=== Funnel Builder for WordPress by FunnelKit – Customize WooCommerce Checkout Pages, Create Sales Funnels, Order Bumps & One Click Upsells === Contributors: amans2k, xlplugins, teamwoofunnels Tags: Funnel Builder, WooCommerce, WooCommerce Checkout, Sales Funnels, One Click Upsells Requires at least: 5.4.0 Tested up to: 6.5.0 Requires PHP: 7.4 Stable tag: 3.5.2 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Create high-converting WooCommerce checkout pages, WooCommerce thank you pages & sales funnels with the highest-rated WordPress funnel builder. == Description == == Funnel Builder for WordPress == Hate the idea of paying high monthly costs for expensive and rigid funnel builders? You don't need to anymore. Meet [FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels)](https://funnelkit.com/?utm_source=fb-lite&utm_campaign=wp-repo&utm_medium=readme&utm_term=funnelkit): The most intuitive and affordable Funnel Builder for WordPress. It makes the process of creating conversion-optimized WooCommerce checkout, beautiful opt-in pages, landing pages, one-click upsells and even thank you pages a breeze. FunnelKit Funnel Builder helps store owners by enhancing WooCommerce checkout conversions with pre-designed templates for every use case. You can create unlimited sales funnels to attract visitors and guide them toward becoming loyal customers. https://youtu.be/yN2F9o2hUSw?si=5-QRMJ6747lk4OhQ FunnelKit provides you with pre-built templates that are 100% mobile-responsive and look great on all devices. You can find templates for designing custom WooCommerce checkouts, sales pages, lead generation pages, order bumps, one-click upsells, and thank you pages. You can even customize these templates with the page builder of your choice. Use FunnelKit's Funnel Builder to create: - Beautiful opt-in and landing pages - Optimized WooCommerce checkout pages (global & one page checkouts) - Highly targeted order bumps - Rule-based one-click upsell offers - Custom thank you or order confirmation pages Get ready to attract more paying customers to your business! == WHY DO YOU NEED A SALES FUNNEL? == A sales funnel takes the users from downloading a lead magnet to buying your product or service. Not only that, it boosts your average order value through order bumps and one-click upsells. Here are some major benefits of a sales funnel: - **Lesser Distractions:** Users go from one step to the next without any exit points along the way. - **Higher Returns on Ad Spends:** Creating optimized user journeys allows you to maximize returns on ad spends. - **Greater Order Value:** Showing customers relevant pre and post-purchase offers, they can accept with one click, hence increasing the order value. - **Higher Conversion Rates:** With marketing automation added to your sales funnel, you can bring abandoned users back to complete their purchase. Let's explore the essential features of FunnelKit. === FUNNEL BUILDER LITE FEATURES === **Optin & Sales Pages** Create lead capture or squeeze pages using our conversion-optimized templates. Our templates offer a clean and minimalist design to help you generate leads. Use our pre-built templates, widgets and shortcodes to customize your Opt-in Pages and sales pages. **Customized WooCommerce Checkout Page** Design beautiful and optimized WooCommerce checkout pages for your store. FunnelKit's every WooCommerce checkout page template includes trust seals, product guarantees, customer reviews, and more. Customize your WooCommerce checkout page for more conversions with these proven techniques. https://youtu.be/brVUsOAblKw?si=TlE9YnezwiEjsyhS = TRULY FLEXIBLE WOOCOMMERCE CHECKOUT FIELD EDITOR = While most checkout field editors let you simply rearrange fields in rigid sections, our field editor is built to give you extreme flexibility. It's the most advanced WooCommerce checkout solution, engineered from the ground up that lets you: - Create your own sections - Drag and drop fields within sections - Re-order and remove fields you don't need You can of course create a store checkout in WooCommerce or add products to make it product-specific. **Customizable WooCommerce Thank You Pages** The default thank you page looks bland and isn't optimized to carry the conversation forward. With our highly customizable templates and widgets, you can create beautiful order confirmation pages. **Templates for Every Step** With FunnelKit Funnel Builder, you get highly customizable templates for each step of the funnel. Every template is thoughtfully built and highly optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop. **Contacts Activity** In-depth Customer Insights to get insights into every customer – total spend, offers accepted, spend at each step & more. You can see the contacts entering your funnel and see detailed analytics in real-time. What's more? You can choose to send the contacts over to your CRM or nurture them using FunnelKit Automations - one of the most popular marketing automation and broadcast **CRM for WordPress**. **Performance Dashboard** The Performance Dashboard gives you a bird's eye view of the whole funnel builder. Here's what you can see right inside your WordPress dashboard: - The total number of contacts, orders, and revenue - Revenue generated per contact - Best performing funnel and pages – See the leaderboard to know what's working and what's not - Recent activities – A log to track the users' actions in real-time == FUNNEL BUILDER PRO FEATURES == **Opt-in pop-ups/Lightbox** When a user clicks on the CTA button placed on the Opt-in page, the form pop-ups are on their screen. It allows you to capture leads in two steps, hence helping maximize conversions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ1tZ2EWY0A **Conversion Optimized WooCommerce Checkout Pages** Your checkout doesn't necessarily need to be just a single product-focused. You can add multiple products, allowing users to accept one or more out of the list. Furthermore, use all these [WooCommerce Checkout Optimizations](https://funnelkit.com/woocommerce-checkout-page-optimization/) to minimize cart abandonment. You can even create offers such as buy two get one free or buy three get two free, allowing users to make a choice and pick a deal they love. **AOV-Boosting Order Bumps** Order Bumps are the offers made to the user on the WooCommerce checkout page. One can add them to the cart with one click. - **Rule-based order bumps** to show or skip a bump based on the cart items, cart total, coupons used, & more. - Different order bump skin options to make the bump match brand colors - Different display positions for the order bump - Compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions & Membership-based products. **One-Click Upsells** With post-purchase upsells, secure the immediate order before pitching other offers. Users can accept them with a single click, which boosts the store's average order value. The friction-free purchases enhance user experience after the WooCommerce checkout page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJRa0aghVNE - Rule-based upsells to present offers based on item(s) bought, payment gateway used, order total & more. - Mobile-responsive, pre-built one-click upsell offer page templates for Elementor. - Dynamic Offers Paths to link one offer with another and display offers based on the previous offer's acceptance. - Multiple upsells on a single page. - Ability to separately charge a shipping fee on the upsell product. **In-Depth Analysis** Get deep insights into your funnels and the revenue they generate for your store. View the number of visits, total revenue, revenue per visit, and more for each funnel separately. You can select the date range and view the user's activity during that period. What's more? You can view the conversion rate and revenue for every step in the funnel. When you're equipped with data, you can make meaningful decisions and connect the dots. **All Premium Templates** With Funnel Builder Pro, you get access to our entire library of stylish-looking, conversion-optimized templates for all pages, from Opt-in to WooCommerce checkouts to the Thank you pages. Due to our deep integration with the page builder, you can customize all the funnel pages in Elementor. But if you wish to use any other page builder of your choice, FunnelKit gives you the liberty to do that too. Use the personalized codes and design the page you want. **A/B Testing** With FunnelKit, you can split test any page in the funnel. Want to know a single WooCommerce checkout converts better or a multi-step checkout page? Or offering one order bump work in favor or multiple bumps? A/B testing is the answer. Divide the traffic and send them over to different pages to study which path gives out better conversions. - Split test products offered - A/B test product prices – analyze which price converts better - See which page design leads to more sales. - Try out varying headings and sales copy to promote the one that converts best. These would help you nail the products and sales page copy that resonates the most with your customers. == Full Feature List == - **Unlimited Funnels:** There is no limit on the number of funnels you can create in FunnelKit. Go ahead and design to your heart's content. - **Ready to Use Templates:** FunnelKit offers you conversion-optimized attractive pre-built templates that can be imported with one click and save you a whole lot of time. - **In-line forms & Pop-Ups:** You can choose to have the Opt-in form embed on the page or open in a separate pop-up window. - **One-step, two-step & three-step WooCommerce checkouts:** You can choose to design a one-step or multi-step checkout form for your sales funnel. - **Flexible Checkout Fields Editor:** Rearrange sections, drag & drop fields to re-order them, add new fields – HTML, radio box, checkbox, text, and many more on your checkout page. - **Checkout Discounting:** With Funnel Builder Pro, you would be able to apply discounts to your products displayed on the WooCommerce checkout page, and who doesn't love discounts!? - **Offering Product Choice:** Give your customers the option to choose the exact product variant they wish to buy from multiple options right on the checkout page. It can be in the form of a checkbox or radio buttons; however, you want to display them. - **WooCommerce Checkout Page Optimization:** We have a range of optimization options available such as Google Address Autocomplete, Express pay options, multi-step field preview feature, auto-apply coupon codes and more. - **Live Cart Capturing:** Save your users' email addresses as soon as they enter them in the field. This helps in sending automated emails, especially in the case of an abandoned cart. - **Cart Abandonment Tracking:** Track cart abandonment rate, recovery rate, lost carts, recovered revenue, and more. Tweak email body, subject line, discount amount, and delay for better recovery results. - **Rule-based Order Bumps:** Conditions such as cart total, cart items, category, coupon(s) used to define what bump offer would be made to the customer. These are compatible with variable subscriptions, and membership-based products. - **Multiple Bumps on Checkout:** More than one Order Bump offers can also be made on one WooCommerce checkout page. The customer can add one or more bumps to their cart. With each click to add the bump, the order total gets updated. - **One-Click Upsell & Downsells:** Decide if you want to make an Upsell or Downsell offer to your customers based on the item purchased, cart total, and more. You can even link multiple offers together depending on such conditions. - **Multiple upsells on a page:** Having more than one upsell product on a page offers more options to the user to choose from, and in turn, increases the conversion rate. - **Smart Skip Option:** You can skip showing some offers to our customers if they had already bought it before or if it's a part of their current cart. Just set the rules to avoid making overlapping offers. - **A/B Testing:** A/B test your complete funnel. Split test prices, offers, products, copy, page design, of your order bump, WooCommerce checkout page, one-click upsells. - **Contacts Reporting:** Track which user bought what product and rejected which offer at a glance. Also, analyze how much money you made through that one contact's purchase. - **In-depth Analytics:** Analyse each funnel based on the total number of visits, total revenue, revenue per visit, revenue per step, and so on. **Integrations** - **Elementor:** FunnelKit deeply integrates with Elementor to provide you with templates for all funnel pages from Opt-in to WooCommerce Checkout, and Thank you pages. Elementor also has special widgets for building any page from scratch. - **Divi:** We integrate with Divi and have pre-built checkout page templates for you to try. You can customize a Shopify style checkout or our most popular Minimalist template in Divi. - **Oxygen:** FunnelKit has a range of templates that you can customize and build with the help of Oxygen page builder. - **Gutenberg:** FunnelKit deeply integrates with Gutenberg to give you a nice feeling of editing your funnel pages in WordPress Gutenberg builder. - **Other Page Builders:** You can use any other page builder of your choice, like Beaver, Thrive, or others, to customize the funnel pages. Use the custom shortcodes to create and personalize any page on the builder. - **LearnDash:** FunnelKit integrates via WooCommerce with the popular LMS plugin, LearnDash, allowing you to auto-enroll leads into your free course with a single click. == Go beyond funnels with Marketing Automation == Why stop at the sales funnel when you can go beyond marketing automation? Use email marketing to recover abandoned carts and bring customers back to the funnel. Offer time-bound coupon codes to your customers to make them complete their purchase sooner rather than later. With the free version of [FunnelKit Automations](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-marketing-automations/), you get the following features: - Create an abandoned cart recovery sequence. - Live capture the carts to keep track of abandonment and recovery. - Design a post-purchase follow-up sequence to help you build better bonds with your customers. - Set a time delay to your mails to send them at a strategically pre-defined time. - Personalized discount coupon codes and set expiry on them. - Define rules based on which the automated emails and coupon codes would be sent to the users. - Track abandoned carts, recovered carts, and revenue- all in real-time. == Funnel Builder plugin is best for? == * eCommerce Store Owners * Course Creators * Coaches / Trainers * Dropshippers * Businesses * Artists & Photographers * Bloggers * Everyone ... == Why us? == As an agency back in the day, serving one-on-one clients and building solutions on top of WordPress and WooCommerce, we realized that there weren't many smart solutions available to build sales funnels in WordPress, and so we decided to build one. A solution with a seamless user experience that does not bind the user into paying hundreds of dollars every month. All of this led us to create *– FunnelKit –* an interface that is designed keeping the users in mind. And now you can enjoy a very intuitive and guided user experience to create your sales funnel within minutes without hiring a developer or a designer. It's the ultimate all-in-one Funnel Builder for WordPress, WooCommerce checkout manager and the complete funnel building solution. == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is a sales funnel? = A sales funnel leads prospects on a journey. The idea is to first turn a prospect into a lead and then into a customer. It always starts with a high volume of potential customers at the top of the funnel. At the bottom of it, a small number of customers complete the purchase. A simple sales funnel has three main steps: * Landing page * Checkout page * Thank you page But you can add more steps to make it a robust, revenue-boosting sales funnel for your business. = How sales funnels can enhance my WooCommerce store? = Sales funnels allow you to offer a guided path to your visitors. Instead of only having a storefront with a catalog of products, create dedicated paths for select items. Create beautiful store checkout with our optimized templates. Plus, add order bumps and one-click upsells to boost your average order value. You can also set up rules for your offers and target customers with offers relevant to them. So a sales funnel guides users throughout their shopping journey and add more revenue to your WooCommerce store. = Why do I need a sales funnel builder? = Sales funnels boost sales and increase conversions for online businesses. But, creating beautiful pages requires you to spend loads of money on web developers. And most SaaS Funnel Builders are complicated or too expensive. The main purpose of a sales funnel builder is to help you create a high-converting sales funnel fast. It should also be affordable and easy to use. FunnelKit's Funnel Builder offers you a promising solution that is also robust. Use FunnelKit's Funnel Builder to create profitable sales funnels without learning code. = What makes FunnelKit unique as compared to other funnel builders?= FunnelKit is the most powerful WordPress sales funnel builder that gives you complete control over your funnels. You don't have to rely on other tools or plugins to create or track your funnels. Here's why FunnelKit is one of its kind when compared to other funnel builders: * Professionally designed templates that are customizable * Works with all the page builders * Canvas mode to visualize your sales funnels on a single screen * Store Checkout to replace your traditional WooCommerce checkout * Checkout field editor and optimization options * Order Bump offers on the checkout page * Upsells and downsells with dynamic offer path * Rule-based AOV boosting order bumps and one-click upsells * Built-in A/B testing * In-depth analytics and reporting * Supports all the major payment processing gateways, and a lot more. = How many sales funnels can I create with FunnelKit? = You can create unlimited sales funnels with FunnelKit. There is no limit to how many WordPress sales funnels you can build with FunnelKit. = What type of pages can I create in a sales funnel with FunnelKit? = You can use FunnelKit to create different types of pages in your WordPress sales funnel. These include: * Opt-in page * Opt-in confirmation page * Sales or landing page * Checkout page * Order bump * One-click Upsell and downsell * Thank you page You can individually add any number of steps to your sales funnels and make it work like a charm. = Do I need any coding or special designing skills to set up funnels with FunnelKit? = No, you don't need any coding and special designing skills to set up your sales funnels with FunnelKit. With a library of templates, you can start customizing and creating your funnels fast. Create your funnels from scratch with drag-and-drop widgets using different page builders. = Will FunnelKit work with the page builder I use? = Yes, FunnelKit works with all the page builders. It integrates with Elementor, Divi, Gutenberg, and Oxygen. If you use another page builder, such as Beaver Builder, Thrive, Brizzy, etc., then create funnels with shortcodes. = What type of sales funnels can I create with FunnelKit? = FunnelKit is evolving to match your business requirements. You can set up unlimited sales funnels and bring sales to the table. Here are the types of funnels you can create with FunnelKit: * Lead generation funnel * Course funnels * Membership funnels * Subscription funnels * Ebook funnels * Webinar funnels * Tripwire funnels * Affiliate sales funnels * Masterclass funnels * Lead funnels * Product launch funnels * Sales funnels for physical products * Squeeze page funnels * Quiz funnels * Challenge funnels, and so many more. = Does FunnelKit work with Facebook Pixel? = Yes, FunnelKit works with Facebook Pixel to help you track user behavior and the ROI of your ad spending. FunnelKit lets you integrate Facebook Pixel with WooCommerce. It further lets you track new purchases, abandoned carts, leads, and more. FunnelKit also integrates with TikTok pixel, Snapchat pixel, Pinterest tag, Google Ads, & more. = Will FunnelKit be compatible with my WordPress theme? = Yes, FunnelKit is compatible with all the themes available in WordPress. You don't have to worry about compatibility issues with FunnelKit. It's a result of continuous research and works well with any WordPress theme. = Can I integrate FunnelKit with Google Analytics to analyze performance? = Certainly! Integrate FunnelKit with Google Analytics and measure the performance of your WordPress sales funnels. FunnelKit is compatible with both the Universal and Google Analytics 4 iterations. All you have to do is enter your Analytics ID and you're good to go! = Do I need FunnelKit Pro version? = It depends on your requirements. FunnelKit has both free and premium templates to create high-converting sales funnels. But if you want to create a store checkout, set up A/B testing, optimize the checkout page, add order bumps or upsells, etc.- get the Pro version. The Pro version is quite affordable and starts at $99.5 annually. = I'm new to FunnelKit. Where can I find its documentation? = Congratulations on starting your journey with FunnelKit. [Click here](https://funnelkit.com/documentation/) to explore our official FunnelKit documentation. = I'm not able to find an option to design my funnel. Who should I contact? = If you face any difficulties with FunnelKit, feel free to contact our [Support Team](https://funnelkit.com/support/). Our dedicated team of experts works round the clock to ensure everything is functioning well at your end. == Installation == 1. Install 'Funnel Builder' Plugin. 2. Activate the Plugin. 3. Go to FunnelKit -> Funnels 4. Start creating Funnels. == Change log == = 3.5.2 (Aug 28, 2024) = * Fixed: Checkout - Field label for different billing/shipping was not editable in the backend. (#6616) = 3.5.1 (Aug 23, 2024) = * Fixed: Checkout - Advanced phone field flag were not showing correctly in devices with Retina Display since last update. (#6599) * Fixed: Checkout - Compatibility with Klavio showing sms consent text always since last update. (#6604) = 3.5.0 (Aug 22, 2024) = * Added: Compatibility with the Breakdance builder. (#6527) * Added: Checkout - Added compatibility with the Yay Currency Switcher plugin to support multi-currency transactions. (#6454) * Improved: Checkout - Updated compatibility with Klaviyo. (#6510) * Improved: Checkout - Updated compatibility with FooEvents. (#6515) * Improved: Checkout - Form attributes are now assigned to all fields within the mini cart, ensuring they are included in the place order request. (#6511) * Improved: Frontend-facing JavaScript is now prevented from loading on page builder previews, improving performance. (#6505) * Improved: Enhanced the admin app with support for React v19, in preparation for upcoming WordPress versions. (#6445) * Improved: Strengthened compatibility with the Avada theme when used alongside Elementor, particularly for version 7.11.8. (#6522) * Improved: Checkout - Enhanced the generate URL checkout tool to handle scenarios where no products are present. (#6530) * Fixed: Resolved an issue where the font size in the placeholder setting under the opt-in customization preview was not functioning correctly. (#6500) * Fixed: Redirection from '?wffn-next-link=yes' now properly retains other query parameters. (#6501) * Fixed: Addressed issues caused by Elementor v3.23.0's Element Caching (beta feature) that affected certain thank you page designs. (#6521) * Fixed: Checkout - Resolved an issue where Express Checkout buttons were not displaying on Chrome Browser v127 or later. (#6544) * Fixed: Checkout - Corrected the modern label application on the password field to ensure proper styling. (#6556) * Fixed: Restricted the admin bar menu visibility to users with the necessary permissions to access the funnel menu. (#6559) * Fixed: Checkout - Prevented the price displayed in button HTML from causing the payment gateway section to refresh after each order review update. (#6566) * Fixed: Checkout - Updated compatibility with RY WooCommerce ECPay Invoice by Yang to resolve any integration issues. (#6529) * Fixed: Checkout - Aligned the consent checkbox added by FunnelKit Automations correctly on checkout pages to improve user experience. (#6568) * Fixed: Checkout- CSS conflict with Optimonk styling for the advanced phone field. (#6590) = 3.4.7 (Jul 22, 2024) = * Improved: Plugin security improved for logged in user executing ajax requests scenarios on legacy admin interfaces before version 3.0 (#5919) * Fixed: Compatibility with Bricks theme updated for the embed forms. (#6489) = 3.4.6 (Jul 19, 2024) = * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with FooEvents for WooCommerce for FooEvents updated. (#6448) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with MercadoPago gateway updated. (#5498) * Fixed: Checkout: WooCommerce Order attribution was not working for a few cases after WooCommerce v9.1 (#6467) * Fixed: Checkout: The corner radius for the place order button was not working with Oxygen Builder. (#6419) = 3.4.5 (Jul 15, 2024) = * Added: Compatibility with WordPress version 6.6.(#6422) * Added: Checkout: Compatibility with Weglot compatibility added.(#6434) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with WooPayments updated. (#6410) * Improved: Minor CSS improvements in TY page components. (#6396) * Fixed: PHP fatal error coming during Jetpack plugin's coming soon mode. (#6432) * Fixed: Back to step button on the block editor screen was not working with WP version 6.6.(#6433) * Fixed: Checkout: Extra Advanced field placeholders were not showing up. (#6424) = 3.4.4 (Jul 12, 2024) = * Fixed: Checkout - Product Selection Settings are showing locked for the FunnelKit Basic users. (#6429) = 3.4.3 (Jul 11, 2024) = * Improved: Checkout - Compatibility with WooPayment Currency Switcher module. (#6364) * Improved: Handle some edge cases where conversions entries are duplicate in database table. (#6397) * Improved: Checkout - Compatibility with WooCommerce Price Based on Country updated. (#6378) * Fixed: Checkout - PHP notice in checkout third party fields compatibility. (#6107) * Fixed: Dashboard widget was not working fine for users with no capability to 'manage_options'. (#6391) = 3.4.2 (Jun 27, 2024) = * Improved: Funnel Step next url code improved to handle few edge cases when multiple steps are draft. (#6357) * Improved: Checkout - Compatibility with WCML/WPML updated. (#6355) * Fixed: Compatibility with Weglot translation plugin updated. (#6369) = 3.4.1 (Jun 26, 2024) = * Fixed: Funnel Pages built using Divi theme causing styling issue. (#6350) = 3.4.0 (Jun 25, 2024) = * Added: Checkout- A new field "WooCommerce Advanced Field" was added to provide compatibility with third-party add-ons registering their fields on checkout. (#5305) * Added: A new filter to tracking scripts with a delay. (#6190) * Added: New Widget added for WordPress admin dashboard. (#5962) * Added: Revenue and conversions on the funnel listing page. (#5962) * Added: Compatibility with Weglot translation plugin for thank you page translation. (#6225) * Added: Compatibility with LiteSpeed added to auto-exclude all JSON endpoints related to FunnelKit. (#6031) * Added: Compatibility with WP Rocket added to auto-exclude all JSON endpoints related to FunnelKit. (#6183) * Improved: Various code and performance optimizations. (#6291) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Borlabs Cookie - Cookie Opt-in plugin updated. (#6258) * Improved: Google Analytics item array improved for all events. (#6240, #6117) * Improved: Checkout: Updated compatibility with EveryPay gateway. (#5394) * Improved: Error handling in our frontend JS to avoid breaking errors. (#6233) * Improved: Checkout: Multi-select values are not saving correctly in a few cases. (#6218, #6110, #6143, #6236) * Improved: Events for Pinterest were corrected for a few cases. (#6221, #6243) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Mailpoet plugin updated. (#6225) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Fooevent plugin updated. (#6225) * Improved: Checkout: WooCommerce Order Delivery by Kestrel updated. (#6107) * Improved: Site-wide 'add_to_cart' event to send unique for a product. (#6125) * Improved: Optional settings for Google Analytics version 4 are removed. (#6139) * Improved: Compatibility with Booster For Woocommerce plugin Updated. (#6144) * Improved: UTM tracking data to send with all tracking events. (#6104) * Improved: Checkout - compatibility with Order WooCommerce Sendinblue Newsletter Subscription updated. (#6152) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with X store theme updated. (#6165) * Improved: Manually redirect to thank you page if WC native thank you page opening & FunnelKit thank you set. (#6172) * Improved: Show status tag for store checkout on the admin menu. (#6080) * Improved: Compatibility with Oxygen builder updated. (#6193, #6182, #6206) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Gift Certificates Premium updated. (#6193) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Facturare - Persoana Fizica sau Juridica. (#5395) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Composite products updated. (#6245) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Breakdance page builder updated. (#5422) * Improved: Compatibility with Elementor Page builder updated for SVG icons in widgets. (#6293) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WooCommerce Delivery Date & Time Pro updated. (#6253) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin updated. (#6256) * Improved: Checkout - Compatibility with Mondialrelay plugin updated. (#6278) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WooCommerce EU VAT Number updated. (#6301) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Order Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce updated. (#6235) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Avada theme updated. (#6168) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Pre-order for WooCommerce updated. (#6211) * Improved: Checkout- Coupon validation during update_order_review improved to handle 3rd party coupon plugins better (For eg: Advanced Coupon By Rymera). (#6327) * Fixed: Width issue for Gutenberg block editor fixed. (#6226) * Fixed: Checkout: Collapsible address field color settings were not working correctly. (#6088) * Fixed: The date in the conversions table is not showing according to WordPress timezone settings. (#6095) * Fixed: 'event_url' was not passing correctly for every event for the FaceBook Conversion API. (#6082) * Fixed: Optin: Form was not submitted when Complianz – GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent is active. (#6120) * Fixed: Checkout: Link color settings for mini cart Gutenberg block were not working. (#6130) * Fixed: Multiselects inside the Rules interfaces are distorted in WP admin. (#6141) * Fixed: Checkout - Coupon was not getting applied in case email restrictions were set. (#6128) * Fixed: Checkout- Disallow SVG files upload through WP media default uploader causing security issues. (#6251) * Fixed: PHP notice resolved during the thankyou page elementor widgets on the front end. (#6322) = 3.3.1 (Apr 08, 2024) = * Improved: Checkout - language translations compatibility improved. (#5261) * Improved: Checkout - Amazon Pay design improved. (#5968) * Improved: Checkout - Compatibility with Ocean WP theme for Checkout updated. (#6043) * Improved: Checkout - Compatibility with WooCommerce Delivery Slots by Iconic for Checkout updated. (#6053) * Fixed: Support help tooltip not functioning correctly on store checkout pages in admin area. (#6046) * Fixed: Steps duplication action not operating correctly in admin area for store checkout, excluding order bumps. * Fixed: DatePicker component malfunctioning for certain dates in admin area. (#6055) * Fixed: Optin - Customization tab was not working in case of WooCommerce is not active. (#6078) = 3.3.0 (Apr 02, 2024) = * Added: Compatibility with WordPress v6.5.0 * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with WoodMart plugin updated. (#5271) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with RY WooCommerce ECPay Invoice plugin updated. (#5927) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Generatepress addons plugin updated. (#5267) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent by complianz-gdpr plugin. (#5808) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Fluent CRM plugin. (#5941) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Klaviyo updated (#1705) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with SG Optimizer plugin updated. (#5276) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with WooCommerce Multilingual updated. (#5987) * Improved: Checkout: Performace optimizations and code improvements. (#4944,#4955,#4944,#4953,#4896,#4903) * Improved: Thankyou pages are now displayed on the store checkout page even for orders placed without going through the checkout process. (#5854) * Improved: SQL query during order indexing optimized for time and speed. (#5881) * Improved: RTL styling improvements for the admin pages. (#5610) * Improved: Product search query improved and optimized for admin screens. (#5911) * Fixed: Start from scratch template not showing up in templates screen in internal steps. (#5912) * Fixed: Checkout: Display form ID in the admin area for the checkout custom HTML field. (#5920) * Fixed: Do not allow permalinks to save if all permalinks are not unique. (#5906) * Fixed: Optin: Input type=email added for the email field in optin forms. (#5915) * Fixed: Price display in admin dashboard widget for cases where decimal & thousand separator is same in WooCommerce settings. (#5926) * Fixed: AddtoCart tracking event is now working for the rewards added by the FK cart plugin. (#5946) * Fixed: Incorrect product price display in the backend for variable products (#5894) * Fixed: Restricted phone number to prevent sending empty values on TikTok (#5283) * Fixed: Checkout: Adding a new checkout page from canvas not working correctly when checkout already exists. (#5981) * Fixed: Checkout: Deprecated function PHP notice resolved with Woo Subscriptions. (#6003) = 3.2.4 (Feb 22, 2024) = * Fixed: Some React JS file chunk failing to load in admin area since last version. = 3.2.3 (Feb 21, 2024) = * Added: Phone number column added in the conversion analytics listing. (#5817) * Improved: Page views for thankyou pages to only record in case of a valid order. (#5836) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility updated for WooCommerce EU VAT Assistant by Aelia plugin. (#5792) * Fixed: Checkout: Pro Product settings for checkout showing clickable in the backend. (#5838) * Fixed: A few date inputs in backend settings cause issues when date is localized in non-English characters. (#5851) * Fixed: Checkout: WooCommerce Order attribution was not working since WooCommerce v3.6.0. (#5856) * Fixed: Checkout: Form editor UI is breaking in some edge cases with blank field setup. (#5860) = 3.2.2 (Feb 16, 2024) = * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility updated for WooCommerce Germianized plugin. (#5770) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility updated for WooCommerce Fattura24 plugin. (#5777) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility updated for WooCommerce EU VAT Assistant by Aelia plugin. (#5792) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility updated for YITH Dynamic Pricing per Payment Method for WooCommerce Premium by YITH. (#5833) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility updated for Generatepress theme. (#5826) * Improved: Checkout: Validation during checkout custom field creation to not conflict with WooCommerce native fields. (#5831) * Improved: Dashboard styling improved. (#5784) * Fixed: Incorrect linking of product URL in backend in case of variation product on product tab. (#5796) * Fixed: Flat shipping cost coming up in the tooltip for bump and checkout products as well. (#5797) * Fixed: Error during funnel deletion when funnel consists of upsell/bump/checkout and WooCommerce is not active. (#5802) * Fixed: The link added inside TinyMCE editor in the checkout custom field was not working. (#5806) * Fixed: Validate empty value in discount and quantity fields in the backend. (#5810) * Fixed: Checkout: Checkout field drag and drop not working in case of section title is empty. (#5831) = 3.2.1 (Feb 08, 2024) = * Improved: Behaviour of filters on referrer analytics. (#5676) * Fixed: Custom date range calendar selection was not working correctly on safari browser. (#5742) * Fixed: Mysql error on thank you page in case of only lite activations. (#5751) * Fixed: Checkout - Label for shipping address 2 field was not working for Divi builder in case of only lite activations. (#5749) = 3.2.0 (Feb 06, 2024) = * Added: Footer helper text in all admin pages. (#5694) * Improved: Checkout -Compatibility updated for MyParcel plugin. (#5727) * Improved: Custom date range calendar selection improved for smaller resolutions. (#5373) * Improved: Streamlined all Date filter options across analytics pages. (#5709) * Improved: Checkout - The checkout template on the edit order screen navigated to legacy UI. (#5606) * Improved: Text hyperlink feature added in tinymce editor under Optin notification settings. (#5701) * Improved: Styling for the Funnel dashboard. (#5667) * Improved: Checkout -Compatibility updated for Mercado-pago gateway. (#5710) * Fixed: Checkout - Order pay page template override was not working fine. (#5714) * Fixed: Checkout- Styling issue in product field edit modal popup. (#5688) * Fixed: Checkout - Override default checkout settings were showing under global settings in the case of lite. (#5717) * Fixed: Styling for textarea CSS custom enlarged for better input. (#5716) = 3.1.2 (Jan 31, 2024) = * Fixed: Checkout: Changes in billing/shipping fields were not reflecting on frontend. (#5673) * Improved: Styling improvement for upsell node inside Canvas mode. (#5663) = 3.1.1 (Jan 30, 2024) = * Fixed: Checkout form editor in backend was not opening in case of JS error caused by blank section. (#5650) * Fixed: Compatibility with Divi builder updated. (#5570) * Fixed: Checkout optimization settings to generate checkout URL was not working fine. (#5658) * Fixed: New admin UI was not loading fine on WP v6.0. (#5655) = 3.1.0 (Jan 29, 2024) = * Improved: Dynamic decimal and thousand separator handling for analytics prices. (#5629) * Fixed: PHP file autoloading causes PHP errors in a few edge cases. (#5628) * Fixed: The editor URL was not working fine for checkout in the case of divi editor. (#5637) * Fixed: Date range component in analytics breaking in case of languages having non-english characters. (#5640) * Fixed: Conversion tracking metabox was not showing even with pro version since v3.0.0. (#5633) * Fixed: Issue causing "No Internet connection" message to appear in a few cases. (#5643) = 3.0.2 (Jan 27, 2024) = * Fixed: Admin notice to start setup wizard was not coming on plugins page and WP dashboard.(#5622) = 3.0.1 (Jan 25, 2024) = * Fixed: A mysql database error coming up on thank you page in case of upsell new order conversion tracking. (#5611) * Fixed: Checkout form product field label was not getting saved. (#5614) = 3.0.0 (Jan 24, 2024) = * Added: Completely revamped admin interface and made all interfaces REACT gaining speed benefits and making workflow faster - Dashboard - Funnel listing - Store checkout - Funnel Step listing - Global settings - Single step tabs like Products, Design and Rules. * Added: New Dashboard widgets UTM Performance tracking & Referrer tracking Widget on Dashboard * Added: Global Analytics giving a site wide view * Added: New Global Reports for Funnels * Added: New Global Reports for Referrers * Added: Global Conversions (Orders/Options) with advanced Filters ( such as Funnels,UTM, Referrer etc.....) * Added: Export Orders, Optins and Referrers * Added: Single Contact Profile view with Conversion Activity, Order Details and Rich Insights * Added: Canvas Mode with ability to add/ delete nodes along with viewing of analytics * Added: New Order Bump Skins * Added: Ability to pre-check order bumps and hide them after selection * Added: Order Bump New Design Controls * Added: Ability to arrange multiple order bumps or upsells right from Step listings screen * Added: Enhanced Funnel Export with ability to check few Funnels and Export them * Added: Quick setup in Dashboard * Improved: Refactored parts of code for overall performance gains * Improved: Workflow for adding upsell offers, you can create new offers and adding to existing upsell sequences or create new upsell * Improved: Cloning steps workflow improved. * Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility with Shipmondo updated. * Fixed: Checkout: PayPal Express checkout button showing twice with payPal for woocommerce addon. * Fixed: Checkout: Express button by Woo payment were not showing up since v7.0.0 = 2.17.4 (Jan 22, 2024) = * Fixed: Cache related code improvement. = 2.17.3 (Jan 20, 2024) = * Fixed: Express Checkout buttons styling on mobile devices distorted since last update. (#5578) = 2.17.2 (Jan 19, 2024) = * Fixed: Checkout: Embedded checkout using shortcode not working since last update. (#5572) = 2.17.1 (Jan 18, 2024) = * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with EU VAT plugin updated. (#5492) * Improved: Compatibility with Divi builder updated. (#5525) * Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility with PayPal for WooCommerce angelleye plugin smart buttons were loading outside the express button box. (#5540) * Fixed: Checkout: Coupon code input styling issue in case of native checkout created using blocks. (#5538) * Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility with oxygen builder updated. (#5558) = 2.17.0 (Jan 11, 2024) = * Improved: Various code and performance optimizations.(#5105) * Improved: Checkout: RTL styling for coupon field improved. (#5130) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with EU VAT Number updated. (#5132) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce updated. (#5059) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Polylang updated. (#5143) * Fixed: Tiktok initiateCheckout event on native checkout not working. (#5120) * Fixed: Gutenberg editor font family control showing distorted due to z-index issue. (#5418) = 2.16.1 (Dec 08, 2023) = * Improved: Compatibility updated with 'WooCommerce PostNL' plugin. (#5287) * Fixed: An edge case of product getting replaced on switching two dedicated page in one browser. (#5367) * Improved: Compatibility updated with Tickera Bridge for WooCommerce by Tickera. (#5106) * Improved: Compatibility updated with Brazilian Market on WooCommerce. (#5358) * Fixed: Billing/Shipping Fields reorder functionality not working in checkout field editor since v2.16.0. (#5356) = 2.16.0 (Nov 24, 2023) = * Added: Compatibility with PHP 8.2.(#4830) * Improved: Allowed multiple IDs tracking for the Pinterest and TikTok. (#5087) * Improved: Checkout: Hardened plugin security for ajax request with in case of user with 'customer' role logged in. (#5337) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with YITH Dynamic pricing updated. (#5092) * Improved: Checkout: WooCommerce session sustained during reload in cases of failure. (#5080) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Theme Pro builder updated. (#5087) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Woodmart theme updated. (#5077) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with WooCommerce Inpost updated. (#5079) * Fixed: Thankyou page elementor widgets are not rendering after save in some cases. (#5303) * Fixed: Checkout: PHP fatal error while editing checkout page using oxygen builder. (#5306) * Fixed: Checkout: CSS fix when native checkout is built using the block editor. (#5091) * Fixed: Funnel dashboard timeline database query not working due to double quotes. (#5324) * Fixed: Label position on checkout fields were not correct in case when email not used in form. (#5322) = 2.15.0 (Nov 17, 2023) = * Improved: Block editor incompatibility notice for checkout display logic improved. (#5292) = 2.14.7 (Nov 16, 2023) = * Improvement: Display incompatibility notice for WC 8.3 (Cart and checkout blocks).(#5291) = 2.14.6 (Nov 09, 2023) = * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility updated for SG Checkout Location Picker for WooCommerce. (#5072) * Fixed: : Checkout: PHP Error on checkout when Square Gateway express checkout settings is ON. (#5069) = 2.14.5 (Nov 06, 2023) = * Added: Compatibility with WordPress 6.4.(#5235) * Improved: Checkout- Select-2 fields CSS improved to avoid conflict with Kadence theme. (#5239) * Improved: Checkout- Updated Compatibility with Brazilian Market on WooCommerce by Claudio Sanches.(#5240) * Fixed: Multiple contained_loaded event showing up for Google analytics events when debug using tagassistant. (#5231) = 2.14.4 (October 27, 2023) = * Improved: Hardened security for search requests when admin user role does the search. (#5182) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with My Parcel addon updated. (#5179) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Checkout for WooCommerce addon updated. (#5175) * Fixed: RTL style issue for admin datepicker UI. (#5182) * Fixed: Checkout- Coupon Code success message fields not coming. (#5186) = 2.14.3 (October 20, 2023) = * Improved: Thankyou page: Setting WP query vars according to the WooCommerce endpoint settings. (#5165) * Improved: Core: Javascript code to work with the async attribute. (#5167) * Fixed: Checkout: combination of one-third and two-third width form field style showing distorted. (#5166) * Fixed: Checkout: Payment gateway icons width height setting up small in a few cases. (#5168) = 2.14.2 (October 19, 2023) = * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with WooCommerce Germanized addon updated.(#5150) = 2.14.1 (October 18, 2023) = * Fixed: Checkout: Apply coupon element was not working. (#5152) = 2.14.0 (October 18, 2023) = * Added: Checkout: New Optimization- Inline validation for checkout fields. (#4777) * Added: Checkout: New Optimization- Allow Optional fields to be collapsible in checkout form.(#4777) * Added: Checkout: New Setting- Allow Phone number capture reason in a tool tip.(#4777) * Added: Checkout: Compatibility with Litespeed CDN causing image source url to break on the checkout page. (#5102) * Improved: Checkout: No shipping methods UI enhanced.(#4777) * Improved: Checkout: Settings to add advanced phone field hint.(#4777) * Improved: Checkout: CSS improved for checkout form (#4777). * Improved: Checkout and bump reporting improved to cover cases when the order is completed using webhooks. (#5086) * Improved: Checkout: RTL styling for quantity increment input improved. (#5083) * Improved: Optin: Form fields ID attribute improved by removing random hash. (#5108) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with WooCommerce Germanized plugin updated. (#5051) * Improved: Onboarding Wizard behaviour improved for skip cases. (#5098) * Improved: Custom redirection page search will allow all public custom post types. (#5134) * Fixed: Item value was multiplying quantity for the GA4 events. (#5121) * Fixed: Facebook server events in Test Code were not showing up. No impact on Live mode.(#5101) * Fixed: One Click upsell PRO templates import button was showing unlocked. (#5021) * Fixed: Checkout: Advanced phone field validation was not working fine in some cases of mobile devices. (#5027) * Fixed: Checkout: Advanced phone field flag not showing in the block editor. (#5097) * Fixed: Checkout: PHP Fatal error on checkout pages with WP activity log plugin + custom HTML form field in checkout form. (#5095) * Fixed: Checkout: Item totals were not correct for pixel tracking due to the delay discounting. (#5114) = (September 26, 2023) = * Fixed: Admin APP not loading on some set ups. = 2.13.3 (September 25, 2023) = * Fixed: PHP Error on post-edit pages when WooCommerce is not active. (#5075) = 2.13.2 (September 20, 2023) = * Fixed: PHP Error 'header_already_sent' error showing when tiktok events are enabled in some cases. (#5030) * Fixed: Form Field settings for gutenberg block is not working since last update. (#5034) = 2.13.1 (September 19, 2023) = * Fixed: Compatibility updated with 'Disable REST API' plugin. = 2.13.0 (September 18, 2023) = * Added: WooCommerce HPOS feature compatibility. (#4800) * Added: Improved compatibility with PHP v8.1. (#1609) * Added: Compatibility with Elementor v3.15.0. (#1612) * Added: Checkout- Compatibility added with Route App. (#4668) * Added: Addtocart event compatibility with funnelkit cart. (#4545) * Added: CompletePurchase e-commerce event for TikTok. (#4239) * Improved: Minimized possibility to cache admin REST API requests. (#4583) * Improved: Checkout- Class 'woocommerce-shipping-methods' added in shipping methods HTML. (#4811) * Improved: Checkout- WooCommerce notice wrapper printed as the first element inside the checkout wrapper. (#4797) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with astra theme updated. (#4546) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with thrive theme updated. (#4574) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with flatsome theme updated. (#4813) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Active Campaign for WooCommerce updated. (#4808) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Mercadopago updated. (#4808) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WooCommerce Payments updated. (#4910) * Improved: Checkout- Do not show a placeholder for the custom fields in the WordPress admin single order screen. (#4810) * Improved: Cookie js registered if disabled by WooCommerce from the perfmatters plugin. (#4778) * Improved: Checkout- Enable phone number validation to work on the checkout process too along with real-time. (#4832) * Improved: Enriched Data for the Pinterest pixels. (#4863) * Improved: Page speed optimization by adding a 'defer' attribute on all pixel tracking scripts. (#4837) * Improved: Checkout - Remove existing notices before showing new notices. (#4909) * Fixed: Checkout- prevent override store checkout in case of page builder edit mode. (#4848) * Fixed: Checkout- In Elementor when global color is set as the primary, the radio styling was incorrect. (#4791) * Fixed: Checkout- Hide recurring shipping methods in case of a single shipping package. (#4960) * Fixed: Loader UI was not coming during the checkout process in some cases. (#4530) * Fixed: Duplicate funnels showing on top five funnel widget on the dashboard. (#4856) * Fixed: Snapchat pageview event is not working on thankyou page. (#1632) = 2.12.0 (June 20, 2023) = * Added: TikTok pageview event added. (#4129) * Added: Pinterest pageview event added. (#4185) * Added: Checkout- Compatibility with FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce plugin. (#4686) * Improved: Optin- custom page redirection handled for the case when a page is deleted/draft. (#4200) * Improved: Core- Contacts queries improved to handle when MySQL variable group_concat_max_len is set to low. (#4264) * Improved: Core- Handling while importing elementor template to avoid conflict with WP Offload Media. (#1568) * Improved: Core- Store checkout draft/published state now controlled by a toggle. (#4193) * Improved: Core- Funnel session was not getting terminated in the case of the native thankyou page. (#4260) * Improved: Optin- Handle case where the optin field is added in the form but no longer exists. (#4216) * Improved: Core- gtag.js loading for the site-wide tracking with async attribute. (#4165) * Improved: Gutenberg blocks for optin and checkout now support custom color palettes. (#4171) * Improved: Optin- Allow HTML in title and subtitle fields. (#4276) * Improved: Core- Funnel session and views algorithm for the heavily cached environments. (#3942) * Improved: Core- A MySQL query failing due to the usage of double quotes in some cases. (#4281) * Improved: Checkout- Checkout pages are going to 404 not-found when WooCommerce is installed during the wizard. (#4267) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Brazilian gateway updated. (#4694) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Angelleye gateway updated. (#4715) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with FunnelKit Stripe Payment gateway updated. (#4682) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Mailchimp for WooCommerce By Mailchimp updated. (#4662) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions. (#4738) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Shoptimizer theme updated. (#4266) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WooCommerce Payments updated. (#4730) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce. (#4736) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Astra Pro Addon. (#4757) * Improved: Checkout- Styling for the date picker field improved. (#4718) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Porto theme updated. (#4775) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with MailerLite - WooCommerce integration by MailerLite updated. (#4456) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Breakdance builder updated for customizer templates. (#4663) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Omnisend for Woocommerce. (#4670) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Woodmart theme updated. (#4427) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WC Germanized plugin updated. (#4785) * Improved: Event tracking script loads in the header instead of the footer. (#4666) * Improved: Checkout- Prevent click on checkout elements if the shimmer effect is showing. (#4455) * Fixed: Checkout- Price not coming with strikethrough when the discount is 100%. (#4692) * Fixed: Checkout: Box shadow settings with the Divi checkout widget was not working. (#4706) * Fixed: Checkout-Issue with WooCommerce payments with link integration enabled. (#4754) * Fixed: Core- Analytics graph was showing incorrect data in some cases of the quarter. (#4274) * Fixed: Optin - allow uppercase inputs in email. (#4190) * Fixed: Checkout-Company field data was not getting copied from billing to shipping. (#4469) * Fixed: Core- Handle timeline records in case of contact is deleted. (#4487) = 2.11.2 (Mar 15, 2023) = * Added: Core- action hook 'wffn_funnel_ended_event' added on open of either optin confirmation or WC thankyou page. (#4135) * Fixed: Core- Existing funnel is not getting deleted on import for store checkout. (#4130) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Omnisend for Woocommerce . (#4670) = 2.11.1 (Mar 3, 2023) = * Fixed: Core- Error during step listing on admin interface when WooCommerce installed using wizard. (#4124) = 2.11.0 (Mar 1, 2023) = * Added : Checkout- Compatibility with breakdance builder. (#4627) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with FFl API By Optimum7 updated. (#4004) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Mercadopago gateway updated. (#4642) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with astra theme updated. (#4004) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WooCommerce Przelewy24 Payment Gateway updated. (#4624) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WC Germanized plugin updated. (#4632) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with WC memberships for redirection issue updated. (#4080) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with FooEvents updated. (#4657) * Improved: Core- Translation text domain corrected in a few places for the backend. (#4054) * Fixed: Checkout- First name and last name were saved with a slash when a single quote was used. (#4028) * Fixed: Checkout- PHP Fatal error on WordPress editor for checkout when the page is made using divi builder in some cases. (#4077) * Fixed: Checkout- Override tracking code settings were not working for checkout. (#4096) * Fixed: Core- Store Checkout add new step action was navigating to template screen. (#4035) = 2.10.2 (Jan 30, 2023) = * Fixed: Email Optin step on wizard is getting stuck in some cases. (#4029) = 2.10.1 (Jan 28, 2023) = * Improved: license activation behaviour after wizard will not require manual reload. (#4026) * Fixed: PHP Error on admin pages when WooCommerce is not active. (#4026) = 2.10.0 (Jan 27, 2023) = * Improved: Better onboarding wizard. (#3634) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with blocksy theme updated. (#4606) * Improved: Checkout: Order Pay page css improved. (#4603) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Divi theme editor improved. (#4585) * Improved: Checkout: Radio button behavior improved during shimmer animation. (#4313) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Avada theme updated (#4605) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with OceanWP theme updated. (#4601) * Improved: Compatibility with beaver builder updated. (#4006) = 2.9.3 (Jan 13, 2023) = * Improved: Store Checkout listing behaviour improved in case someone deletes the store checkout. (#3944) = 2.9.2 (Jan 11, 2023) = * Fixed: Checkout: 301 redirect was not working on dedicated checkout pages since v2.9.0. (#3930) = 2.9.1 (Jan 10, 2023) = * Fixed: Checkout: Issue with advanced phone field showing country 'Afghanistan' when billing country and shipping country is hidden. (#4580) = 2.9.0 (Jan 09, 2023) = * Added: Checkout: New setting to control if phone number(s) to be saved with country code for advanced phone field. (#3624) * Added: Funnel pages to list inside the customizer in homepage settings. (#3556) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with thrive theme builder updated. (#3551) * Improved: Order Items data improved for the view item and purchase events for GA. (#3531) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Divi builder updated. (#3631) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with WooCommerce InPost WPDesk updated. (#3590) * Improved: Checkout: Mobile Detect library updated. (#3474) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with PostCodeNL plugin updated for auto-populate an address. (#3599) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Woodmart theme. (#3647) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with FooEvents updated. (#3602) * Improved: Allowed dynamic page templates to apply on funnel pages. (#3645) * Improved: Optin Submission data to pass onto other events to improve facebook pixel advance matching. (#3588) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Sendinblue for WooCommerce updated. (#3599) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Klarna payment method from Payment Plugins for Stripe WooCommerce. (#3481) * Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with EU VAT Number updated. (#3629) * Improved: Compatibility with google site kit plugin updated, causing errors on checkout pages. (#3535) * Fixed: Advanced phone field flag getting removed for multi-step setup. (#3679) * Fixed: Editor not opening when custom redirection is set for the optin confirmation page. (#3730) * Fixed: Oxygen cache reset when template import completed. (#3440) = 2.8.2 (Nov 23, 2022) = * Fixed: console error showing up on checkout related to coupon field. (#3528) = 2.8.1 (Nov 23, 2022) = * Fixed: Admin notification to update to pro showing in wrong casee. (#3411) = 2.8.0 (Nov 23, 2022) = * Improved: Checkout style to handle themes overriding radio and checkbox styles. (#3437) * Improved: Compatibility with blocksy theme. (#3441) * Improved: Compatibility updated with WooCommerce Product Bundles. (#3476) * Improved: Compatibility updated with WooCommerce Germanized for multiple place order button. (#3476) * Improved: Boxed template responsive style improved. (3508) * Improved: An AJAX call to setup-funnel reduced in checkout to optimize performance. (#3520) * Fixed: CSS fix for the apply coupon input focus. (#3429) * Fixed: CSS cache was not set up correctly for oxygen templates duplicate. (#3446) * Fixed: License settings behavior improved for inactive licenses. (#3451) * Fixed: PHP notice showing up on the optin page when notification settings were not configured. (#3500) * Fixed: PHP error showing due to conflict with WooCommerce booking plugin during new booking. (#3501) = 2.7.3 (Nov 07, 2022) = * Improved: Admin notices will now be showing more precisely.(#3403) * Fixed: Controls steps are getting deleted on ab test variant delete.(#3412) * Fixed; Issue with PixelYourSite showing console error on checkout pages due to missing 'name' attribute in coupon field.(#3383) = 2.7.2 (Nov 04, 2022) = * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Astra theme updated. (#3358) * Fixed: Step listing options were getting hidden on WordPress v6.1. (#3367) * Fixed: Optin form fields CSS fix not showing in two column. (#3346) = 2.7.1 (Nov 02, 2022) = * Fixed: Posted data was not getting passed to custom hooks after optin form submission. (#3373) * Fixed: Javascript console error on email field focus out on checkout page. (#3373) = 2.7.0 (Oct 31, 2022) = * Improved: Better handling for the case when funnel steps are getting deleted but still showing as steps while listing. (#3295) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Woodmart plugin updated for mini cart. (#3282) * Improved: Checkout- RTL CSS improved for the advanced phone field flag. (#3225) * Improved: 'woocommerce_before_thankyou' hook will now execute on thankyou pages. (#3290) * Improved: Checkout- Advanced phone field flags 2x image is optimized for better performance. (#3284) * Improved: Some improvements to provide compatibility with php8.0.x. (#3273) * Improved: Checkbox icon font loading improved for mobile devices.(#4442) * Fixed: Checkout- Error caused from Mercado Pago gateway compatibility breaking stores in some cases. (#3279) * Fixed: Template import button was not working for some themes due to CSS conflict. (#3222) * Fixed: PHP Error on the checkout page for admins when the "Show Current Template" plugin is active (#3270) * Fixed: Checkout- Error with shoptimizer theme in checkout embed forms. (#3287) * Fixed: Pass current user ID as external ID to Facebook pixel event to avoid mismatch of external_id. (#1458) * Fixed: PHP notice coming up with perfmatter compatibility when webp-converter for media plugin is active. (#3302) * Fixed: Optin webhook action not getting fired in some cases. (#3313) * Fixed: Terms and condition error notice was not coming with some cases with multistep forms and PayPal gateway. (#3315) * Fixed: Global CSS not getting applied to global checkout made using block editor in some cases. (#3294) * Fixed: Checkout- Smart buttons color CSS is getting overridden for some gateways. (#3281) * Fixed: Checkout- External Divi button Icon showing incorrectly on the place order button. (#3322) * Fixed: Admin menu not showing for user roles except adminstrator. (#3307) = 2.6.1 (Oct 19, 2022) = * Fixed: Database table creation failing since v2.6.0. (#3256) * Fixed: Checkout styling improved for the cases of shimmer animation with oxygen builder since v2.6.0. (#3258) = 2.6.0 (Oct 18, 2022) = * Added: Checkout- A filter to remove shimmer animation on the checkout. (#3238) * Added: Admin notice to prompt admin about using the individual plugins. (#3248) * Improved: Database migration process to handle some edge cases.(#3235) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility updated for the Mercado Pago gateway. (#3299) * Improved: PageView event tracking support for the WC native order received page. (#3154) * Fixed: First interaction time was not getting calculated correctly for some time-zones. (#3205) * Fixed: Advanced phone field showing up duplicate countries for the US and UK. (#3239) * Fixed: Checkout- Space getting added in validation message for email field. (#3193) = 2.5.1 (Oct 16, 2022) = * Fixed: Typo in a migration notice, corrected. = 2.5.0 (Oct 14, 2022) = * Added: Filter to allow phone field values without the country code in order. (#4377) * Added: Filter to allow plugins to modify mini cart item name image HTML. (#4365) * Improved: Admin UI improved for the RTL languages. (#4358) * Fixed: Error caused by unsetting gateway fragments during order review update. (#4368) * Fixed: Field focus color settings was not working for selects on gutenberg checkout pages. (#4371) = 2.4.2 (Oct 10, 2022) = * Improved: Checkout- compatibility updated for the Nextend Social Login and Register addon. (#3115) * Improved: Checkout- compatibility updated for the Divi Den Pro by WP Den. (#3117) * Improved: Checkout- Advanced phone field with flags improved for better handling for default country and preferred countries. (#3120) * Fixed: An issue with store checkout having multiple checkout pages. (#3112) * Fixed: Checkout- Collapsible order summary was not showing up on gutenberg checkout pages. (#3121) * Fixed: Checkout- Gateways showing up on zero amount for some specific discounting cases. (#3109) = 2.4.1 (Oct 05, 2022) = * Tweak: Rebranding related changes.(#3101) * Improved: Upsell and OrderBump promotion cards are not dismissible.(#3095) * Fixed: Redirect to dashboard not working correctly from store checkout tab. (#3091) * Fixed: Store checkout was not showing up when template is default for the builder gutenberg. (#3092) = 2.4.0 (Sept 30, 2022) = * Added: UI/UX improved in favor of better product features discoverability. (#2556) * Added: Store checkout funnels functionality. (#2806) * Added: Checkout- New loading effect (Shimmer Animation) on all elements of checkout. (#4244) * Added: Checkout- International phone field support for phone field. (#4244) * Added: Checkout- Live validation for email and phone fields. (#4244) * Added: Checkout- Floating labels for the input fields. (#4244) * Added: Collapsible order summary feature is added. (#4244) * Added: Checkout- Compatibility with plugin MDS Collivery By MDS Technologies. (#2439) * Added: Compatibility with Bricks theme. (#2473) * Added: Checkout- Compatibility with Nextend Social Login and Register plugin. (#2532) * Added: Checkout- Compatibility with WooCommerce InPost. (#2597) * Added: Checkout- Compatibility with Chronopost and Chronofood by WooChrono (#2691) * Added: Checkout- Compatibility with EU/UK VAT for WooCommerce by WPWhale. (#2808) * Added: Checkout- Compatibility with WP fusion abandoned cart functionality. (#3003) * Added: Compatibility with Kedence theme. (#3032) * Added: Javascript filters to skip tracking in favour of cookie consent plugins. (#4299) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility updated with blocksy theme. (#2603) * Improved: Template previews are now more interactive and cover multi-step checkouts. * Improved: User onboarding with guided setup and help screen. (#2901) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility updated with oxygen updated. (#2486) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility updated with WooCommerce Product Bundle. (#2947) * Improved: Better dummy data and controls to handle visibility of section inside customer information and order details dynamic widgets. (#2624) * Improved: Removed '-copy' suffix from the step name while duplicating funnel. (#2437) * Improved: Optin submit confirmation email to admin was not getting send in case of WP Offload SES lite plugin. (#2976) * Improved: Method to to get the client IP address to improve event match quality for Facebook conversion events. (#2975) * Improved: Checkout- Beaver Builder support updated for the duplicated checkout page. (#4298) * Fixed: Compatibility with Woodmart theme. (#2426) * Fixed: Issue with embedded checkout page shortcode when used as global checkout. (#2452) * Fixed: Checkout- Section styling settings were not there for the checkout widget. (#2454) * Fixed: Funnel thank you page was not opening when the order was placed using the order-pay page. (#2593) * Fixed: Update title field getting hidden when user blanks the field. (#2581) * Fixed: Checkout- A PHP notice showing up on checkout when no settings are saved in PayPal for WooCommerce plugin. (#2609) * Fixed: Checkout- Review order page opening native checkout after PayPal popup with PayPal for WooCommerce plugin. (#1219) * Fixed: Delete contact was not removing upsell data associated with the contact. (#2659) * Fixed: WooFunnels_Optinconfirmation custom events were not firing in FB CAPI events in some cases. (#2629) * Fixed: Wizard getting stuck after PRO plugin is ON. (#2680) * Fixed: Store-wide add-to-cart settings were not working when redirected to cart settings enabled in WooCommerce. (#2707) * Fixed: Translations on the react JS admin interfaces were not working. (#2765) * Fixed: Beaver builder designing not working when setting the checkout as global. (#2724) * Fixed: Checkout: Company field value is not getting copied between billing and shipping fields. (#2729) * Fixed: Checkout views getting recorded twice in some edge cases. (#2736) * Fixed: Optin form compatibility with RTL languages. (#2805) * Fixed: Gutenberg icon background creating an issue with design panels. (#2849) * Fixed: Optin popup was not showing up scrollbar on mobile devices. (#2927) * Fixed: Deprecated PHP warning showing up during Facebook pixel after WooCommerce v6.0.0 when coupon used in the order. (#1414) * Fixed: Restricted site-wide track JS on native thankyou pages causing duplicate pixel ID error. (#1455) * Fixed: Google Tag manager showing warning when google ads and more than one GA Ids are used. (#4455) = 2.3.0 (Apr 21, 2022) = * Added: Filter `wffn_optin_phone_param_only_countries` to select specific countries in optin phone field. (#2369) * Improved: Compatibility with plugin 'Points and Rewards for WooCommerce' updated. (#2324) * Improved: Featured Image support added for all steps. (#2364) * Improved: Additional handling for the checkout block for Gutenberg when used as a reusable block. (#2380) * Improved: Event 'addtocart' data improved to pass product tags, categories, and price for snapchat, pinterest and tiktok. (#2341) * Improved: Compatibility with DiviDenPro. (#2337) * Improved: Additional handling of Pageview events with the thankyou page to prevent them from firing twice in some cases. (#2353) * Fixed: Optin form module for the latest version of Divi builder in editor mode. (#2310) * Fixed: Event 'ViewContent' prevented from showing up on shop pages. (#2317) * Fixed: An issue with Account creation when billing email contains some special character. (#2328) * Fixed: Checkout custom field with type select placeholder not working on the checkout. (#4022) * Fixed: Few PHP notices were showing up on canvas A/B test mode in some cases. (#2370) * Fixed: PayPal buttons alignment when the German market plugin was used. (#2312) * Fixed: Optin form via shortcode button width was not getting applied for few cases. (#2362) = 2.2.0 (Apr 12, 2022) = * Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Ship to Multiple Addresses by WooCommerce. * Added: Compatibility with FluentCRM Pro by Fluent CRM. * Added: Compatibility with Yoast SEO: WooCommerce By Team Yoast. * Added: Compatibility with Woodmart theme for thankyou page and optin. * Added: A filter hook 'wffn_allow_site_wide_tracking' added to disallow site-wide tracking. * Added: ViewContent event added for tiktok. * Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Coupon URL By Skyverge. * Added: Back to checkout button added from post edit screen. * Improved: Added conversion rate stats for the order bump in canvas view. * Improved: Funnel session handling improved for cached optin confirmation pages in few cases. * Improved: Removed traffic parameters data from tiktok events as its showing as invalid params. * Improved: Compatibility with Divi Page Builder updated. * Improved: Disable Events tracking on order pay page. * [Critical] Fixed: PayPal smart buttons were not showing up for the checkout pages after WooCommerce PayPal Payments v1.7.1. * Fixed: Javascript Console error showing up when CAPI events are setup. * Fixed: A conflict with Yoast SEO news plugin causing page builder actions to break in some cases. * Fixed: Pass item total instead of item subtotal to cover discount cases at item level in GA analytics. = 2.1.1 (March 23, 2022) = * [Critical] Fixed: Deprecated warning for elementor _register_controls is deprecated since version 3.1.0. (#2213) * Fixed: An issue with thankyou page rules for the case of upgrades in upsells. (#2182) = 2.1.0 (March 11, 2022) = * Added: Compatibility with 'Cost of Goods by PixelYourSite' plugin. (#3881) * Added: A filter 'wffn_optin_advanced_filed_name' added to modify custom fields names. (#2069) * Added: ViewContent event for FaceBook on single product pages. (2014) * Improved: Snapchat event tracking improved. (#1979) * Improved: Prevent script loading when there is no pixel IDs. (#1960) * Improved: Duplicating funnel now maintains step order. (#2052) * Fixed: Captcha settings were not working fine for optin. (#1980) * Fixed: Extra pageview event firing for Pinterest. (#3861) * Fixed: Wrong currency format showing in canvas mode. (#1968) * Fixed: Run PageView event on all steps if global settings ON. (#1975) * Fixed: Page view event not working for Google Analytics and Google Ads for store wide settings. (#2045) = 2.0.1 (January 31, 2022) = * Improved: Canvas mode: Conversation rate is called rather a Conversion count. (#1834) * Improved: Elementor and Divi: Templates importing speed is improved. (#1853) * Improved: Wizard UI improvements. (#1865, #1859) * Improved: Import template UI improvements. (#1856, #1858) * Improved: React library improvements. (#1854) * Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility updated with 'WC Affirm' payment gateway, A PHP error was coming in admin during editing of checkout pages with page builder, fixed. (#1850) * Fixed: Oxygen builder edit link was wrong, fixed. (#1842) * Fixed: Updating the contact status to unverified on optin form submission, now working on new contacts only. (#1836) * Fixed: The street address was not appearing on the thank you page in a case. Fixed (#1879) * Fixed: PHP 8.0 compatibility fixes. (#1886) * Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes. (#1844) = 2.0.0 (January 24, 2022) = * Compatible with WordPress 5.9.0. * Compatible with WooCommerce 6.2.0. * New: Support for Canvas Builder to preview funnel steps in a tree-node structure. * New: Two new sales funnels added: Rosetta and Frizty. * New: Support for Site-wide tracking events for page view and add to cart events. * New: Tracking events support extended to Google ads, Pinterest, Tiktok and Snapchat. * New: Conversion tracking with UTM params and referrer information in WooCommerce order. * New: Support for Pro: Order Bump replace with a specific product in cart. * New: Support for Pro: Two new Order Bump skins. * New: Support for Pro: Inbuilt A/B Testing in Canvas mode. * Added: Support for Funnel Builder PRO v2.0 features. * Improved: New cards in Analytics for more detailed information. * Fixed: Some Gutenberg templates getting broken in case of funnel import, fixed. * Fixed: Google recaptcha was not working for the optin forms. * Security Fix: esc_sql() method used as suggested by the WordFence for post meta query during steps duplicate action. (#1176) = 1.11.1 (December 27, 2021) = * Fixed: Build Files missing in the last update. = 1.11.0 (December 27, 2021) = * Added: Filter hook added to allow custom fonts for the Gutenberg blocks. (#1659) * Added: Feature to fire a webhook with form data after optin form submitted. (#1674) * Improved: Compatibility updated for "WC-AC Hook" plugin. (#1692) * Improved: Compatibility updated for "WooCommerce Postcode Checker" plugin. (#1692) * Improved: Import button UI when no funnel exists. (#1661) * Improved: Compatibility updated for 'WooCommerce Points and Rewards' by WooCommerce. (#1671) * Improved: Handling for the case when older IntelInput library in optin pages. (#1736) * Improved: Handling for the case when setting "Improved Asset Loading" is turned ON in Elementor. (#1645) * Improved: While importing WordPress pages inside a funnel, page builder is automatically detected & template assigned accordingly. (#1726) * Fixed: WooFunnels tab showing up in oxygen builder. ($1649) * Fixed: Disable Embed-form header footer when the page is built by Divi builder. (#1651) * Fixed: Elementor widget settings were not getting saved in a few cases. (#1665) * Fixed: Optin form styling issue with Divi builder. (#1667) * Fixed: Issue with country state field in checkout in cases when only one country is allowed. (#1673) * Fixed: Save button getting hidden for optin customize form page in some cases. (#1717) * Fixed: Funnel not getting duplicate correctly when builder used is Gutenberg. (#1739) * Fixed: Oxygen builder edit screen was not functional in a few cases while using templates. (#1745) * Fixed: Tracking events were not working for the optin confirmation page. (#1747) * Fixed: Elementor templates import failing with few cases when elementor meta contains '_elementor_page_assets'. (#1751) * Fixed: Elementor widgets alignment settings icons were missing in a few sites. (#1758) = 1.10.0 (November 12, 2021) = * Added: Compatibility added for WCFM - WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace by WC Lovers. (#1616) * Improved: Removed SlingBlocks plugin dependency from gutenberg build from scratch template. (#1622) * Improved: Checkout: Improved Compatibility with Cartflows when both WooFunnels and Cartflows is active simultaneously.(#1641) * Fixed: Divi Builder was not opening in few cases when header and footer enabled. (#1599) * Fixed: PHP notice of deprecated color type control used in divi modules. (#1608) * Fixed: Sales Page settings were not getting saved. (#1601) * Fixed: Fixed issue of build from scratch template failing to set when respective page builder is not found active. (#1614) * Fixed: A PHP error coming in setups with no page builder and woocommerce installs. (#1525) * Fixed: Admin toolbar not showing up in oxygen editor pages. (#1604) = 1.9.0 (October 30, 2021) = * Added: Deep Integration with Gutenberg Block editor with 6 new blocks and pre-build templates: - Checkout Form - Mini Cart - Optin form - optin form popup - Order Details - Customer Details * Improved: Optimizations in the way metadata getting utilized in checkout module. (#1541) * Fixed: Page showing up blank built with oxygen builder when template selected is custom.(#1543) * Fixed: Custom design settings for thankyou page was not working. (#1553) * Fixed: Error while duplicating checkout page in case of WPML activated. (#1555) * Fixed: Issue with checkout analytics sometimes saving funnel id incorrectly.(#1568) * Fixed: Prevents license key from being available in admin settings page source.(#1570) * Fixed: Thankyou page edit/preview showing error when multi-currency settings are enabled in WooCommerce Payments. (#1574) = 1.8.1 (October 08, 2021) = * Added: Support for Google analytics version 4. (#1456) = 1.8.0 (October 01, 2021) = * Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Quaderno. (#3494) * Added: Compatibility with plugin WooCommerce Affirm Gateway BY WooCommerce (v.1.2.2). (#3461) * Added: Compatibility with PayPal Express Checkout Payment Gateway for WooCommerce (basic) addon by Webtoffee. (#3477) * Added: Compatibility with YITH Dynamic Pricing per Payment Method for WooCommerce. (#3479) * Improved: Compatibility with Divi updated for menu and social media modules. (#3496) * Fixed: Default coupon field not displaying for oxygen and divi builder. (#1516) * Fixed: Conversions for checkout were not getting recorded for orders having a total zero. (#3491) * Fixed: Oxygen editor drag and drop modules were not working on few cases. (#3468) * Fixed: Checkout metadata was not getting saved after the order from Digital wallets in stripe gateway. (#3466) = 1.7.1 (September 15, 2021) = * Added: Checkout page compatibility with WooCommerce Taxamo By WooCommerce plugin. (#1473) * Fixed: Landing Pages, Optin page and thankyou pages were not showing up if built using oxygen builder since last update. (#1424) * Fixed: Optin Entries were not getting saved if entry content is large. (#1476) = 1.7.0 (September 14, 2021) = * Added: Filter in optin form to avoid adding default values for a logged-in user. (#1424) * Added: Filter hook to skip funnel checks in favor of opening thankyou pages from native checkout.(#1444) * Added: Checkout page compatibility with Uncanny Groups for LearnDash plugin. (#1471) * Fixed: CSS fix to avoid next-link getting clipped in case of long site URLs.(#1446) * Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce Gift Card plugin updated.(#1454) * Fixed: Add new field option sometimes not working in optin form admin interface.(#1451) * Fixed: PHP error causing checkout issues when the payment method is authorize.net CIM.(#1469) * Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce Sendinblue Newsletter Subscription updated.(#1465) * Fixed: CSS fix to icons getting misaligned on funnel listing page.(#1467) = 1.6.2 (August 24, 2021) = * Fixed: PHP Fatal error on stores having flatsome theme activated (#1421) = 1.6.1 (August 23, 2021) = * Fixed: Checkout- Fatal error on checkout since last update (#1418) = 1.6.0 (August 20, 2021) = * Added: Checkout- Compatibility update Germanized plugin (Multiple Shipping Method Shown (#1370)) * Added: Checkout- Compatibility update side cart premium by Xootix (#3312) * Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Deposits - Partial Payments Plugin (#1383) * Improved: Checkout- Optimization in loading compatibility classes. (#3332) * Improved: Checkout- Optimization in loading JS assets. (#1375) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility update for fakturownia plugin. (#1407). * Improved: Allow few special character in email field in optin form. (#1407). * Fixed: Divi modules were not getting registered after Divi v4.10. (#984) * Fixed: Optin- Add field popup was not showing correctly on Safari browser. (#1373) * Fixed: Optin- width settings in optin form was not reflecting in realtime preview for custom mode. (#1381) * Fixed: CSS fix for datepicker and table in dashboard and backend UI. (#1384) * Fixed: Oxygen integration unused xlink-css request on funnel pages. (#1388) * Fixed: optin form getting unresponsive due to JS error when jQuery loads after html. (#1415) = 1.5.6 (July 28, 2021) = * Improved: Compatibility with "WooCommerce Deposits - Partial Payments Plugin" for checkout analytics. (#1352) * Fixed: Few global settings options were not functional due to new react components of WordPress version 5.8.(#1354) * Fixed: Issue with Astra Addons related to checkout field values.(#1364) = 1.5.5 (July 22, 2021) = * Added: Compatibility with WordPress version 5.8.0 * Added: Compatibility with "WooCommerce Deposits - Partial Payments Plugin" for thankyou pages. (#1339) * Improved: Compatibility with "Razorpay for WooCommerce" for checkout pages. (#1341) * Improved: Filter hook added 'wffn_show_customer_info_non_logged_user' to show/hide customer info in thankyou pages. (#1343) * Fixed : Issue with landing and optin pages in case when woocommerce doesn't exist. (#1333) * Fixed: Issue with Funnel analytics query considering machine timezone instead of WordPress timezone. (#1335) = 1.5.4 (July 09, 2021) = * Fixed : Issue with importing Divi funnels in some cases. (#1309) * Fixed : Issue of redirection when payment method is Klarna. (#1311) = 1.5.3 (July 09, 2021) = * Fixed : Responsive Layout CSS improvements for oxygen builder. (#1302) * Fixed : Editing with oxygen builder is not working well for the templates since last update (#1304) = 1.5.2 (July 07, 2021) = * Added: Checkout compatibility with "RY WooCommerce ECPay Invoice by Yang" added. (#1292) * Improved: Oxygen integration now supports templates to automatically assign when building from scratch. (#1267) * Improved: Checkout compatibility with blocksy theme updated. (#1294) * Improved: Checkout compatibility with Smart Coupons plugin updated. (#1295) * Fixed: Country and phone was not getting updated in contact database after optin. (#1271) * Fixed: Issue custom custom date selection in analytics datepicker (#1269) * Fixed: Php notice on admin plugins page on a multisite network. (#1274) * Fixed: Admin UI for design tab breaking for checkout in some edge cases. (#1282) * Fixed: Understap theme compatibility added for the checkout. (#1279) * Fixed: Return to design page from WP editor was inconsistant. (#1261) * Fixed: Global Checkout designed usign oxygen builder was not replacing native checkout.(#1289) * Fixed: PHP fatal error on checkout in case of WooCommerce PayPal payments plugin is active. (#1291) = 1.5.1 (June 23, 2021) = * Fixed: Issue with importing function from funnel page since v1.5.0. (#1255) = 1.5.0 (June 22, 2021) = * Added: Deep Integration with Oxygen with 2 new Oxygen modules for checkout and 25 pre-build templates: - Checkout Form - Mini Cart - Optin form - optin form popup - Order Details - Customer Details * Fixed: Issue with optin custom fields when labels are not in english language.(#1242) * Fixed: Compatibility updated with 'WooCommerce Angelleye' plugin. After payment through express button, dedicated checkout page wasn't opening. (#1234) = 1.4.2 (June 14, 2021) = * Fixed: Divi templates showing false error when Divi theme is active.(#1229) = 1.4.1 (June 11, 2021) = * Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility with Stripe payment gateway broken in stripe gateways version 5.2.2.(#1220) * Fixed: A PHP fatal error on installation in some cases when few caching plugin installed.(#1224) = 1.4.0 (June 10, 2021) = * Added: New sleek admin UI. * Added: Compatibility with php 8.0. * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Paypal for WooCommerce plugin.(#1212) * Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Smart Coupon plugin by StoreApps.(#1185) = 1.3.2 (May 26, 2021) = * Added: Checkout: Couple of compatibilities added related to fields. (#1134) * Added: Checkout: Compatibility added with 'WoocCommerce Composite' plugin. Disallow sub-products removal in the order summary. (#1139) * Added: Checkout: Compatibility added with 'WooCommerce bulk discount' plugin. Disallow plugin discounting on the checkout page. (#1156) * Improved: Checkout: An issue found with XT Floating cart plugin with the Local pickup plus plugin. Added the fix. (#1150) * Fixed: Elementor notice of some depreciated classes were showing during editing, resolved. (#3116) * Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility updated with 'Order WooCommerce Sendinblue' plugin, double optin field wasn't working. (#1137) * Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility updated with 'WooCommerce Subscription' plugin. PHP notice was coming on their latest version. (#1141) * Fixed: Checkout: Empty post permalink base was not working. (#1155) = 1.3.1 (May 11, 2021) = * Improved: Compatibility updated with 'AmazonPay' plugin. With their latest version 2.0. (#1132) = 1.3.0 (May 11, 2021) = * Added: Checkout compatibility with Smart payments button apple pay for braintree gateway. (#1081) * Added: Checkout compatibility with aweber. (#1120) * Added: Checkout compatibility with WooCommerce Fattura24. (#1123) * Added: Compatibility with WPFusion. (#1088) * Improved: Checkout compatibility with Klarna gateway updated. (#1124) * Improved: Few optimization for smooth functioning of optin forms when same form placed multiple times on a page. (#1110) * Improved: Handling for the case when elementor doesn't exist on target site but import file has elementor data. (#1117) * Improved: Filter/action hooks added in optin settings field to allow 3rd party integration possible. (#1088) * Improved: Frontend basic HTML element CSS to only render on page when theme css is restricted.(#1091) * Improved: Few changes to make CRM integration works with dynamic redirect settings in optin form.(#1121) * Fixed: Elementor metadata '_elementor_page_settings' were not copying correctly on duplicating, causing errors (#1083) * Fixed: PHP notice on Optin confirmation page when optin only contains email field. (#1085) * Fixed: Checkout coupon link is now working when plugin "YITH WooCommerce GIft Certificates Premium" is activated. (#1087) * Fixed: Checkout Google Analytics events were only sending first product with events.(#1094) * Fixed: Checkout state Field Stripped out (Paypal Express & angelleye plugin) At final preview page.(#1099) * Fixed: Global settings color picker was not working. (#1101) * Fixed: Checkout stripe apple pay and gpay orders were not recording in analytics. (#1125) = 1.2.5 (Apr 16, 2021) = * Added: Compatibility added with 'Everypay' payment gateway. The payment popup modal wasn't showing. (#3022) * Added: Compatibility updated with WooCommerce subscribed to newsletter' plugin. Issue found with the latest version. (#3022) * Fixed: Template import was not working correctly on multisite setups along with pro plugin. (#1062) * Fixed: Checkout custom fields were not showing up in funnel thankyou pages. (#1050) = 1.2.4 (Apr 14, 2021) = * Fixed: Facebook conversion API error of deprecated version of Ads API for some countries/region. (#1046) = 1.2.3 (Apr 13, 2021) = * Added: Deep integration with Divi builder for all funnel steps and modules for optin and checkout pages.(#913) * Added: Ability to send purchase,checkout & view events using Facebook conversion API. (#836) * Added: Checkout compatibility with Jupiter X theme. (#998) * Added: Checkout compatibility with p24 payment gateway addon. (#1002) * Improved: Filter hooks added on thankyou page output to add custom data between sections.(#1000) * Improved: Add trailing slash in next step link (#1004) * Improved: Added form blocking loader on optin page on submit. (#1030) * Improved: Filter hook `wffn_add_existing_templates` to allow existing template instead of overriding (#1022) * Improved: Optimized frond end loading to speed up sales/optin/checkout page load time. (#1026) * Improved: Optin page redirection now covers all funnel pages along with post type page in the list of pages (#1036) * Fixed: Checkout page showing php notices on WC v5.2. (#1039) * Fixed: Cloning post type page was not cloning page template (#1013) = 1.2.2 (Mar 23, 2021) = * Added: Checkout compatibility with booster price conversion.(#959) * Added: Checkout compatibility with WooCommerce Force sell addon.(#962) * Improved: Handling for few cases with Geolocate states. (#954) * Improved: Template loading now supports custom theme templates automatically.(#974) * Improved: WPML setups now have all the funnels listed regardless of language.(#965) * Improved: Additional handling for WC checkouts without payment, not clearing cart on order-received page. Issue raised to WooCommerce for permanent solution. * Fixed: Tracking settings for checkout events not working (#986) * Fixed: Thankyou page shortcodes showing headings inconsistently.(#967) * Fixed: Checkout elementor widgets responsive settings were not working in some cases.(#975) * Fixed: Issue with few admin screens on WP v5.4 (#985) * Fixed: Import of checkout page was failing when customizer contains changes. (#992) = 1.2.1 (Mar 12, 2021) = * Fixed: Thankyou page editor screens were not functioning since last update. (#951) * Fixed: Configured Override tracking IDs settings were not populating after navigating through listing. (#946) = 1.2.0 (Mar 11, 2021) = * Added: Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1 * Added: Checkout compatibility with WooCommerce Payments. (#912) * Added: Checkout compatibility with blocksy theme. (#889) * Added: Compatibility added with 'HubSpot for WooCommerce' by MakeWebBetter. Added support for Hubspot field in Aero. (#944) * Added: Compatibility added with 'WooCommerce PostNL' plugin. (#944) * Improved: Compatibility with elementor now covers posts listing in elementor conditions.(#915) * Improved: Funnels listing UI changes for better accessibility. (#902) * Improved: Compatibility updated with shoptimizer theme. Some hooks priorities modified in their latest version. (#944) * Improved: Allowing Astra addon assets (CSS & JS) on checkout pages build via Elementor or Divi. (#944) * Fixed: Clone of steps failing when post content contains images in some cases.(#905) * Fixed: Issue with Brazil checkout fields. (#906) * Fixed: PHP Error throwing in Woodmart theme compatibility.(#908) * Fixed: Compatibility updated for rehub theme (#932) * Fixed: Checkout reporting getting counted twice for few orders in some scenarios.(#935) * Fixed: Conflict found with SEO Yoast plugin, causing issues during editing rest site pages with Elementor. (#944) * Fixed: Issue with square payment gateway on ajax calls only when 'Route App' plugin is activated, was reloading again and again. (#944) * Fixed: WooCommerce has a default country option set from the base address. Aero now considering that option. (#944) * Fixed: When a single country available on a checkout page, a dropdown was forming for a single country, fixed. (#944) * Fixed: Global checkout override not wokring with klarna checkout for WooCommerce in some cases. (#944) = 1.1.1 (Mar 02, 2021) = * Fixed: Funnels were not listing correctly with WPML setups since last update. (#888) * Fixed: Compatibility with blocksy theme. (#889) = 1.1.0 (Mar 01, 2021) = * Added: Filter added in checkout analytics to by pass order paid status checks.(#849) * Improved: Allowed all the native content shown by WooCommerce on order received page to our thankyou page.(#872) * Improved: Prevent saving CRM HTML Code in optin metadata.(#879) * Improved: Improved UI/UX for the funnel builder listing.(#831) * Improved: prevent showing WC thankyou page when placed after optin OR sales page.(#867) * Fixed: Few CSS issues in admin for WP version 5.4.(#840) * Fixed: Contact pagination was not working and showing all contacts.(#842) * Fixed: Dashboard date filters were sending current date time instead of 00:00:00 - 23:59:59 (#846) * Fixed: Issue with correct thankyou page was not showing after checkout in some cases. (#852) * Fixed: Permalink settings were showing wrong error message due to incorrect validation.(#859) * Fixed: All language filter in WPML was not showing all funnels.(#865) * Fixed: Order bumps/upsells/thankyou pages were not showing in some cases with global checkout.(#870) * Fixed: Coupon field output was not showing even when setup correctly.(#869) * Fixed: Duplicating steps from post-type page was not working.(#875) = 1.0.16 (Feb 11, 2021) = * Fixed: Orderbumps, upsells and thankyou pages were not showing up in case of global checkout in some cases. * Fixed: Thankyou page widget showing up in optin confirmation step. * Fixed: Dashboard API endpoints were not correct in some setups. * Fixed: Duplicate funnel/steps were not working in some cases due to elementor data. = 1.0.15 (Feb 01, 2021) = * Added: Upcoming PRO version support for funnel settings * Added: Upcoming PRO version support Reset funnel analytics functionality. * Added: Feature to configure rules in thankyou pages. * Added: Compatibility with thrive themes. * Improved: Optimised template option data to load on admin interfaces only. * Improved: test output for the WC thankyou shortcodes restricted to admin logged in mode. * Improved: optimised code for edge cased of wc thankyou page redirection. * Improved: A new improved UX for global settings. * Improved: Default offer creation when new upsell step created. * Fixed: PHP Error during import of funnel. * Fixed: Contact deletion was not cleaning up full data of upsells. * Fixed: Upsells were not showing up when checkout variant served during AB experiments of checkout. * Fixed: All texts for the WC thankyou page to be translatable from WooCommerce instead of funnel builder. * Fixed: Issue with redirection to the next page on click of button inside builders. * Fixed: An issue with duplication of steps. * Fixed: Cleanup duplicate protocol in links during optin confirmation mails. * Fixed: Page built with beaver builder not getting cloned correctly. * Fixed: Do not prevent CSS/JS from coming on 3rd party page templates. * Fixed: Bump analytics to show only conversion and not views inside timeline. = 1.0.14 (Dec 30, 2020) = * Added: Compatibility with UX builder. * Fixed: issue with mysql union query with different collation on tables. * Fixed: Order bumps not importing correctly. * Fixed: CSS issues in dashboard page. * Fixed: MySQL issues for the old records in database. * Fixed: issue when order bump not showing up when aero ab testing is ON. * Fixed: optin phone field country flags was not showing during editing. * Fixed: Fatal error on thankyou page woo order when no name in checkout. = 1.0.13 (Dec 18, 2020) = * Fixed: Issue with funnel form checkout embed import. * Fixed: Contacts screen showing error on WP version 5.4.x. * Fixed: Optin thankyou step views getting increased on refresh. * Fixed: Few optin popup settings showing under optin inline embed button area. = 1.0.12 (Dec 17, 2020) = * Fixed: issue with bulk delete in funnels. * Fixed: Issue with template import when WooCommerce is not active. = 1.0.11 (Dec 15, 2020) = * Fixed: PHP error showing during clone from existing pages. = 1.0.10 (Dec 14, 2020) = * Fixed: CSS cache issues with clone pages built by elementor. * Fixed: Checkout import customization were not getting applied correctly. = 1.0.9 (Dec 12, 2020) = * Fixed: Issues with cloning page built by page builder other than elementor. * Fixed: Date created showing wrong in contact sidebar. = 1.0.8 (Dec 11, 2020) = * Fixed: Issue with chunk JS files not loading on some sites. * Fixed: Thankyou page editor not working when nextmove plugin is active. = 1.0.7 (Dec 10, 2020) = * Fixed: Issue with deleting the last contact in contacts tab. * Fixed: Checkout step duplicate is not copying customizations. * Fixed: learndash course was not getting assigned after successful optin submissions. * Fixed: An issue with Google Analytics tracking was not working for landing and optin. = 1.0.6 (Dec 04, 2020) = * Fixed: Issue while cloning order bump. * Fixed: Fixed issue of breadcrumb loosing funnel reference in back to link. * Fixed: issue in cloning elementor templates with the video widget. * Fixed: Default boxed templates getting assigned while cloning checkout page. = 1.0.5 (Dec 03, 2020) = * Fixed: Divi product widgets was not working on optin & sales pages. * Fixed: Dashboard not loading on WordPress version 5.4.4 or below. * Fixed: Checkout fields value not populating in case of direct access for a logged in user. = 1.0.4 (Dec 02, 2020) = * Fixed: Few Optin popup fields showing inside inline tab on load. * Fixed: Issue while deleting contact from contact tab. = 1.0.3 (Dec 01, 2020) = * Added: Ability to setup sales page and optin page as home page. * Fixed: Thank you page toggle settings was not working. * Fixed: Contact queries issue with upsells. * Fixed: Multisite handling for the step registration. * Fixed: Funnel view link was not getting updated on step reorder. = 1.0.2 (Nov 30, 2020) = * Improved: Allow post type 'page' to inherit design from. * Fixed: Wizard CSS fix. * Fixed: Thank you page custom shortcode settings were not getting saved. * Fixed: Aero step is not showing on multisite setups. * Fixed: Issue with searching upsells. = 1.0.1 (Nov 27, 2020) = * Fixed: Some Errors showing up when WooCommerce is not active. * Fixed: Optin and Optin thankyou showing wrong template selection after duplicate. * Fixed: Checkout- Savoy and Boagiotti Theme compatibility updated = 1.0.0 (Nov 26, 2020) = * Public Release Launch Date