== Change log == = 1.24.0 (2024-08-20) = * Added: A new filter hook was added to modify the default bump position dynamically. (#6465) * Fixed: Order Bumps with FK checkout not showing up on tablets if the mini cart position was set and if it was hidden on tablets. (#6464) * Fixed: Bumps getting hidden in cases of multiple checkout opened at once. (#6550) = 1.23.0 (2024-06-25) = * Improved: Re-run rules in case of replace cart item settings are enabled. (#6290) * Improved: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons & Extra Options Premium by YITH. (#6098) * Improved: Price display improved for WooCommerce Subscriptions. (#6097) * Improved: Compatibility with Discount Rules Core Plugin by Fly Cart updated. (#6086) * Fixed: Global settings for custom CSS were not working. (#6166) * Fixed: Compatibility with CURCY – Multi-Currency for WooCommerce updated. (#6099) * Fixed: Removing and reading products causing few style settings to set as default. (#5918) = 1.22.0 (2024-04-02) = * Improved: Bump: Compatibility with Discount Rules Core Plugin by Fly Cart updated. (#6086) * Improved: Bump price display improved for WooCommerce Subscriptions. (#6097) * Improved: Bump: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons & Extra Options Premium by YITH. (#6098) * Improved: Bump - Re-run rules in case of replace cart item settings are enabled. (#6290) * Fixed: Bump: Compatibility with CURCY – Multi-Currency for WooCommerce updated. (#6099) * Fixed: Bump: Removing and re-adding products causing few style settings to set as default. (#5918) * Fixed: Bump - Global settings for custom CSS were not working. (#6166) = 1.21.0 (2024-04-02) = * Improved: Bump: Compatibility with Divi updated. (#721) * Improved: Bump: Discounting improved to avoid conflicts with 3rd party discounts & currency switcher plugins. (#700) * Improved: Bump: Compatibility with Klaviyo updated. (#1705) * Improved: Bump: Compatibility with WPC Fly Cart for WooCommerce. (#5877) * Fixed: Bump: Duplicate Order bumps on the store checkout funnel with native checkout were not working fine. (#5934) * Fixed: Bump: Compatibility with Yith currency exchange plugin updated (#713) = 1.20.2 (2024-02-09) = * Fixed: Bump- Title and description fields are switching to default content in case of blank input. (#5631) * Improved: Bump- Compatibility with CURCY – Multi Currency for WooCommerce updated. (#5159) * Fixed: Bump- Code refactored to prevent any issues in add to cart functionality.(#5765) = 1.20.1 (2024-01-24) = * Fixed: Skins 3 and 4 causing issues in mobile responsive design.(#675) = 1.20.0 (2024-01-24) = * Added: Compatibility with FunnelKit Funnel Builder v3.0.0 * Added: New Order Bump Skins * Added: Ability to pre-check order bumps and hide them after selection * Fixed: PHP Error in case of WooCommerce multi currency premium addon activated. = 1.19.1 (2024-01-12) = * Fixed: PHP warning showing in case of plugin Price Based on Country exists . (#666) = 1.19.0 (2024-01-10) = * Improved: Various code and performance optimizations. (#1659) * Fixed: Regular price strike-through was not working when the sale price was zero. (#666) * Fixed: Order Bump accept button CSS was getting overridden in case of checkouts designed using block editor. (#5250) = 1.18.0 (2023-10-17) = * Improved: OrderBump: Compatibility with OceanWP theme updated. (#5137) * Improved: Bump reporting improved to cover cases when the order is completed using webhooks. (#5086) * Fixed: OrderBump: The position above payment gateways was not working when the Rank Math SEO plugin was active. (#5118) * Fixed: OrderBump: Revenue was saved without taxes. (#5120) = 1.17.2 (2023-09-19) = * Fixed: Compatibility updated with ‘Disable REST API’ plugin.(#4987) = 1.17.1 (2023-09-12) = * Fixed: PHP Error with Woomulticurcy plugin when Funnelkit Checkout is not active. (#4986) = 1.17.0 (2023-09-11) = * Added: WooCommerce HPOS feature compatibility. (#609) * Added: New settings added to replace all products. (#605) * Added: New rule operator 'contains exactly' added for cart item tags and category rule. (#629) * Improved: Do not allow bump product to add to cart if already added once. (#581) * Improved : Compatibility with Woomulticurcy updated. (4700) * Improved: Prevent adding duplicate product to the cart. (#581) * Improved: Mercadopago compatibility updated. (#627) * Improved: Addtocart pixel events are now compatible with bundle products. (#633) * Fixed: Prices with Strikethrough not showing up in few cases. (#586) * Fixed: Text color CSS to prevent override by elementor.(#587) = 1.16.0 (2023-01-09) = * Added: Bump: Coupon text match rule added. (#574) * Added: OrderBump- Loader effect on bump add and remove button. (#549) * Fixed: Order Bump showing twice when WooCommerce Germanized plugin is active. (#558) * Fixed: Order Bump- PHP fatal error when width settings are set as blank. (#561) * Fixed: OrderBump: Checkbox checked state is not showing up on native checkout. (#3175) * Fixed: OrderBump- Background color settings were not getting applied in the backend in some cases. (#3237) = 1.15.1 (2022-11-01) = * Fixed: Admin menu not showing for user roles except adminstrator. (#3307) * Improved: Checkbox icon font loading improved for mobile devices.(#4442) = 1.15.0 (2022-10-19) = * Added: loader UI on add/remove button on bumps. (#540) * Improved: Compatibility with WC Germanized plugin. (#557) * Fixed: PHP fatal error when width settings are set as blank. (#561) = 1.14.1 (2022-10-05) = * Tweak: Rebranding related changes. = 1.14.0 (2022-09-28) = * Added: Action hook added when order bump accepted/rejected. (#523) * Added: Hook added to modify rules matching behavior for order bumps. (#472) * Improved: Bumps now automatically show under payment gateway in case they are added in Mini Cart and mini cart is hidden on mobile”. (#3929) * Fixed: Few PHP notices resolved for PHP v8.1. (#526) * Fixed: Order bump was not showing up in a few cases when the customer changes address. (#475) * Fixed: Quantity selector showing up twice on firefox. (#498) * Fixed: Global settings page was not showing up when only order bump is active. (#530) = 1.13.0 (2022-01-31) = * Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.0. * Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1.0. * Added: Replace Bump product with a specific product in the cart. (#421) * Added: Two new skins added. (#424) * Added: Compatibility added with 'WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts' plugin by RightPress. Disable discounting on Bump products. (#419) * Added: Compatibility added with 'WooCommerce Memberships' By SkyVerge. Disable membership discounting on Bump products. (#428) * Added: Compatibility added with 'WooCommerce Multi Currency' plugin by TIV.NET INC. Bump product price as per selected currency. (#438) * Added: Compatibility added with 'Happy Elementor Addons' by weDevs. JS conflict was there. (#404) * Improved: Bump style editing admin UI improved. (#424) * Improved: Bump product wasn't added when it is a part of the group product. (#406) * Improved: Bump analytics code improved. (#410, #413) * Improved: Bump product selection admin UI CSS improvement. (#395) * Improved: One text wasn't translatable, fixed. (#422) * Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes. * Fixed: Bump CSS was coming on non-required pages, fixed. (#382) * Fixed: A notice related to image position, fixed. (#465) * Fixed: Slashed regular price and the sale price, sometimes not displaying, fixed. (#449) * Fixed: Bump product 'Add' button, multiple clicks prevented. (#391) = 1.12.0 (2021-09-14) = * Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.7.0. * Added: New merge tag for product unit price added.(#371) * Fixed: Admin screen toggle issue in design settings.(#377) * Fixed: Order bump reports not saving decimal amounts.(#380) * Fixed: Add new button on listing was not showing up after elementor update v3.3.0(#385) * Fixed: Some inline CSS for quick view showing on home page.(#383) * Fixed: Compatibility with WP-deposits plugin.(#387) * Fixed: Prevent multiple click on add products button on backend.(#392) * Fixed: Admin screen CSS issues.(#396) * Fixed: Rule for time was not working.(#402) * Fixed: PHP error coming up when page is built using gutenberg and having divi theme enabled.(#400) = 1.11.0 (2021-06-10) = * Compatibility with PHP 8.0. * Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.4. * Added: New sleeker admin UI. = 1.10.2 (2021-05-12) = * Compatible up to WooCommerce 5.3 * Added: New merge tag: {{short_description}} added, outputs the product short description inside the bump. (#365) * Fixed: RTL CSS styling improved of bumps. (#363) * Fixed: One JS variable undefined error, fixed. (#367) = 1.10.1 (2021-04-08) = * Compatible up to WooCommerce 5.2 * Fixed: A PHP notice when WooCommerce chained product or Yith Bundle Product is in the cart, fixed. (#360) = 1.10.0 (2021-03-18) = * Added: Compatibility added with Avada and Woodmart theme to remove lazyload from Bump image. (#287) * Added: Compatibility added with 'Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Free' plugin by Rymera Web Co. Supporting auto coupon apply. (#291) * Added: New rule: 'Customer past product purchased' added. (#302) * Added: Compatibility added with 'WooCommerce All Products For Subscriptions' plugin, Double discounting occurring, fixed. (#309) * Added: Compatibility added with 'PayPal PLUS for WooCommerce' by GMBH. Bump line item wasn't showing on PayPal payment screen, i.e. total haven't changed. (#315) * Added: Compatibility added with 'Booster For WooCommerce' plugin by Booster.IO. (#351) * Improved: Minor CSS improvement on Bump frontend. (#297, #304) * Improved: Compatibility updated with 'CheckoutWC' plugin. PHP error in Ajax calls. (#300) * Fixed: Bump title was still appearing even when empty, was showing default value, fixed. (#296) * Fixed: Checkout pages created using Aero, keeps reloading if cart doesn't contain any product i.e. cart is empty. (#306) * Fixed: PHP notice appearing in quick view popup in a rare case. (#317) * Fixed: A scenario where bump item left in the cart even when primary item is removed. Issue occurs when more than 1 bump products available in the cart. (#319) * Fixed: An issue with reporting related to item discounts in bump revenue. (#327) * Fixed: An issue with Braintree plugin after bump is added. Cart total mismatch issue. Compatibility updated. (#333) * Fixed: Sometimes quick view is not opening, results in PHP error. Due to price fetching functions. (#339) = 1.9.1 (2020-11-25) = * Fixed: PHP error with bump reporting. * Improved: Optimizations in bump reporting. * Fixed: Product deletion in the admin in Bump, showing the deleted product, fixed. = 1.9.0 (2020-11-20) = * Added: Two new Bump skins added. * Added: Product category rule: New option `doesn't contain` added. * Added: New rule: Cart item tag added. * Added: Compatible with `Price Based on Country` plugin by Oscar Gare. * Compatible up to WordPress 5.5.3 * Compatible up to WooCommerce 4.8 * Compatible with upcoming WooFunnel releases. * Improved: Order Bump reporting improved. * Improved: Quantity switcher UI improved. * Improved: Optimize ajax calls on the checkout page on bump acceptance and removal. Overall performance improved. * Improved: Handled scenario when the cart is virtual and change to physical via bump or vice versa. * Fixed: PHP error during customer rules inside WP admin dashboard. * Fixed: Compatibility added WC subscription plugin, allowing of correct price display. * Fixed: When free product i.e. $0 value bump accepted, Single order is not showing the bump price on order listing screen. * Fixed: An issue arose with `WP clever smart bundle` plugin. Fixed. = 1.8.1 (2020-01-29) = * Compatible with WooCommerce 3.9 * Fixed: Sometimes preview shows PHP errors when saved product is not available, fixed. = 1.8.0 (2019-12-11) = * Added: Rule operator Coupon 'matches none of'. Now control visibility of Bumps based for certain coupons * Added: Bump import and export feature to import bumps from one site to another. * Added: Compatibility with A/B Experiments for WooFunnels. * Improved: Admin UX at few places * Updated: Woofunnels core = 1.7.2 (2019-11-14) = * Added: Future compatibility with Woofunnels A/B experiments plugin. * Added: Compatibility with WordPress version 5.3.0. = 1.7.1 (2019-10-14) = * Fixed: Sustain credit card details when bump product added or Removed. * Fixed: Compatibility with Porto theme. = 1.7.0 (2019-10-11) = * Added: Detailed order bump reports added. Reporting available by date and by specific bumps. Available under WooCommerce > Reports > OrderBump * Added: Merge tag: {{quantity_incrementer}} to allow buyers to increment quantity of bump. * Added: Merge tag: {{variation_attribute_html}} to display selected variants labels (for variable products). * Added: Compatibility with Finale WooCommerce Countdown timer plugin. Allowing Finale Shortcode in Bump description. * Added: Compatibility with WOOCS - WooCommerce Currency Switcher by Realmag777. * Improved: UX improved for variable products 'Choose an option' popup. * Improved: Few cases handled of shipping methods when subscription product as a bump product is added or removed. * Fixed: On Mobile collapsible 'cart total' updated on adding OrderBump to cart. * Fixed: An issue with Pagar.me gateway in case instalment plan is chosen. * Fixed: 'AeroCheckout page is' rule wasn't working in case of Aero embed page, fixed now. * Fixed: Compatibility improved with WC Checkout Add-ons plugin when the bump is added or removed. * Fixed: A bug with a Braintree payment gateway with its latest version. = 1.6.3 (2019-04-16) = * Improved: Display product title in case variation is not added to cart, in case of variable product. * Fixed: Gateway conflict with latest version of WC Germanized, compatibility updated. = 1.6.2 (2019-04-23) = * Fixed: Cart item contains product rule code fixed. = 1.6.1 (2019-04-18) = * Fixed: Global setting page JS error resolved. * Fixed: Holding payment gateways refresh until gateways list changed while adding or removing Bump product. = 1.6.0 (2019-04-17) = * Added: New setting 'Bump display' positions introduced. * Added: New rule 'Cart total' added * Added: Compatible with Aero v1.8 as much changes done to support it. * Improved: Bump end-user experience improved. * Improved: Removing 'Bump added' items from the cart if rules got invalidated. * Improved: Re-validating Bump rules when a coupon is added or removed. * Fixed: Fixed discount was restricted to value 100 max, fixed. * Fixed: Cart item quantity rule had a small issue, fixed. = 1.5.0 (2019-01-17) = * Added: Custom CSS setting added globally. * Added: Maximum Bump display count setting added globally. * Added: Support with MercadoPago payment gateway when Bump added or removed from the order. * Added: {{product_name}} merge tag added to show the product name. * Added: Support with 'Variation swatch' plugin by 'theme alien' to display swatches in bump product preview. * Improved: Quick hints added under fields in the admin area. * Improved: Compatibility code improved for 'WC Germanized' v2.2.7 * Improved: Handling added for cart total 0 case. * Improved: Product selection rule caused a PHP error when the selected product was removed from the store. * Fixed: Impreza theme causing conflict in admin area during bump creation, fixed now. * Fixed: Porto theme caused PHP error as used a native WC hook with less variables. = 1.4.0 (2018-12-19) = * Added: WPML compatibility also allows WPML language duplication of Bumps. * Added: Did additional code handling with 'InfusedWoo' plugin, supporting their subscriptions now. * Fixed: Mixed product type issue resolved with Bump on checkout pages. = 1.3.0 (2018-11-16) = * Added: Compatible with 'WC radio buttons' plugin. * Added: Compatible with 'Improved variable product attributes' plugin. * Added: New field for error color in the design section. * Improved: Remove quantity input in cart page for bump product. * Fixed: Variable product wasn't adding to cart with older AeroCheckout version. Now compatible with AeroCheckout v1.5. * Fixed: Rules validation now working for cart item (variation product) = 1.2.1 (2018-10-31) = * Improved: Sustain credit card details when bump product add or Removed. Use woocommerce fragment functionality in our ajax and refresh the essential parts of checkout page * Improved: when subscription product removed from order bump and cart get empty then we reload the checkout page. This occur due subscription plugin not work with mixed cart. * Improved: Show Product Stock Error message when user add bump to cart in case of out of stock. = 1.2.0 (2018-10-21) = * Added: pot file added for translations. * Improved: 'Select option' text replaced to 'choose option' with WooCommerce textdomain. Auto change to multi languages. * Fixed: Add to cart button was not displaying for order bump pop up, now resolved. = 1.1.0 (2018-10-12) = * Improved: Compatible with Aero Checkout new version. * Improved: Bump skin change, opt modal UI improved. = 1.0.2 (2018-10-05) = * Added: Allowed Course product type from LearnDash plugin to include as a Bump. = 1.0.1 (2018-10-05) = * Fixed: Debug class calls directly, fixed now. = 1.0.0 (2018-10-03) = * Public Release