=== A/B Experiments for FunnelKit === == Change log == = 1.7.0 (24/01/2024) = * Added: Compatibility with Funnelkit Funnel Builder v3.0.0 * Added: Feature to A/B test upsell single offer. = 1.6.0 (19/04/2023) = * Added: New settings to show variant on original variant link. (#205) * Improved: Handling for the case when a completed experiment has no variants. (#208) * Fixed: Duplicated variants were not sustaining its design if made using a block editor. (#3241) * Fixed: Post content was not getting copied correctly from upsell ab test after declaring a winner. (#1458) * Fixed: Analytics for A/B tests were not getting recorded when same URL variant setting is enabled. (#4139) = 1.5.1 (05/10/2022) = * Tweak: Rebranding related changes. = 1.5.0 (28/09/2022) = * Improved: Query for the ab variants optimized when hook to get ab tests works multiple times. (#173) * Improved: Optimised controller posts searching by making delayed query.(#156) * Fixed: An issue in deleting variant data on completion of A/B tests. (#165) * Fixed: Original tag on the original variant was not showing up after declaring winner. (#167) * Fixed: Upsell offers were not showing up in the correct order in analytics in some cases.(#175) * Fixed: Optin A/B tests custom redirection settings are not working when variant serves. (#184) * Fixed: An issue with not all meta copying when creating variant for the checkouts. (#185) = 1.4.1 (01/02/2022) = * Improved: Creating database tables on earlier priority. (#152) * Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes. (#154) = 1.4.0 (17/01/2022) = * Added: Support for the Funnel Builder 2.0 with in built experiments module. * Improved: Better validation checks before experiments. * Improved: Removed archiving the variant and replaced it with draft mode for better consistency. * Fixed: Issue with replaced control being placed in the bottom instead of top of the list. * Fixed: Few edge cases when graph was not showing correct data of same day. * Fixed: Redirect issue with the variants when plain permalink settings is chosen in WordPress settings. = 1.3.5 (15/07/2021) = * Fixed: Add new button not showing after conflict with elementor v3.3.0. (#959) = 1.3.4 (31/05/2021) = * Improved: Optimized frond end mysql queries. * Improved: URL query parameters to be passed while redirecting to variants. * Fixed: Issue with limited search results while choosing control. * Fixed: Duplicating upsell variant with changes through customizer. = 1.3.3 (19/02/2021) = * Fixed: duplicating variant/control was failing on some edge cases. = 1.3.2 (10/02/2021) = * Fixed: Issue with upsells built under funnels were not showing in control search. * Fixed: Issue with ab test variant showing up when editor mode. = 1.3.1 (04/01/2021) = * Fixed: Issue with optin page redirecting to home page. * Fixed: Issue with limited search results while choosing control. = 1.3.0 (26/11/2020) = * Added: Ability to run A/B tests on sales pages, optin pages, optin thankyou, wc thankyou & checkout pages. = 1.2.0 (18/06/2020) = * Added: Compatibility with WC v4.2 * Fixed: An issue with duplicate upsell variant not copying customizer changes. = 1.1.0 (12/02/2020) = * Improved: Reset stats feature. * Fixed: Critical error for breadcrumb class dependency. * Fixed: Text domain and textual changes. = 1.0.0 (20/11/2019) = * Public Release