********************* *** Version 3.1 *** ********************* Improvements: - Improved translatability of the plugin - Improvements in Flip styles - Improvements in Shade styles - Improvements in how Default Radio/Checkboxes are handled - Fixes in Material Theme: Remove unnecessary border from error fields - Fixes in customization of validation messages - Improved Reinforced styles for Validation messages - Improved the way image alt is saved - Improved Edit Forms (in Gravity Flow) - Minify Customized CSS before saving it to reduce page and data size - Unify button styles for Classy Glassy - Fixed: Center align on footer wasn't working after a GF update - Fixed: Button hover styles were being out prioritized after a GF update - Fixed an issue where button hover styles didn't work for some themes - Fixed: Button center not working in some scenarios - Fixed: Validation colors customization wasn't working in some scenarios - Remove duplicate icons in Theme Settings ********************* ** Version 3.0.3 ** ********************* Improvements: - Added general button element styling, so all buttons on the form have a unified look ********************* ** Version 3.0.2 ** ********************* Improvements: - Fixed an issue where settings would not properly save after updating to Gravity Forms 2.5.15 - Fixed CSS issues with consent field Styles - Fixed CSS issues with CC icons in Legacy Mode - Fixed an issue where some theme customizations did not work in Product Add-On forms ********************* *** Version 3.0 *** ********************* New Features: - Live Style Editor for Styles Pro Themes - Create Theme Variations - Import/Export theme styles - Updated Theme Customization UI - New Styles: Move animated radio/checkbox icon towards the end (on the right, on RTL) - Google Fonts now supported with weight variations. Selected variations are automatically enqueued - Switch to the selected theme in Customizer when coming from Form Settings - Allow overriding of Themes using the /gf_stylespro folder inside your active theme/child theme - Allow adding custom themes to /gf_stylespro folder inside your theme/child-theme Other Fixes: - Overhauled Draw styles - Fixed an issue where icon previews were not working for newly added icons in the Form Editor - Several style improvements in form editor - Remove minor warnings for rare exceptions - Fixes in Ethereal Material, Kiwi Themes - Other minor improvements - Does not embed iconsets on form editor unless Styles Pro is activated for that form - Use validation background color for validation popup - Improved Black and White image effect - Fixed an issue where Previous button was not being properly styled by the Customizer - Fixed CSS issues with Radio/Checkbox Frame Styles used with Pricing - Updated Google Fonts list - Improvements in Float Labels script and styles - Fix: Custom validation message was not validating when HTML was added - Fix: Legacy datepicker styles were being loaded on new markup forms - Fix: Legacy 'Other' radio option not working - Fix: Legacy - Whitespaces taking extra spaces between LI columns - Several improvements under the hood ********************* ** Version ** ********************* - Legacy styles: Fixed Consent field's styling for some style combinations ********************* *** Version 2.7.4 *** ********************* - Fixed Consent field's styling for some style combinations - Legacy: CSS fixes for file upload validation message - Legacy: Fixed Inherit theme's default margin bottom - Legacy: Fixed button text alignment - Fixed some CSS issues with Classy Glassy theme - Legacy: Improved Frame styles for non-ornamented choices - Fixed an issue where Background setting didn't clear the Background image as expected ********************* *** Version 2.7.3 *** ********************* - New feature: Placeholder color - Imroved UI in Form Editor - Fixed an issue where field sizes were inconsistent in the Firefox browser - Fixed a sizing issue with 'full' width fields with icons - Kiwi: Fixed an issue where field padding was not consistent - Added versioning to some scripts - Improvements in Frame styles - Fixed color and spacing issues with non-ornament choices when mixed with ornamented choices - Fixed 'Other' Radio option styling with fields with ornaments - Improvements in Shade styles - Fixed an issue where buttons would inherit styles from fields when no styling for buttons was added ********************* *** Version 2.7.2 *** ********************* - Fixed some bugs with theme styling options - Fixed some styling issues with Kiwi and Classy Glassy themes - Added icon style settings to Password fields ********************* *** Version 2.7.1 *** ********************* - Avoid Fatal Error when used with older versions of Gravity Forms in some cases - Fixed an issue with Background image option in Theme Customization Options ********************* *** Version 2.7 *** ********************* - Complete compatibility for GF 2.5 - Several new features in Theme Customization options - Refactored CSS for new GF 2.5 markup and base CSS - Added new customization focused Modernized CSS - Map old settings to new settings for upgrades - Improvements in Frame styles - Overhauled Theme Customization options - Overhauled Styles Pro Settings for forms - Overhauled Footer Styles - Removed Layout options in favor of the new Drag and Drop builder in GF 2.5 (still available for Legacy forms) - Removed other styling options, like Hide Label etc., which are now redundant with GF 2.5 (still available for Legacy forms) - Added support for Legacy markup (Uses mostly legacy CSS) - Upgraded themes' CSS to support new customizations - Several CSS and JS improvements throughout the plugin - Update Plugin Page styles ********************* ** Version ** ********************* Improvements: - Added 'height' attr to merge tags as fallback in email clients that override style attr ********************* *** Version 2.6.4 *** ********************* 17-09-20 Improvements: - Fixed 'Draw' style issues for Safari and IE - Fixed an issue where Style Selector for 'Product: User defined price' did not show Field icon fold - Fixed an issue where in some themes changing Radio or Checkbox option scrolls the page to the top - Ethereal Material theme: Added support for complex labels above the field - Improved styling for 'other' field in Radio Buttons ********************* *** Version 2.6.3 *** ********************* 05-08-20 Improvements: - Fixed JS issues with inherit theme, when used on very simple forms ********************* ** Version ** ********************* Improvements: - Added 'height' attr to merge tags as fallback in email clients that override style attr ********************* *** Version 2.6.4 *** ********************* 21-10-20 Improvements: - Fixed 'Draw' style issues for Safari and IE - Fixed an issue where Style Selector for 'Product: User defined price' did not show Field icon fold - Fixed an issue where in some themes changing Radio or Checkbox option scrolls the page to the top - Ethereal Material theme: Added support for complex labels above the field - Improved styling for 'other' field in Radio Buttons ********************* *** Version 2.6.3 *** ********************* 05-08-20 Improvements: - Fixed JS issues with inherit theme, when used on very simple forms ********************* *** Version 2.6.2 *** ********************* 09-07-20 Improvements: - Fixed an issue where 'Full Width' field size was not working (Gravity Forms update required; min V2.4.18.13) - 'Other' field in Radio buttons would fall to the next line in some styles ********************* *** Version 2.6.1 *** ********************* 06-07-20 Improvements: - Some servers not showing Image Effect and Style Effect icons in Style Selector ********************* *** Version 2.6 *** ********************* 29-06-20 New Features: - Advanced Radio/checkbox styles color option - Main button (next/submit) styling options - 11 new Frame Styles - Stackable effects - Image effects - Black and white - Fade - Blur - Style effects - Ripple - Drop shadow - Hover border - Remove padding - Null border - Remove border - Thick border - Stick overlay text to the edge - Square tick box - 8 New Footer Styling options - Left Aligned - Right Aligned - Center - Spread - Full Footer - Center and Left - Center and Right - Inline Form Improvements: - Improved compatibility with X Theme - CSS select box improvements for IE 10/11 - Improved AJAX spinner margin - Changing validation color setting also sets required field asterisk's color - Fixed a possible warning in some sites about theme index not found - Improved styling for inset icons - Float labels: Fixed an issue where clicking on the label text did not make the labels float in Firefox - Added class gf_footer_clean - Fixed CSS conflicts in Date and Time fields with Avia builder - New form classes to neutralize theme effects gf_noeffect, gf_noeffect_label ********************* *** Version 2.5.2 *** ********************* 21-09-19 New Feature: - Added the ability to add custom Alt Text for Choice Images - Added new theme customization options: - - Validation color - - Validation background Improvements: - Fixed field sizing, when using 1 field, in the Name field - Better ADA compliance - Better keyboard navigation - Fixed a CSS issue where some browsers would use emoji icons instead of text for ticks and other unicodes ********************* *** Version 2.5.1 *** ********************* Improvements: - Flip style animation consistency issue fixed - Fixed styling issues with Datepicker icon when used with Avia builder - Fix styling that made screen reader text visible sometimes ********************* *** Version 2.5 *** ********************* 17-04-19 New Features: - Style Selector: - - Ignore Screen Breakpoints (retain columns on smaller screens) in choices fields Columns - Custom icon classes - Added column and styling support for Post Category (radio/checkbox) field - Added column and styling support for Survey (radio/checkbox) field - Added filter 'gf_stylespro_theme_filter' Improvements: - Fixed icon size issue in some themes when using 'Inherit Theme Styles' - Fixed some style issues with Thrive theme - Removed excess border in Frame style (text only) when used with Gooseflap theme - Fixed a bug with color picker on form editor with some plugins - Improved compatibility with Astra theme - Improved gfields margin rules to facilitate some themes - Float labels: Check for browser autofill - Added hover state to Frame styles - Improved responsive Checkboxes in Inherit Theme Styles - Fixed a bug where Pricing: Option field's icon would not save for the Dropdown - Inherit Theme Styles: Field icons alignment issue for some themes - Added Style support for Consent Field - Fixed a bug where remove GF Wrapper class name option would also remove for forms without a theme - Fixed a bug where icons where ornaments would still be added to the form even if 'No Theme' was selected - Fixed a bug where choice ornaments options would hide another plugin's options - Improved Frame styles for Pricing Options - Consent field's hidden screen reader text button was showing - Code refactoring for improved compatibility and semantics - Improvements when using Material Float labels with Nested Forms - Improvements with residual styling - Improvements when disabling Styles Pro while using Gravity Flow Edit Forms - Minor style improvements in Tick Top style - Fix conflicts with Jetpack image lazyload for Product Option images - Style: List - - Improved CSS consistency - Theme: Classy Glassy - - Remove background on focus on Textarea and Chosen-choices fields ********************* *** Version 2.4.8 *** ********************* 14-09-18 New Features: - CSS Compatibility option in Global Settings Improvements: - Ethereal Material: Improved compatibility with fields filled via code - Ethereal Material: Added compatibility with Phone and Website fields - Changed targets for wrapper CSS to gf_stylespro_wrapper instead of gform_wrapper - Fixed a bug in IE11 where image choice was unclickable - Fixed a bug caused by a typo for Focus background color ********************* *** Version 2.4.7 *** ********************* 13-08-18 New Features: - Style Selector: Special > Inline Label Improvements: - Inherit Theme Styles: Improved margin on radio/checkbox - Fixed some responsive CSS issues introduced in v2.4.6 ********************* *** Version 2.4.6 *** ********************* 4-08-18 Improvements: - Updated Styles for the Chosen library (1.8.5) updated in Gravity Forms (2.3.3.) - Improvements in multi-select box. ********************* *** Version 2.4.5 *** ********************* 28-07-18 New Feature: - RTL Support Improvements: - Improved number field's style consistency for some themes - Added styles for Paypal footer button ********************* *** Version 2.4.4 *** ********************* 06-07-18 Improvements: - Hide choice label support for Inherit Theme Styles theme - Fixed a JS error when no JS action hooks (gform.addAction) are present with Inherit Theme Styles option ********************* *** Version 2.4.3 *** ********************* 27-06-18 New Feature: - New options under "Special" for checkbox/radio type fields: Hide choice label (image/icon only) Improvements: - Added icon support for Coupon field - Better support for Nested Forms Perk - Removed the link for Custom Theme ********************* *** Version 2.4.2 *** ********************* 05-06-18 Improvements: - Apply Custom 'list highlight background' style to Frame (no tick) and Frame (top tick) styles - Improved image sizing when smaller images are used - Classy Glassy effect fixed for Multiselect chosen, and number fields - Fixed: Button background color wouldn't change for Classy Glassy theme - Fixed: Button border style wouldn't apply properly ********************* *** Version 2.4 *** ********************* 04-06-18 New Theme option: - Inherit Theme Styles New Features: - New Theme option: Inherit Theme Styles - Float label option in Ethereal Material theme - Use already embedded Custom Font, like webkit fonts - Added new Ornament Styles: - - Frame (top tick) - - Frame (no tick) Improvements: - Overhauled Customization scripts - Improvements in the way Fonts are loaded - - Google fonts are now aggregated and linked on the page, instead of @import - - Removed default use of Google Fonts from themes - - Added admin notice to warn users to save settings to enable Default theme fonts - Fixed an issue with 'Reset theme changes' option - Fixed Address field size alignment - Fixed styling issues for Phone field with some WP themes - Improvements in Frame Style when using Text only - Improvements in Styles Pro Settings page styles - Added Pulse animation on 'Uninstall' button - Fixed style conflicts with Edge browser - - Disabled 'perspective' on Style: Flip for Edge until the bug in Edge browser is fixed - - Use of 'Segoe UI Symbol' font to avoid the Green Tick - Dequeue additional Gravity Forms layout stylesheet from Avia themes - Fixed a JS error when auto-scroll to error field was enabled for non-AJAX forms - Some minor CSS fixes - - Enhanced selectbox width - - File upload icon alignment - - Improvements in full-width elements - - Fixes in enhanced select box container size - - 'Other' radio option size ********************* ** Version ** ********************* 29-03-18 Improvements: - Fixed a bug with Merge Tags, where 'value' Merge Tag was also showing image ********************* *** Version 2.3.6 *** ********************* 28-03-18 New Features: - Added options to style field descriptions in Theme Customization Options - Added new universal setting for Gravity Flow edit forms styling - Added field icons compatibility to Post Title, Post Category, Post Image, Post Tags, Post Custom Field field type for compatible input types Improvements: - Fixed a bug where auto-scroll scrolled to the first error on the page, instead of the first error on the form which triggered it, in case of multiple forms. - Fixed duplicate auto-scrolling function firing on AJAX forms when next/submit is pressed multiple times. - Fixed a JS warning with Auto-scroll on error - (CSS) Fixed "Save and Continue Later" button when it broke into 2 lines on smaller screens - Added field icons compatibility to Post Title, Post Category, Post Image, Post Tags, Post Custom Field field type for compatible input types ********************* ** Version ** ********************* 20-03-18 Improvements: - Added field icons compatibility to File Upload field type - Improvements in Pixel Chisel and Modern Carbon theme to adjust File Upload field icons - Fixed a bug where focus background would not apply to input type number - Minor fix where pagebreak for Gravity PDF wasn't working ********************* *** Version 2.3.5 *** ********************* 19-03-18 New Features: - Merge tag modifier "image" to display images/icons for Radio/Checkbox choices - - This modifier can be customized to resize the image/icon as "image.small", "image.50" (where 50 is max value in px for width/height) - Added CSS Ready Classes-like support for Gravity PDF Improvements: - Fixed a bug when validation popup wouldn't work with "Default" theme - Fixed a JS warning on Ornament previews when nothing from Style Selector is set yet - Kiwi Theme: Increased width for select boxes (Month and Year) in CC fields by .5em. - Fixed description ghosting effect when used Below Input with some themes - Modern Carbon: Remove transparency from choices when checked - Fixed default checkbox style width for some older versions of IE ********************* ** Version 2.3.4 ** ********************* 08-02-18 New Features: - Added Advanced Button Styling Options - Add your own images as field icons - Added 6 columns option for choices Improvements: - CSS improvements in multi-column choices - CSS improvements for Small ornament choices for "Style: Frame" when used with multi-columns - CSS improvements for HTML5 Time Field - CSS Improvement in CC expiration date fields when used in tight spaces - Unused Styles Pro setting removed from Page Appearance settings - Fixed tooltips for Button Background and Button Text Color - Fixed an issue with chained select medium size ********************* ** Version 2.3.3 ** ********************* 12-12-17 New Features: - Added new Ornament Style: Shadow box Improvements: - Improvements in Left-align/right-align labels - Fixed an issue when invisible fields disappeared on the Form Editor - Fixed conflicts with Divi Visual Builder - Fixed Card info Left/Right fields vertical alignment when only one of them has a label - Added Hide Complex Field Labels option to CC Fields - Added word wrapping to buttons for longer labels - Fixed Default choices option width issue in case of longer labels - Fixed Other Field Label padding in Gooseflap theme - Inline choice options now break into separate rows on mobiles - Hide label is now available in Section fields - Scroll text now works with HTML and Section fields - Fixed CSS conflict with WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder - Fixed Frame Ornament custom background color for non-ornament options - Fixed an issue with Edge where time fields would be too wide ********************* *** Version 2.3 *** ********************* 20-09-17 New Feature: - Field styling in Theme customization options (8 new options) - Field styling options for active field Improvements: - Added theme descriptions - Improved UX in Theme Customization - Works with Product Add-on out of the box - Added label behind other field in Radio Button - Improved support for Gravity Flow plugin - Enhanced inline style generation ********************* ** Version 2.2.4 ** ********************* 26-08-17 - Added scroll text for HTML and Section fields - Fixed an issue when without settings an error was shown - Fixed issue when GravityView would not load Default Theme - Fixed a bug that shows an error in older versions of GF where get_plugin_settings() is not available - Added version number in Styles Pro Main stylesheet enqueue - Added box-sizing for fields - Cleanup conflicting styles from Custom theme - Fixed a CSS issue with Time Fields - Added Icon/Images options to Product field Radio/Checkboxes - Fixed an issue with Collapsible Sections add-on - Fixed GF Visibility CSS - Improved margin around Instructions - Added Responsive styles for List Field type - Added new option in Theme Customization - - Reinforce Styles - Added strength indicator styles for Password Field - Complex fields are now full-width on mobile devices by default - Moved Styles Pro styles to Front-end only ********************* *** Version 2.2 *** ********************* 14-07-17 New Feature: - Default Theme - Images/Icon previews in Form Editor - Ornaments options added to Custom Post Field and Post Tag fields Improvements: - UX/UI improvements in Styles Selector and Ornament Selector - UX/UI improvements in Styles Pro Settings and Styles Pro Page - Cleanup conflicting styles from Impreza and X theme - Fixed CSS conflicts with User Registration Login - Fixed padding with Ornament After placement - Fixed Default Settings in Gooseflap theme - Minor improvements in Gooseflap theme - Styling Options for Left/Right aligned forms - Fixed Validation Scroll conflicts ********************* *** Version 2.1 *** ********************* 07-05-17 New Theme Added: - Kiwi New Features: - Added icon counter with icon search search Improvements: - Fixed CSS conflicts with Survey Add-On - Fixed validation CSS for complex fields - Fixed icons for complex fields and date field - Fixed Toggle CSS - Fixed Shade Styles for Inline Small images - Fixed Option text-shadow issue in Edge browser ********************* *** Version 2.0 *** ********************* 23-03-17 New Features: - Customize Validation Message (HTML allowed) - Show validation message in a CSS pop-up - On validation page reload, scroll to the first field with error - Better support for Gravity Forms no-conflict mode - Improved compatibility for unofficial Gravity Forms widgets and themes - Added support for User Role editing plugins - Added support for GravityView Edit Entry - Hide complex labels fields - Field Size: Full width - Add icons to Text, Number, Date, Email, Select fields - Choose from 4 styles for field icons - Add ornaments (icons OR images) to Radio and Checkbox choices - Replace default checkbox and radio icons with animated toggles/sliders (7 options) - 7 styles for checkbox/radio fields with ornaments - Use custom colors for each icon - 3 size options for ornaments - Ornaments placement option (before or after the text) Theme Customization: - Default icon colors - Field margin (bottom) - Button text color - Button background color - Default icon color - Background highlight color for supported ornament styles 2 New Themes added: - Ethereal Material - Flat Splat Main Styles: - Added styles for Popup validation - Display none added for radio and checkboxes not(old) - Fixed honeypot field - Fixed Name fields CSS - Fixed Save for later - Fixed Multiselect