with 'WordPress REST API Authentication' plugin by miniOrange. (#2687) * Improved: Analytics > Cart, chart JS code improved. (#2664) * Improved: Automation merge tag - Order layout CSS was coming distorted. Compatibility fix added. (#2659) * Improved: Compatibility with Cleantalk: Anti spam plugin modified. (#2667) * Improved: Automation merge tag 'Order currency' code improved. (#2674) * Improved: JS issue detected for timymce, code improved. (#2692) * Improved: Frontend JS works on the checkout page, code is improved. (#2694) * Improved: Automation action: when there are no settings to display, action step wasn't saving, fixed. (#2673) * Improved: Automation contacts: 'Run now' bulk action code is improved. (#2712) * Improved: Order, Checkout related improvement, speed optimization done. (#2685) * Improved: Automation contact traversing code flow improved. (#2683) * Improved: Contact listing sort by option value is saved for future usage. (#2706) * Improved: Search on various screens, limit related improvement done. (#2738) * Improved: Cart tracking code some improvements. (#2739) * Fixed: PHP 8.2 related fix. (#2651) * Fixed: Issue detected with WC 8.3 version where JS are deferred. Handling added to avoid errors. (#2728) * Fixed: Automation contact journey: Goal step completion time was wrong, fixed. (#2661) = 2.7.2 (Nov 28, 2023) = * Compatible with WooCommerce 8.3.1 * Fixed: Automation merge tag - Cart items tag price display issue with tax scenarios, fixed. (#2641) * Fixed: Cart abandonment tracking code fix. (#2647) = 2.7.1 (Nov 17, 2023) = * Compatible upto WordPress 6.4.1 * Compatible with WooCommerce 8.3.0. * Added: Compatible with WooCommerce Checkout Block. (#2637) = 2.7.0 (Nov 7, 2023) = * Compatible upto WordPress 6.4 * Compatible with WooCommerce HPOS. (#2580, #2591, #2608) * Security: Hardened security for search requests when the admin user role searches. (#2590) * Added: Automation merge tag - Cart Items tag, 2 more options added. Product names with SKU and Price. (#2542) * Added: Passing no-cache headers in API calls to avoid caching. (#2602) * Improved: Automation merge tag - Cart items tag > product rows option showing product links, fixed. (#2568) * Improved: Litespeed - Updating settings to whitelist endpoints from the cache. (#2571) * Improved: Automation - Delay step showing queued contacts but they are completed in rare cases, fixed. (#2553) * Improved: Automation merge tag - Order items respecting inclusive or exclusive VAT setting for type 2 column or 3 column. (#2582) * Improved: Automation merge tag - Cart items, layout corrected. (#2604) * Improved: Automation merge tag - Order billing or shipping address, comma separated option added. (#2612) * Fixed: Checkout GDPR consent display code optimized. (#2574) * Fixed: Cart Analytics query optimized. (#2550) * Fixed: Automation event - Order created per product event setting validation code corrected. Issues with multiple automations. (#2527, #2614, #2627) * Fixed: Automation > Engagement tab sometimes page frozen, corrected. (#2559) * Fixed: Automation Events - Events level settings, some fields marked required. (#2561) * Fixed: Tracking cart when user logged in code optimized. (#2586) = 2.6.1 (Sep 29, 2023) = * Fixed: WooCommerce PayPal Payments v2.3.0 broke FK Automation functioning, fixed. (#2538) * Fixed: Automation manually ended by admin doesn't update the contact automation complete field, fixed. (#2522) = 2.6.0 (Sep 18, 2023) = * Compatible with WordPress 6.3.0 & 6.3.1 * Compatible with WooCommerce 8.0 & 8.1 * Added: WooCommerce HPOS compatibility added. (#2169) * Added: Compatibility added with 'logged in only' plugin. Allow endpoints to work in guest mode. (#2326) * Added: Compatibility added with 'Uni CPO' plugin. Capturing extra product options during cart abandonment. (#2373) * Added: Unsubscribe button is added in the email header. (#2425) * Improved: Table creation code improvement. (#2304) * Improved: WP Mail SMTP compatibility improved. Allowed handling with smart routing. (#2309, #2320) * Improved: FunnelKit Automation admin app JS base slug updated. Now 'autonami-app'. (#2330) * Improved: DOB field input focus conditions added for mobile device. (#2350) * Improved: Allow date format 'd.m.Y' as an option in the date related merge tags. (#2338) * Improved: Automation merge tag: Cart items merge tag UI improved. (#2346) * Improved: Compatibility improved with FunnelKit Checkout in case of custom fields, correct field labels are showing in order data merge tag. (#2365) * Improved: Compatibility with Litespeed plugin improved, disallow caching for query strings and certain endpoints. (#2366) * Improved: Automation merge tag: Order shipping address and Item currency tag now has format selection options. (#2369, #2372) * Improved: UI issues with Safari v16.4 or higher. (#2380) * Improved: 'Fluent SMTP' compatibility fixes, allowing fallback of ESP in case primary one failed. (#2397) * Improved: Cart abandonment tracking performance optimization. (#2400) * Improved: Cart abandonment tracking performance optimization. (#2400) * Improved: Admin: Prevent browser cache in all API calls. (#2421) * Improved: Dashboard UI improved, stats are showing in the lite version. (#2423) * Improved: WooCommerce order failed case, save marketing status even order is failed. (#2426) * Improved: Automation step update API call optimized. (#2437) * Improved: Automation action: Create coupon action, limit usage field added. (#2443) * Improved: Performance optimization, load time reduced. (#2490) * Fixed: Automation: Get active contact count wasn't working for automation id 1, fixed. (#2358) * Fixed: Automation event: Order Created - Per Product event setting requires some fixes. (#2376) * Fixed: Automation event: User id was not set in WC order and subscription related events, fixed. (#2391) * Fixed: Automation merge tag: Order items merge tag not showing the correct price of purchased FK upsell product, fixed. (#2332) * Fixed: Automation merge tag: Order data value showing data in a single line if multiple lines, fixed. (#2363) * Fixed: Automation goal: Product purchased specific product was not working, fixed. (#2459) * Dev: Filter hook 'bwfan_modify_event_data' added to modify event data for automation contact. (#2395, #2402) * Dev: Filter hook 'bwfan_product_review_link' added to modify product review link in order item review rows type. (#2488) = 2.5.1 (May 10, 2023) = * Fixed: PHP error on post delete found with Bricks builder. = 2.5.0 (May 10, 2023) = * Compatible with WordPress 6.2 * PHP 8.0 & 8.1 improvements. * Added: Automation event - New setting 'Run on any product or specific product' is added on 'Order created' and 'Order created - Per product' events. (#2078) * Added: Automation merge tag - 'User password reset link' new merge tag added. (#2122) * Added: Compatibility added with 'Spam protection, AntiSpam, FireWall' plugin by CleanTalk. (#2127) * Added: Compatibility added with 'WP Rocket' plugin. Disallow Automation endpoints from caching. (#2230) * Added: Automation - 'Order number', 'Order sub total', 'Order tax' & 'Order shipping' new merge tags added. (#2197, #2254) * Added: Automation event - New setting 'Note text matches' is added on 'Order note added' event. (#2145) * Added: Contact first name and last name shortcodes are added to display on the manage subscribe page. (#2258) * Added: Deleting FK Automation logs after a month automatically. (#2190) * Added: Automation send email action - Allow merge tags decoding on 'reply to' field. (#2191) * Added: Import automation option is added when there is no automation. (#2180) * Added: (Pro support) Automation merge tag - All contact fields merge tags are added. (#2150) * Added: (Pro support) Automation conditions - New rules 'Cart item tags' & 'Order has coupon' added. (#2076, #2192) * Added: (Pro support) Automation Delay step - New delay option added for order related events. Allows to use the order meta field value for delay. (#2033) * Added: (Pro support) Contacts Import from CSV - New option is added to don't update blank values for existing contacts. (#2032) * Added: (Pro support) RTL support in added in the visual builder. (#2241) * Added: (Pro support) Contacts filter - New operators 'Is blank' & 'Is not blank' are added for Country filter. (#2090) * Improved: Cart abandonment tracking, country code is auto appended to the phone. (#2157) * Improved: Compatibility with 'Handl UTM grabber' plugin improved. UTM's and click tracking data auto added. (#2134) * Improved: Product search API code improved as taking much time for bigger stores. (#2108, #2206) * Improved: Automation merge tags - While decoding if array found on a value, display separated by comma. (#2062) * Improved: Emails - Cart table merge tag style improvements. In case when product title is long. (#2071) * Improved: Removed event validation for event 'Order created' during automation execution at every step. (#2224) * Improved: WooCommerce orders listing screen. Automation contact total spent column is removed as causing slowness. (#2177) * Improved: Manage subscribe page code is improved. (#2176) * Improved: Automation single contact - UI issues when fields value is long. (#2115) * Improved: (Pro support) Connectors screen UI improved. When pro is active and connector addon is not installed, showing a relevant notice. (#2199) * Improved: (Pro support) Marking carts lost code is improved. Slow DB queries found, resolved. (#2163) * Improved: (Pro support) Single broadcast UI improvements. All content displayed and email validity checks and error displayed on the review step. (#2123) * Improved: (Pro support) Automation Jump step - Readable text improved, was showing deleted step name. (#2094) * Improved: (Pro support) Automation - Tag & List readable text no picking the latest name in the event, rules, action etc. Code is improved. (#2085) * Improved: (Pro support) Contacts filters - For number related filters, added 'At least' & 'At most' operators. (#2073) * Improved: (Pro support) Email Visual builder mode - Use the default email footer data. (#2049) * Fixed: Automation merge tag - Cart items 'product rows' template CSS code optimized. (#2166) * Fixed: Scheduling actions code improvement. (#2131, #2187) * Fixed: WooCommerce single order page - Contact status was wrong, fixed. (#2128) * Fixed: Checkout consent box is visible to logged in subscribed users on the checkout page, fixed. (#2111) * Fixed: Automation - Code improvement during updating automation. Email body was saving of all steps in the automation meta where it was not needed. (#2104, #2195) * Fixed: Automation builder UI improvement for Max safari browsers. (#2098) * Fixed: Recoverable carts listing, search code is improved. (#2082) * Fixed: Cart was not redirecting to the correct checkout page in case FunnelKit Checkout form in embedded via shortcode. (#2077) * Fixed: Automation steps - Internal notes UI improvement, scrollbar was coming, fixed. (#2074) * Fixed: (Pro support) Automation conditions - Product custom field, Older order status rule weren't working, fixed. (#2235, #2242) * Fixed: (Pro support) Automation conditions modal - Date selection UI improved. (#2147) * Fixed: (Pro support) Contacts filter - Last order days readable text improved. (#2065) * Dev: Filter hook 'bwfan_exclude_wc_variable_attribute' is added to disallow showing variation name in the cart/ order items 'comma separated' merge tag. (#2221) * Dev: Filter hook 'bwfan_check_default_phone_length' is added to disable the phone number length checking. (#2214) * Dev: Filter hook 'bwfan_cart_restore_link_args' is added to alter the cart restore link, append UTM params etc. (#2155) * Dev: Filter hook 'bwfan_modify_phone_before_checking_country_code' is added to alter the phone number value. (#2140) * Deprecated: FunnelKit Funnel builder - Funnel started automation event is deprecated as not working. (#2186) = 2.4.4 (Dec 13, 2022) = * Improved: Email override settings code improved for test emails. (#2030) * Improved: Cart table UI code improvement. (#2039) * Improved: Scheduling recurring actions code improved. (#2047) * Improved: Table creation code improved. (#2051) * Fixed: Automation: Delay step UI issues, fixed. (#2024) * Fixed: Automation workflow page sometimes crashes intermittently, fixed. (#2038) * Fixed: Merge Tag: The user role tag wasn't working for user created event, fixed. (#2042) * Fixed: Legacy Automation: 1 rule display issue, fixed. (#2053) * Dev: Filter hooks added to override shipping merge tag value. (#2027) * Dev: Filter hook added to alter phone length for countries. (#2035) = 2.4.3 (Nov 25, 2022) = * Fixed: Action was scheduling multiple times, fixed. (#2021) = 2.4.2 (Nov 24, 2022) = * Fixed: A PHP error is coming in admin settings, handling for PHP 7.2 or lower, fixed (#2016) = 2.4.1 (Nov 23, 2022) = * Added: Compatibility added with Breeze cache plugin. (#1977) * Fixed: Automation: 'Ordered product' rule `matches exactly` operator code corrected for variation products. (#1984) * Fixed: Automation: 'Cart items' merge tag, Tax string was not localized, fixed. (#1990) * Fixed: Automation: 'Order created - per product' event, allowing reentering contacts in automation setting wasn't working, fixed. (#1996) * Fixed: Some UI issues were corrected. (#1998) * Fixed: An issue found with the 'WP Health' plugin by WP Umbrella, some additional handling to support the plugin. (#2009) = 2.4.0 (Nov 10, 2022) = * Compatible with WordPress 6.1 * PHP 8.1 improvements. (#1920) * Added: Automation: Order custom field rule, advanced operators like 'is empty', 'starts with' etc are added. (#1934) * Added: Automation: Order refunded event - Refund amount merge tag added. (#1952) * Improved: Automation: Cart abandonment event: every time validating cart first before executing automation on a contact. (#1929) * Improved: Contact export link wasn't working on a specific site, code handling is done. (#1922) * Improved: Automation: Order created - Per product event: Product rule code improved. (#1936) * Improved: On WordPress user delete, updating CRM contact user id. (#1938) * Improved: Automation: Order data merge tag now has date type selection through which values can be modified. (#1956) * Improved: Compatibility updated with the Permatters plugin. (#1931) * Improved: UI improvements. (#1944, #1962, #1969) * Fixed: Automation: Date related any merge tag output value in GMT, fixed. (#1946) * Fixed: Manage subscription page on some sites showing jQuery error, fixed. (#1948) * Fixed: Automation: Cart recovered event - Deleting schedule tasks only if v1 legacy automations active. (#1963) = 2.3.0 (Oct 18, 2022) = * New: Re-branding related changes from WooFunnels to FunnelKit and Autonami to FunnelKit Automations. (#1879) * Added: Compatibility added with the 'MailPoet' plugin. Not executing Autonami processes, fixed. (#1874) * Improved: Automation: Contact is not entering again if failed ever in the automation. (#1885) * Improved: Automation Merge Tags: Order Total & Cart Total merge tag now has 3 options, display raw output, formatted output & currency formatted output. (#1867, #1893) * Fixed: Automation v1 related tables handling when older automations are not active. (#1876, #1883) * Fixed: Automation is not triggering immediately in case of new contacts, fixed. (#1888) * Fixed: Automation: Ordered Products Categories rule sometimes fails in case of variable nature or a group nature. (#1890) = 2.2.0 (Sep 23, 2022) = * Compatible up to WordPress 6.0.2 * Compatible with PHP 8.0 * Added: Pro feature: Sorting and Columns selection on the contact's listing page. (#1586) * Added: 'creation date' column is added on all the listing pages. (#1702) * Added: Pro feature: Auto unsubscribe for Twilio, webhook setting is added in settings. (#1716) * Added: Compatibility added with the 'Woocommerce Pre Order' plugin. 'Pre order' status is marked as paid status. (#1749) * Added: 'Order received URL' merge tag added. (#1753) * Added: WooFunnels Optin form submission event is added. (#1802) * Added: Automation: Actions and Goals are now showing the subtext available respectively. Like, Add a tag is showing the tags. Email showing the subject. Coupon showing the coupon name etc. (#1819) * Added: Legacy v1 Automation: Added option to save as a template for 'Send email' action. (#1831) * Improved: Cart tracking is now tracking the language. Now, emails can be sent based on the language. (#1825) * Improved: Abandoned cart tag auto removal after a cart is recovered. Code improvements. (#1828) * Improved: Pro feature: Automation jump step: Showing the step name now instead of the step id. (#1704) * Improved: Pro feature: Unschedule a broadcast, quick action added. (#1720) * Improved: Various admin UI improvements. (#1733, #1734, #1780, #1806) * Improved: Cart-related merge tags picking the contact saved value rather than cart input values. (#1763) * Improved: Contact-related merge tags, code improved for fetching the order object if available and output the data. (#1771) * Improved: Automation contact execution logic improved. Some cases were found where contact was stuck. Overall improved. (#1775, #1786, #1793, #1822) * Improved: Autonami generated coupons auto deletion logic improved. (#1789) * Improved: Pro feature: Automation > Contacts. Bulk actions code improved. (#1791) * Fixed: Pro feature: Broadcast schedule time was not coming in the store format on the listing and on the single screen, fixed. (#1703) * Fixed: Cart and Form listing screens showing date time in GMT format, not in the store time, fixed. (#1714) * Fixed: Pro feature: Automation 'Send SMS' action was not showing the step analytics, fixed. (#1718) * Fixed: Shortcodes are not executable in automation emails. Fixed. (#1724) * Fixed: Pro feature: Automation delay step: Multiple code improvements. Days logic improved. Allow 0 value saving. (#1764, #1773, #1833) * Fixed: Automation: Active contacts count was incorrect on the listing page. Not showing the 'Retry and Wait' status count. (#1782) * Fixed: WooCommerce dependency exists when the plugin execution is blocked on certain pages, maintained by 3rd party plugin. (#1801) * Fixed: Checkbox layout issue found in Autonami admin on WordPress v5.6.9. Fixed. (#1813) * Fixed: Emojis when used in the emails, comes full screen in the admin, fixed. (#1814) * Fixed: Pro feature: Automation Import: Jump step: step selection wasn't importing, fixed. (#1820) * Dev: Pro feature: Filter hook to enable 'double optin' when a contact opts in for marketing from the checkout page. (#1729) * Dev: Filter & Action hooks added to alter the 'Manage Preference' page form. Some code improvements as well. (#1730, #1809) = 2.1.3 (Jul 19, 2022) = * Improved: Autonami Pro support: Broadcast name is editable after completion. (#1689) * Fixed: Single automation: scroll issue on sub-pages, fixed. (#1695) * Fixed: Autonami Pro support: Send test SMS is not decoding the merge tags, fixed. (#1687) * Fixed: Autonami Pro support: Contact subscribe link merge tag wasn't decoding, fixed. (#1697) = 2.1.2 (Jul 15, 2022) = * Critical: A deprecated code related to V1 of automation created a security issue, the code was identified and removed. Props to the WPScan team. (#1667) * Added: Carts: New column 'created on' added. (#1637) * Improved: Next-gen automation is running immediately after the event is triggered. (#1656) * Improved: Email setup suggestions: Now checking WP Mail SMTP Pro plugin as well. And an option to permanently hide the menu. (#1644, #1652) * Improved: Admin all listing pages, code improved with searching. (#1632) * Fixed: Automation: 'Ordered product' rule with variations was not working. Fixed. (#1682) * Fixed: 'From Name' & 'From Email' overriding feature wasn't working for test emails, fixed. (#1670) * Fixed: Automation 'Send test' email has Autonami pro dependency, fixed. (#1672) * Fixed: Carts: Recovered orders, view automation was coming blank, fixed. (#1663) * Fixed: Automation: Recovery link merge tag with coupon code was not working when the email is created with drag and drop builder, fixed. (#1650) = 2.1.1 (Jul 05, 2022) = * Improved: Allowed a flow to migrate older automation to a new next-gen automation builder. (#1612) * Improved: Automation import error handling done for different versions. (#1614) * Fixed: Status filter text was not readable in the preview step, fixed. (#1608) * Fixed: Connector connection code optimized. (#1617) = 2.1.0 (Jun 27, 2022) = * New: Next-Gen a new automation engine launched https://funnelkit.com/autonami-next-generation-automation-builder/ * New: Create automation easily from built-in 32 recipes. * New: Canvas builder to create/ view automations easily. * New: 6 Step types: Action, Delay, Condition, Goal, Jump & Exit. * New: Delay step - Delay for a specific time (for example: minutes, hrs, days etc). - Delay with a specific date time, execute in user timezone. (Pro) - Delay with respect to a contact field value. (Pro) * New: Condition step (Pro) Infinite Conditional branching, can add recursive conditional steps like conditions inside conditions. * New: Goals step (Pro) Goals are milestones when they hit, contact has skipped all the steps and move to the Goal step. Autonami has 8 powerful Goals events. * New: Jump step (Pro) Can jump contact to any particular step in the automation, gives freedom to make complex automation. * New: Exit step (Pro) Can End the current automation at any particular step for a contact. * New: Allow changing of trigger event on a single automation page. * New: Add notes on steps to enrich workflows. * New: Full screen mode to remove distractions while creating automation. * New: Contact journey: View contact visually in the automation. (Pro) * New: In-line analytics for Email and SMS action steps. (Pro) * New: Bulk Actions a new feature introduced. Now filter contacts and perform from 9 available actions in bulk on contacts. (Pro) * Improved: Tons of performance improvements. * Fixed: Order items - Comma separated layout showing a complete variation name (fix/1583) = 2.0.12 (May 26, 2022) = * Compatible with WordPress 6.0.0 * Improved: Code optimized for 'manage lists subscription' page. JS error fixed. (#1533, #1539) * Improved: Passing UTM arguments on cart restoration. (#1548) * Improved: WooCommerce checkout page, set cookie for cart abandonment tracking when required. (#1561) * Improved: Send email Action: Restrict bounced contacts for sending emails. (#1564) = 2.0.11 (Apr 23, 2022) = * Critical: On some servers, WordFence flag the save email body request, fixed. (#1514, #1522) * Added: Displaying Pro plugin update notice if dependency is found with the current version. (#1520) * Improved: Unsubscribe page, JS dependency found on some server, fixed. (#1518) * Fixed: Order items or cart items table layout, product name was coming in a single row and breaking the look in case of a longer name. (#1528) = 2.0.10 (Apr 15, 2022) = * Improved: Contact merge tags PHP code improved. (#1508) * Fixed: Manage subscribe page, notice handling. (#1506) = 2.0.9 (Apr 10, 2022) = * This release lays out foundation for upcoming Autonami Next Generation Automation Builder. * Added: New merge tag 'Order item sku' added. (#1376) * Improved: Unsubscribe URL containing contact email and name causing some issues with Facebook, fixed. (#1278, #1381, #1444) * Improved: Change is_ajax() to wp_doing_ajax as deprecated with WooCommerce 6.1 version. (#1282) * Improved: Recoverable and Lost cart, currency handling in case currency switcher plugin exists. (#1294, #1254) * Improved: Added handling with Jupitor core theme and donut plugin, JS error was coming on automation edit page. (#1258) * Fixed: WooCommerce: Is first order & order item rule requires some handling, done. (#1495, #1450) * Fixed: Test email, cart table html was breaking on mobile, fixed. (#1276) * Fixed: Email: Pre header improvement, currency symbol not displaying. (#1304) * Fixed: Product object handling in cart item rule. (#1353) * Fixed: Marketing optin checkbox on the checkout page throwing PHP error on a condition, fixed. (#1440) = 2.0.8 (Nov 02, 2021) = * Added: Deep integration added with Wishlist Member plugin. Autonami Pro support. (#943) * Added: Event: Cart Abandonment: Is Global Checkout rule added. (#1101) * Added: Action Scheduler v3.3.0 library code updated. (#1144) * Improved: Action: Send Email: Font related options added in WYSIWYG editor. (#1107) * Improved: Cart Abandonment Tracking: Tracking shipping phone field now. (#1130) * Improved: License key display related improvement. (#1126) * Fixed: PHP error on editing the manage subscription page inside admin. (#1111) * Fixed: Multi-Currency: Wrong currency was showing in the dashboard 'recent abandoned' widget, fixed. (#1123) = 2.0.7 (Oct 06, 2021) = * Added: Automation Merge Tag: Order items, new template names with quantity added. (#1058) * Added: Compatibility added with 'Product enquiry for WooCommerce' plugin. Breaking the JS on the automation page. (#1063) * Added: Automation: Order related events: Billing and Shipping all merge tags added. (#984, #1027) * Added: Compatibility added with the 'WP OAuth Server' plugin. Breaking the endpoints. (#966) * Added: Compatibility added with the `WC Product Bundle` plugin by WooCommerce. Setting to hide items from the emails now supporting. (#958) * Improved: WPML: Language compatibility with cart items and order items merge tag. Compatibility improved. (#948) * Improved: Some improvements in tables to speed up the performance. (#1047, #1050) * Improved: Automation Merge Tag: Contact phone and email code improvements. (#1054) * Improved: Automation: Actions without any delay sometimes log twice, fixed. (#1024) * Improved: Merge tag: 'contact creation date' now supports date format and modify parameters. (#1001) * Improved: Subscribe manage list page improvements. Added List visibility setting. (#988) * Improved: Email 'from name' and 'from email' wasn't populating when WP SMTP and other plugins were used, done improvement, now working. (#960) * Improved: Displaying placeholder image in emails for a product if not found. (#963) * Fixed: Order created automation wasn't running when the order was created manually from the admin, fixed. (#949) * Fixed: Cart admin API's improvements, handled some failure cases. (#952) * Fixed: Automation: {{order_date}} merge tag, modify option wasn't working, fixed. (#954) * Fixed: Automation: Actions with delays till specific date or time are working now. (#972) * Fixed: Added handling for deleted order records on Autonami engagement, orders or respective screens. (#976, #1021) * Fixed: Automation Rule: 'Contact user role' and 'Cart coupon code' was not working for some automations, fixed. (#978, #1019) * Fixed: Automation: Cart abandonment cool off period setting was only considering paid order statuses only, now fixed. (#982) * Fixed: Automation edit screen, template modal not opening when there are no templates, fixed. (#1007) * Fixed: Some merge tags were coming twice, fixed. (#1015) * Fixed: Automation: Rules view not coming when no rules are added, fixed. (#1029) * Fixed: License module issue occurred in a case where the site is cloned. (#1037) * Fixed: Automation Merge Tag: Cart items total not including the tax amount, fixed. (#1065) * Dev: Automation: Send email action, auto-checked mark as promotional email. (snippet https://gist.github.com/amans2k/4d12a2eb8072fec0d1cdcdd217e9266c) (#1046) * Dev: Added filter hook 'bwfan_wc_related_products_limit' to modify the limit of order related merge tag. (#1023) = 2.0.6 (Aug 23, 2021) = * Added: Merge tags: Order shipping first name and last name added. (#915) * Added: Merge tags: Allow support for prefix and suffix attributes in merge tags in case value is present. Ex: {{contact_first_name prefix="Hi " suffix=","}} (#921) * Improved: Emails order and cart table merge tags style improvements. (#918) * Fixed: Updating profile from the WooCommerce account area was breaking, fixed. (#926) * Dev: Filter hook to enable WC email format for automations 'bwfan_enable_wc_email_template'. (#934) = 2.0.5 (Aug 18, 2021) = * Compatible with WordPress 5.8 * Compatible up to WooCommerce 5.6 * Added: Allowing Autonami Contact all rules in all the events. (#817) * Added: Compatibility added with Handl UTM grabber plugin by Haktan suren and UTM lead tracker plugin by XLPlugins. When a cart is captured and restored, UTM arguments are restored as well. (#721) * Improved: Automations listing: Added options to change the status of automation via quick links. (#821) * Improved: Executing tasks directly if they are ready to execute now. (#845) * Improved: Some UI improvements in the react panel related to CSS. (#867, #871, #879, #891) * Fixed: Email merges tags - Order items, Product rows and Review rows, some UI improvements. (#834) * Fixed: Cart abandonment: Restoring cart with the coupon was breaking, when having a merge tag in the coupon, fixed. (#837) * Fixed: Email: from name and email details override at email level were not working, fixed. (#904) = 2.0.4 (Jul 06, 2021) = * Fixed: Email HTML body, sometimes [if mso] like tags failing, fixed. (#814) * Fixed: Pro support: Allows 'enter' key during note addition on the single contact. (#806) * Fixed: Pro support: Contacts import, remove file checking on the JS end. (#810) = 2.0.3 (Jul 05, 2021) = * Added: Pro support: Templates cloning feature added. (#788) * Improved: Cart item: Doesn't contain rule option added. (#770) * Improved: Cart table dynamic merge tag CSS improved for Drag and drop template type. (#775) * Improved: Some admin UI improvements. (#781) * Fixed: Pro support: Contact audiences: unable to fetch contacts from a purchased products. (#778) * Fixed: Pro support: Checkout consent: auto-checked in case EU or non EU, issue fixed. (#785) * Fixed: Pro support: Create audience error in case audience already exists, fixed. (#786) * Fixed: Pro support: Engagements in filters, dependency with WooCommerce removed. (#792) = 2.0.2 (Jun 23, 2021) = * Added: Compatibility added with Dokan type plugin. Disallow Order created and status change event automation to run if the order is a child order. (#763) * Improved: Tag selection UI in filters for products, tags or lists. Found issues with multiple selections, code improved. (#745) * Improved: Basic UI improvements for RTL user. (#740) * Improved: Dynamic merge tags CSS improved when an email is sent through Raw HTML or Drag and Drop method. (#736) * Fixed: Autonami Pro updates were impacting in a case where the Autonami Pro version is older than 2.0. (fix/749) * Fixed: Contact unsubscribe table wasn't created at some servers, fixed. (#744) * Fixed: Fetching Tags and Lists order by name now, fixed. (#763) = 2.0.1 (Jun 11, 2021) = * Fixed: Connectors calls were failing, due to a file inclusion error. Fixed (fix/728) = 2.0.0 (Jun 10, 2021) = * Making Lite version ready for these Pro features: - > Rich contact profiles - > Advanced import and export of contacts - > Deep Integration with WooCommerce - > Advanced segmenting to send targeted messages - > Broadcast campaigns with A/B testing and smart sending - > SMS Broadcasts via Twilio/ Bulkgate - > Smart Automations - > Drag and Drop email builder - > Smart Analytics that uncover Email tracking, Engagement Metrics, ROI Analysis per campaign - > Capture leads from your favourite form builder - > Create WorkFlows and let different plugins interact with each other - > Connect with your favourite services like Twilio, Slack and other services * Compatible with PHP 8.0 * Compatible with WordPress 5.7.2 and WooCommerce 5.4 = 1.3.1 (Jan 14, 2021) = * Fixed: PHP Error during emails when WooCommerce template used since WooCommerce v4.9. = 1.3.0 (Jan 06, 2021) = * Compatible with WordPress 5.6 * Compatible up to WooCommerce 4.9 * Added: Cooling-off period introduced in cart tracking. Excluding customers, if the order was placed xx days ago. (#373) * Added: Billing company merge tag added for order-related events. (#586) * Added: Displaying downloadable files in 'order items' merge tag 'order table' template. (#598) * Improved: Order status change event: Pending state from To state is removed as causing confusion. (#564) * Improved: Marketing status flow improved. (#561) * Improved: Abandoned cart modal view now showing shipping details as well. (#605) * Improved: Merge tags are now searchable with name as well. (#541) * Fixed: UI issues on single automation builder page and warnings resolved with latest jQuery version. (#589 & #590) * Fixed: Compatibility improved with AeroCheckout plugin. (#574) * Fixed: WooCommerce dependency removed. (#559) * Fixed: Order related events: Order items 'product rows' merge tag, images were big by default, now optimized. (#546) * Fixed: Task: Execution delay on fixed time option has conflicts related to the timezone, fixed. (#522) * Dev: Leave filter hook on capturing of cart data for checkout custom fields or cookies etc. (#548) = 1.2.2 (Sep 07, 2020) = * Compatible with WordPress 5.5 * Compatible with WooCommerce 4.4 & 4.5 * Improved: Order create events now supports order created through a REST call. (#537) * Improved: Customer Phone merge tag return phone with country code whenever event supports country code. (#498) * Fixed: All cart items purchased rule wasn't working in case contact haven't created. (#504) * Fixed: Automation duplication not generating the unique key for the automation, fixed. (#506) * Fixed: Optimized the loading of frontend JS on required pages only. (#513) * Fixed: Preventing HTML break in case of Raw HTML template option in Send email action. (#511, #521) = 1.2.1 (Jul 29, 2020) = * Improved: Billing & Shipping Address now has a formatted address and respective display merge tags. (#492) * Fixed: A case where the PHP warning occurred during tasks creation, handled. (#494) * Fixed: Create coupon action in 'Cart abandonment' event showing default new coupon value, fixed. (#496) * Fixed: Making unsubscribe page default un-crawlable. (#501) = 1.2.0 (Jul 23, 2020) = * Added: Marketing optin field display below which checkout field options added. (#427) * Added: Customer custom field merge tag added. (#454) * Added: Allows duplication of Automation. (#473) * Added: Compatibility added with CartHopper plugin, issue during restoration of cart. (#484) * Improved: Cart table summary: Coupon wasn't displaying in the email, appearing now. (#421) * Improved: Cart listing table: Searching improved to search like email strings. Earlier it was exact string search. (#424) * Improved: Cart listing table: CSS improved. (#423) * Improved: RTL users, email preview and email layout view corrected. (#446) * Improved: Send email action: error response handling done. (#448) * Fixed: Compatibility fixed for AeroCheckout lower v2.0 versions. (#429) * Fixed: Tasks are not executing, issue with WP SMTP plugin, fixed. (#458) * Fixed: Unsubscribe button shortcode some handling done. (#477) = 1.1.1 (May 08, 2020) = * Fixed: Frontend JS causing a conflict with visual composer, fixed. (#417) = 1.1.0 (May 07, 2020) = * Added: Contact Form 7 integration added. Allowing actions to execute when form submits. (#328) * Added: Raw HTML template type added in 'Send email' action that supports using completely custom HTML CSS (usual created using any external email auto-responder). (#408) * Added: Allowed email pattern checking for exclusion for cart abandonment tracking. Now exclude spam emails or suspicious domains from being tracked. (#374) * Added: New merge tag {{item_sku}} added for 'order created - per item' event. (#349) * Added: New merge tag {{customer_username}} added. (#385) * Improved: {{order_items}} merge tag, review template type. Review button text is changeable. (#381) * Improved: Various Cart abandonment UI/ UX improvements. Ability to re-run any failed tasks. (#355) * Improved: Customer phone is passed in events wherever it is possible to support 'send SMS' action. (#384) * Fixed: Sometimes tasks got stuck for execution, fixed now. (#352) * Fixed: Handling in product based rules for a case when product is deleted from the system. (#359) * Fixed: A rare scenario where add media button wasn't working on 'Send email' action, handling done. (#401) * Fixed: A handling in cart abandonment event for WC cart session. (#412) = 1.0.7 (Mar 13, 2020) = * Critical Fix: Autonami tasks execution worker causing PHP error from v1.0.6, fixed. = 1.0.6 (Mar 12, 2020) = * Compatible with WooCommerce 4.0 * Added: Autonami works without WooCommerce. (#244) * Added: A notice is added to notify admin when Autonami Sandbox Mode is active. (#271) * Added: An option to re-run the abandonment automations on abandoned cart entry. (#275) * Added: Compatibility with Autonami Pro plugin to support 'Thrive leads' form submission event. (#276) * Improved: Autonami: Automation's admin, Single automation, Cart Abandonment reports pages UI improved. (#275) * Improved: 'Send email' action, more accurate error messages on sending email failures. (#290) * Improved: {{order_currency}} merge tag displaying currency value in uppercase. (#292) * Improved: 'Product rows (With review button)' email template: Now following WooCommerce store color settings for buttons. (#305) * Improved: Recovering abandoned cart via the recovered link, now restoring cart without merging existing cart. (#318) * Improved: Compatibility issues with a couple of firewall plugins on certain Autonami admin actions improved the code for the compatibility. (#333) * Fixed: 'Create coupon' action, selected coupon title now changed if the actual coupon name is renamed. (#285) * Fixed: Autonami database tables creation issue found on some WP stores with specific hosting, fixed. (#297) * Fixed: Abandonment entry not inserted on add to cart for logged in users, fixed. (#306) * Fixed: Abandonment entry quick view modal broke due to special characters, fixed. (#312) = 1.0.5 (Jan 19, 2020) = * Added: Displaying user phone as a column in Recoverable and Lost cart table. * Added: 'Unsubscribers' tab is added to list unsubscribers and manage them. * Improved: Recoverable and Lost carts are now sorted with modified date. * Fixed: Set cookie method throwing 'headers already sent' PHP error on some servers for cron calls only, fixed. = (Jan 08, 2020) = * Fixed: Version mismatch caused PHP error, fixed now. = 1.0.4 (Jan 08, 2020) = * Improved: Cart and Order currency merge tag value capitalized. * Improved: Coupon merge tag value capitalized. * Fixed: One database call is firing twice, output is cached now to avoid duplicate calls. = 1.0.3 (Jan 07, 2020) = * Added: 'Delete' action link added under completed 'Batch Processes'. * Added: 'End Automation' option added to 'Order Created' event. If checked, Already scheduled tasks of this automation are available. Then they get deleted when a new order gets placed. * Improved: Implemented proper escaping and sanitizing in Template's HTML content. * Improved: Removed default Coupon Code which doesn't exist from Automation Recipe and Improved Recipe content. * Improved: Expired coupons get deleted, only if their usage is none. * Improved: 'Is a Guest', 'First Order' Rules UI texts improved. * Improved: 'Cart Contains Coupon' Rule's UI text improved. * Improved: 'Cart Contains Coupon' Rule renamed to 'Cart Contains Any Coupon'. * Fixed: No tasks are getting created even after it marked as "In Progress", fixed. * Fixed: No tasks are scheduled for automations containing 'Cart Abandoned' event, in the presence of a network firewall, fixed. * Fixed: Showing correct Event data in Task Log table on 'Task History' page. * Fixed: Showing products of correct 'Product Types' when selecting a product in any product related Rule (eg, Showing subscription products during Subscription-based Rule. * Fixed: Added descriptions for Send Email and Create Coupon actions. UI text improved. * Fixed: Fixed image alignment in Email CSS styles of 'Send Email' action's email body. * Fixed: In 'Send Email' action, if 'Promotional Email' not checked, then 'Unsubscribe Link' merge tag show blank space, fixed. * Fixed: Set email's correct Content-Type, in case third party email hosting provider is changing Content-Type. = 1.0.2 (Dec 06, 2019) = * Fixed: Removing Abandoned cart tracked data and scheduled tasks after order placed. = 1.0.1 (Dec 05, 2019) = * Added: New email settings added (From name, From email, Reply-to email). Can be viewed under Settings > Advanced > Email. * Added: Email styling added for emails sent by Autonami. Optimized typography for best view. * Improved: Multiple UX improvements. Action & Event descriptions etc. * Fixed: Product rows style for cart abandonment event, fetching actual product total rather item total, fixed. * Fixed: Cart abandonment URL in case of WPML, getting correct checkout ID. * Fixed: Cart recovery abandonment running on all completed orders rather order which are traced as abandoned orders, fixed. = 1.0.0 (Nov 28, 2019) = * Public Release