=== FunnelKit One Click Upsells === = 3.12.1 (26/08/2024) = * Fixed: Upsells with mollie gateways are not working since the last update. (#1872) = 3.12.0 (20/08/2024) = * Added: Detailed reasons for skipped upsells are now included in order notes, facilitating easier troubleshooting. (#6390) * Added: A new personalization shortcode is available to display any order metadata. (#6554) * Improved: The loading sequence of external scripts has been optimized to ensure they load after the event tracking script. (#6535) * Improved: Gateway integrations are now restricted to known and supported integrations, enhancing reliability. (#6393) * Improved: Security measures have been strengthened to better protect the plugin. (#5919, #6540) * Fixed: Resolved a styling issue with the Short Description block widget within the editor. (#6514) * Fixed: Addressed an issue where certain upsell rules dependent on order data were not functioning correctly when using OR conditions. (#6492) = 3.11.2 (19/07/2024) = * Fixed: Upsells compatibility with WooCommerce Stripe gateway for the v3.8.0 and above. (#6482) * Fixed: PHP Error was handled in order-edit the screen for the upsell refund metabox in an edge case. (#6453) = 3.11.1 (15/07/2024) = * Added: Compatibility with WordPress version 6.6.(#6422) = 3.11.0 (25/06/2024) = * Improved: Compatibility with Woodmart theme updated. (#6079) * Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce Payments updated. (#6216, #6296) * Fixed: Upgrade funnel calculation was missing shipping tax calculation. (#6223) * Fixed: Upsell analytics were not getting deleted on order deletion in the case of HPOS. (#6091) * Fixed: Flickity assets showing not found in case of shortcode used for image slider. (#6156) * Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce germanized was not loading. (#6188) * Fixed: PHP Error on WooCommerce order edit screens in a few cases where meta boxes reordered and ACF plugin is active. (#6259) = 3.10.0 (02/04/2024) = * Improved: Handle offer redirect link in case the offer post is deleted but its metadata still exists. (#1761) * Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce Payments updated. (#1758) * Improved: Compatibility with Authorize.Net CIM gateway updated. (#1770) * Improved: Upsells are now displayed on the store checkout page even for orders placed without going through the checkout process. (#1756) * Fixed: Preview links were not correct in admin when offers were created using legacy custom page mode. (#5903) * Fixed: Restricted phone number to prevent sending empty values on TikTok. (#1768) * Fixed: WooCommerce Order meta-box drag was not working for non-HPOS setups. (#1762) * Fixed: Rules were not working correctly in a few cases on the order-pay page. (#1757) * Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce Memberships plugin not working since v3.0.0. (#5984) = 3.9.5 (08/02/2024) = * Improved: plugin security by escaping html class output for shortcodes. (#5818) * Fixed: Refunds are not working with WooPayments v7.0.0 or greater. (#5779) * Fixed: Order attribution meta in case of new order was not updated in WC v3.6.0 or greater. (#5856) = 3.9.4 (08/02/2024) = * Improved: Upsell: Compatibility updated with GeneratePress plugin. (#5639) * Fixed: Issue with offer amount being zero in case of fixed amount discount with multiple qty. (#1733) * Fixed: PHP notice related to mysql query in order confirmation page. (#1734) = 3.9.3 (24/01/2024) = * Added: Compatibility with FunnelKit funnel builder v3.0.0 * Fixed: Jump to offer settings were not copying over when importing upsells/funnels from other sites. (#1720) = 3.9.2 (18/01/2024) = * Fixed: Compatibility with Curcy currency switcher premium plugin updated to resolve an error on customizer template editing. (#1712) = 3.9.1 (17/01/2024) = * Improved: Compatibility with Woodmart theme. (#1704) * Fixed: Compatibility with Aelia - Currency Switcher plugin updated to resolve error on checkout in some servers. (#1705) = 3.9.0 (10/01/2024) = * Improved: Various code and performance optimizations. (#1659,#1695) * Improved: Compatibility with CURCY - WooCommerce Multi Currency plugin updated. (#1689) * Improved: Compatibility with Aelia - Currency Switcher plugin updated. (#1698) = 3.8.0 (23/11/2023) = * Improved: Show parent order in single order UI in case of upsells new order. (#1685) * Fixed: Template edit URL for oxygen builder was now allowing editing in some cases. (#5158) * Fixed: Some price-layout settings do not sustain while switching devices in block editor. (#1675) * Fixed: Taxes were not working correctly with multiple quantity from quantity switcher. (#1678) * Fixed: Fatal error during cron emails send in case of bacs in some cases. (#1681) * Fixed: Compatibility updated with germaized plugin. (#1683) * Fixed: PHP error during checkout from WooCommerce Payments integration when plugin version is 7.1.0 or greater in case of 3ds cards. (#1687) = 3.7.0 (18/10/2023) = * Improved: Handling for the PHP Error on the edit order screen when the user meta was set incorrectly. (#5106) * Fixed: Facebook server events were not showing up while testing with test_code. (#5101) * Fixed: Item value was multiplying quantity for the GA4 events. (#5121) = 3.6.7 (20/09/2023) = * Fixed: PHP Error 'header_already_sent' error showing when tiktok events are enabled in some cases. (#5030) = 3.6.6 (19/09/2023) = * Fixed: Compatibility updated with ‘Disable REST API’ plugin.(#1638) = 3.6.5 (18/09/2023) = * Added: Compatibility with PHP v8.1. (#1640) * Improved: Better error handling during the tokenization to prevent 'INTENT_MISMATCH' error. (#1637) = 3.6.4 (12/09/2023) = * Added: WooCommerce HPOS feature compatibility. (#4800) * Fixed: Upsells- Refund parent order not working in case of free product + shipping. (#1611) * Fixed: Upsells- Free trial upsells were not working in case of a few gateways. (#4726) * Fixed: Upsells- Dynamic Shipping was not working in the case of elementor popups on offer pages. (#1626) * Fixed: Upsells - Upsells with Bundle product + subscriptions + free trial getting charged for subscription amount. (#1634) = 3.6.3 (02/07/2023) = * Fixed: Handling for the critical case where meta key from WooCommerce function 'WC_Order::get_meta()' not being fetched reliably causing multiple emails. = 3.6.2 (02/07/2023) = * Added: Partial compatibility with PHP v8.1. (#1609) * Added: Compatibility with elementor v3.15.0. (#1612) * Fixed: Upsell refund parent order not working in case of free product + shipping. (#1611) = 3.6.1 (19/06/2023) = * Fixed: PHP error coming during install on few sites where paypal gateway was disabled. (#1579) * Fixed: Elementor templates were not imported correctly on WPML setups. (#1584) * Improved: Compatibility with PayPal Payments improved for timeout error scenarios. (#1582) * Improved: Gutenberg blocks now support custom colour pallet. (#1552) = 3.6.0 (14/04/2023) = * Added: Upsell/Thankyou- A new rule ‘Order Item – Text Match’ added. (#1554) * Improved: Handling while importing elementor template to prevent any possible issues with 3rd party plugins.(#1568) * Improved: Setting to toggle display of icon in oxygen accept button widget.(#1566) * Fixed: Upsell refunds are not working for the offer payments by PayPal Payments with ‘create new order’ settings enabled. (#1548) * Fixed: Offer payment failing for WooCommerce Stripe Gateway v7.3.0. (#1570) * Fixed: Upsells- Dynamic offer path settings were not cloning correctly during duplicate action. (#1564) * Fixed: Rule for Coupon text match was not working with does’t contain operator. (#178) = 3.5.2 (28/02/2023) = * Added: A filter added to modify cancel order settings. (#1536) * Improved: Compatibility with square Payment gateway to handle cases with existing users. (#1534) * Improved: Removed old updater methods. (#1539) * Improved: CSS improved w.r.t background color for canvas and boxed templates. (#1541) * Improved: SQL query optimized during thankyou hook cron action. (#1543) = 3.5.1 (18/01/2023) = * Improved: Compatibility with Bricks builder updated. (#1527) * Fixed: Error processing automatic renewals for the subscriptions created by upsells for stripe gateway from v3.5.0. (#1529) * Fixed: Upsell cancel primary order settings was not working for free trial order. (#1523) * Fixed: PHP deprecated hook notice for elementor v3.5.0 or greater. (#1525) = 3.5.0 (09/01/2023) = * Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro. (#1454) * Added: Added a filter `wfocu_gateways_paypal_support_non_reference_trans` to allow devs to show settings for their PayPal gateway. (#1487) * Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment updated for v4.0.0. (#1471) * Improved: Upsell timeline updated to show appropriate reason when the gateway does not support subscription products. (#1475) * Improved: Restrict registering offer page assets to site pages, causing conflicts in some cases. (#1480) * Improved: Updated new order creation script to execute woocommerce_new_order action hook. (#1486) * Fixed: Compatibility with Square gateway updated, showing errors during upsell accept. (#1506) * Fixed: PHP error was showing up with learndash compatibility in a few cases. (#1508) = 3.4.2 (31/10/2022) = * Added: New filter to modify shipping methods priority on upsell pages for dynamic shipping. (#1145) * Improved: Compatibility with PYS CostOfGoods plugin updated. (#1452) * Fixed: Offer payments issue with WooCommerce Payments. (#1436) * Fixed: Admin menu not showing for user roles except administrator. (#3307) * Fixed: Pass current user ID as external ID to Facebook pixel event to avoid mismatch of external_id. (#1458) * Fixed: One Click Order refund metabox was not showing in some cases. (#3266) = 3.4.1 (05/10/2022) = * Tweak: Re-branding related changes. = 3.4.0 (29/09/2022) = * Added: Compatibility with Bricks themes. (#1347) * Added: Filter hook 'wfocu_script_tags' to allow dynamic attributes to the script tag for the tracking snippets. (#1322) * Added: Shortcode added to display product original sale price. (#1360) * Added: Javascript filters to skip tracking in favor of cookie consent plugins. (#1305) * Added: Compatibility with Kadence theme. (#1412) * Improved: Compatibility with elementor 3.7.0 version. (#455) * Improved: WooCommerce multicurrency compatibility updated to check if enabled in settings before conversion. (#1320) * Improved: Google ads enhanced e-commerce data pass with the purchase events. (#1324) * Improved: The product description widget will now show product description from the parent in case of variation product. (#1335) * Improved: Handle dynamic shipping taxes for the offers when tax is exempted in order. (#66) * Improved: Behaviour for the cancel and upgrade feature modified in favor of processing fewer refunds. (#1331) * Improved: Author support added for the offer post type. (#1376) * Improved: Method to get the client IP address to improve event match quality for Facebook conversion events. (#1391) * Improved: Facebook events will now have external_id param for the logged-in user to improve event match quality. (#1371) * Improved: Facebook conversion api events improved to pass _fbc param in cases when pixels were not dropped. (#1354) * Fixed: Issue with the WooCommerce Payments, refunding offer was not working. (#1318) * Fixed: Block Compatibility issues with WordPress v6.0 (#1316) * Fixed: An issue of reporting data not getting inserted properly in MySQL table due to column length. (#1333) * Fixed: Few Styling-related bug fixes for the Gutenberg image gallery block. (#1334) * Fixed: Few PHP notices resolved for PHP v8.1. (#1369) * Fixed: Offer refund was failing in some cases for the authorize.net CIM gateway v3.7.2 (#1392) * Fixed: Tax on upsell offers not getting applied for some cases with default customer address set add shop address. (#1396) * Fixed: Deprecated PHP warning showing up during Facebook pixel after WooCommerce v6.0.0 when coupon used in the order. (#1414) * Fixed: Offer payments were failing for WooCommerce PayPal payments in some cases when subscriptions in the primary order. (#1423) * Fixed: Javascript error showing up when jquery is loaded deferred for the checkout. (#1426) = 3.3.6 (10/05/2022) = * Fixed: Offer Payments were failing with WooCommerce Square gateway v3.0.0 in case of different shipping address than billing. (#1312) = 3.3.5 (09/05/2022) = * Added: Support for Featured image for the offer post type. (#1289) * Improved: Compatibility updated with Woodmart theme. (#1288) * Improved: Avoid setting up upsell sessions multiple times in any case of conflict. (#1285). * Improved: Facebook conversion API events failing in some cases of the backward cache of browsers. (#1295) * Fixed: Pass item-total instead of item subtotal to cover discount cases at the item level in GA analytics. (#1277) * Fixed: Offer Payments and primary checkout payments were not working with WooCommerce Square gateway v3.0.0 (#1306) * Fixed: Checkout payments done by WooCommerce PayPal payment's credit card method was not working in case of 3ds since v4.1.0. (#1308) = 3.3.4 (06/04/2022) = * Fixed: Offer payments were failing for the WooCommerce Payments v3.9.0. (#1279) = 3.3.3 (29/03/2022) = * Added: Compatibility with Woodmart theme. (#1267) * Improved: Improved Google Tag execution to prevent double events in case of Backward/Forward browser cache. (#1262) * Fixed: Offer payments were failing for the WooCommerce Payments v3.9.0. (#1269) = 3.3.2 (23/02/2022) = * [Critical] Fixed: PHP Errors showing up on offer pages built using elementor on elementor version 3.6.0. (#1130) * Fixed: Google ads conversion label passing with the custom events. (#1261) = 3.3.1 (16/02/2022) = * Fixed: Issue with a variable product purchase, variation ID was not getting attached as item meta since the last release. (#1251) * Fixed: Issue with Upsell Payments failing for WooCommerce PayPal Payments gateway returning invalid token in some rare cases. (#1254) * Fixed: A PHP notice showing up on update_order_review ajax request in some scenarios when WP_DEBUG set to TRUE. (#1256) = 3.3.0 (11/02/2022) = * Compatible with WordPress 5.9.2. * Compatible with WooCommerce 6.3.1. * Added: Support for WordPress revision feature for the offer post type. (#1211) * Added: Few more controls in Gutenberg quantity selector widget. (#1218) * Added: Compatibility with 'Cost of Goods by PixelYourSite' plugin. (#1215) * Improved: Snapchat events firing add billing along with the purchase. (#1203) * Improved: Application of quantity selector improved to add qty instead of multiple line items. (#1233) * Improved: Fire PageView event even if storewide settings are ON by funnel builder. (#1209) * Fixed: PayPal standard primary payments were throwing PHP error on WooCommerce version 6.3.1. (#1248) * Fixed: Fatal error showing up while accessible past oxygen template after oxygen builder deactivated. (#1227) * Fixed: Error while tracking custom events due to special characters in bump name. (#1223) * Fixed: A fatal error while importing templates with few cases when WPML is active. (#1200) * Fixed: Issue with Paypal payments offer payments showing incorrect total errors in a few cases. (#1180) * Fixed: Issue with fresh elementor setups requiring toolkit generation. (#1213) * Fixed: Remove extra line items getting added in square order for offer payments in a few cases. (#1230) * Fixed: Snapchat tracking not working with native thankyou page. (#1243) = 3.2.0 (01/02/2022) = * Compatible with WordPress 5.9.0. * Compatible with WooCommerce 6.1.1. * Added: Support for Funnel Builder v2.0. (#1132) * Added: Tracking events now supports TikTok and Snapchat. (#1132) * Improved: Elementor and Divi: Templates importing speed is improved. (#1188) * Improved: Default output shows for all page builder widgets even when no product is selected. (#1168) * Improved: Compatibility updated with 'AffiliateWP' plugin. A PHP notice was coming, fixed. (#1177) * Improved: esc_sql() method used as suggested by the WordFence for post meta query during upsell duplicate action. (#1176) * Fixed: Issue with offer getting skipped if stock is not managed and same product in the primary order. (#1159) * Fixed: Elementor `Accept button` block, icon position wasn't working, fixed. (#1185) * Fixed: Compatibility updated with 'AffiliateWP' plugin, a PHP error in a case. (#1178) * Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes. (#1190) = 3.1.0 (27/12/2021) = * Added: Filter hook added to allow custom fonts for the Gutenberg blocks. (#1119) * Added: Filter hook added to allow modification in offers that could cancel the primary order(#1129) * Added: Filter hook added to allow modification in stripe refund post data (#1147) * Fixed: Elementor widget settings were not getting saved in a few cases. (#1124) * Fixed: Offer reject Link for the gutenberg templates was working incorrectly in few cases. (#1117) * Fixed: Offer accept button styling breaks when price merge tag added. (#1122) * Fixed: Google ads conversion tracking events was not getting fired correctly when used along with Google analytics. (#1126) * Fixed: Quantity selector widget was not showing up any select when offer gets duplicated. (#1138) * Fixed: Resolved jQuery conflict when jQuery migrate option checked in Divi theme settings. (#1143) * Fixed: Licenses were not getting activated in multisite when funnel builder PRO activated network wide. (#1148) * Fixed: Elementor template import was not working when setting "Improved Asset Loading" is turned ON in elementor. (#1108) * Fixed: Offer accept/reject request failing for some server when JSON content was not getting returned. (#1150) * Fixed: Elementor widgets alignment settings icons were missing in a few sites. (#1158) [See changelog for all versions](https://myaccount.funnelkit.com/changelog/changelog-upstroke/).