=== PowerPack for LearnDash === Contributors: honorswp, easilyamused, christophherr, Jack Kitterhing Tags: learndash, education, elearning, lms, learning Requires at least: 5.9 Tested up to: 6.5 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 1.3.2 License: GNU General Public License v3.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Powerpack for LearnDash offers 42 modules you can activate in a click to power up your LearnDash LMS website. What’s included with PowerPack for LearnDash? == Description == **PowerPack for LearnDash** plugin allows you to control various aspects of your LearnDash site without code! Powering up your LearnDash website. Included are 42 modules which are: * Custom content to the single course template output. * All access to previously completed course * Unlimited quiz attempts * Auto complete course lessons and topics * Bypass WooCommerce background enrolment so save cron hassle! * Certificate shortcode link to open in a new window * Focus mode reply title in comments * Change the text of the Stripe/credit card purchase button text * Change the price type for all courses * Change the price type for only open courses * Welcome message in focus mode change to using the first name rather than the * Changing the “complete” button border radius property * Set course grid custom button text * Change LearnDash course points to 2 decimal places * Disable Course Progression * Disable the Gutenberg/WordPress block editor for all of the LearnDash custom * Disable video auto-start on mobile devices * Display a custom message when the ld_course_list shortcode returns no result * Display course content below prerequisite message * Allow comments on quiz post type * Enable course steps in the WordPress menu * Expand all the lesson sections in Focus Mode * Disable comments on LearnDash assignments * Force HTML formatting on Quiz emails * Force page reload when Restart Quiz button is clicked * Comment options for assignments and essays * Hide course points from the user profile * Hide the open access setting from the course access settings * Change the outgoing email address of ProPanel emails * Stop using the_content filter to display LearnDash content * Quiz continue button * Redirect the student to a lesson or quiz when they complete the last lesson * Remove all elements from the WordPress profile * Remove price section from LearnDash course info bar * Restrict access to certificates * Only allow logged in users to access LearnDash sample lessons * Change sample lesson label * Show course progression next step link for all users * Show progression next step link for admin users * Show user course complete option for admin and group leaders * Change the take this course button label for closed courses * Unenroll the user from all common groups when the course access is expired. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this plugin work without LearnDash? = No, this plugin has been built specifically for LearnDash and requires LearnDash to function. = Why don't some of the modules have settings? = Not all of the modules require settings, many are "set and forget" which makes the plugin easy to use for users of all skill levels. = Do you handle LearnDash custom development? = We do! Reach out to us at [Immerseus to help you!](https://immerseus.com/custom-learndash-development/) = Have feedback or a feature request? = * We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins! Just drop us an email with your suggestion. == Installation == 1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress. 3. Start by visiting plugin settings at "LearnDash PowerPack". == Screenshots == 1. 42 Modules all ready to use with the slide of a toggle. 2. Easy to use module settings 3. Admin side view == Changelog == = 1.3.0 = * Fixed Restrict Access to Certificates setting * Fixed details link missing from user profile page * Fixed Certificate Shortcode Link To Open In New Window disables certificate button in Block and Shortcode. * Added Delete Settings button to input fields * Added improved error messaging if a settings was not saved * Deprecated functions and filters without adequate prefixes. They will be removed with the next update. * Improved coding standards and tightened security * Removed deprecated "Lesson Drip-Feed logic for Admin users" * Removed deprecated "Disable use of Transients for all of selective data" * Removed deprecated "Include admin users option" * Removed deprecated "Matrix Sorting Question" * Removed deprecated "Disbaled auto enrolled for admin users in all Courses" * Removed deprecated "Remove Video Progression Cookie on Lesson Completion" * Removed deprecated "Remove Video Progression Cookie on Topic Completion" = 1.3.1 = * Fixed fatal error = 1.3.2 = * Fixed PHP warnings == Upgrade Notice == = 1.3.2 = * Fixed PHP warnings = 1.3.1 = * Fixed fatal error