*** UpStroke PowerPack *** = 1.9.5 (2024-07-16) = * Added: Support for WPv 6.6.0. * Fixed: Upsell subscription renewals were not working for paypal payments in new order + guest + upsell subscription scenarios with v2.8.1 of WooCommerce Paypal payments. = 1.9.4 (2024-03-04) = * Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.7.0. = 1.9.3 (2024-01-11) = * Added: Support for upsell module 3.9.0. * Fixed: Rule for all things subscription was not working correctly. * Fixed: Dynamic shipping was not working for the variations with no default attributes. (#5038) * Fixed: Subscriptions were having total zero when WooCommerce PayPal Payments v2.3.1 was active. (#5135) = 1.9.2 (2023-03-01) = * Added: WooCommerce HPOS feature compatibility. (#90) = 1.9.1 (2023-03-01) = * Fixed: Subscriptions created by upsells are only having single quantity. (#87) = 1.9.0 (2023-09-01) * Improved: Plugin headers improved as per rebranding. (#68) * Fixed: Notice improved for upsell timeline to show correct message. (#66) = 1.8.0 (2022-02-01) * Improved: Handle dynamic shipping taxes for the offers when tax is exempted in order. (#66) * Fixed: Subscription product compatibility for the guest users were not working fine for the PayPal Payments. (#70) * Added: Support for the cancel and upgrade behaviour modification. (#68) * Fixed: Subscription compatibility with WooCommerce PayPal Payments. (#66) = 1.7.13 (2022-02-01) * Fixed: Compatibility updated with 'WooCommerce Subscription' plugin, an error with latest version 4.0.0. (#60) * Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes. (#62) = 1.7.12 (2021-12-27) * Added: Shortcodes for "Product Signup Fee","Product Recurring Total String" & "All Products Subscription Plan List". = 1.7.11 (2021-10-29) * Improved: Google fonts loading improved. = 1.7.10 (2021-10-08) * Fixed: Subscription Trial length override feature was not working fine. * Fixed: Subscription sync renewals end time was not setting up correct. = 1.7.9 (2021-09-28) * Fixed: All plans were showing on offer pages when product added was all product subscription. = 1.7.8 (2021-09-21) * Added :Compatibility with WC paypal payments gateway for subscription. = 1.7.7 (2021-09-21) * Fixed: Compatibility with WooCommerce All Product Subscriptions was not working. = 1.7.6 (2021-09-17) * Fixed: Compatibility with WC payments gateway creating PHP error during upsell subscriptions. = 1.7.5 (2021-09-16) * Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce All Product Subscriptions. = 1.7.4 (2021-08-31) * Fixed: Subscription compatibility with few gateways was not working as expected. = 1.7.3 (2021-07-06) * Improved: Better loading pattern for the gateway integration classes to support future integration. = 1.7.2 (2021-06-02) * Added: Compatibility with WC 5.3.0 and WP 5.7.2 * Fixed: Issue with paypal payment for subscription when bundle product is in upsells. = 1.7.1 (2021-04-14) * Fixed: PHP error during subscription upsell purchases on orders with paypal express checkout. = 1.7.0 (2021-03-15) * Added: Compatibility with WP 5.7 and WC 5.1 * Added: Compatibility with WooFunnels Funnel Builder PRO. * Added: Feature to override free trial settings at offer level for the subscription products. * Fixed: Sync subscription settings was not working on offers. = 1.6.0 (2020-11-20) * Fixed: Shipping prices rules not working in UpStroke * Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Multi-Currency Premium Plugin in calculating dynamic shipping. * Updated: Tested up to tags WP 5.5.4 and WC 4.8.0 = 1.5.0 (2020-07-29) * Fixed: Issue of discarding configured variation image with the image configured at product level. * Fixed: Issue of customer ID not getting saved in subscription by upsells in authorize.net CIM & braintree CC and PayPal. * Fixed: Issue of regular price shortcode output showing blank on variation switch when 0% discount. = 1.4.0 (2020-06-17) * Fixed: Issue with WC Germanized plugin when new user notification created during subscription upsell. = 1.3.0 (2020-03-21) * Added: New field to control fonts in customizer templates. * Added: Ability to filter funnel reports by the date ranges. * Fixed: Issue with subscription prices while discount applied on recurring cycle in some specific tax settings. = 1.2 (2020-01-23) * Fixed: Issue in calculating dynamic shipping * Fixed: Issue with free trial subscription in upsell offer * Fixed: Updating stats on dashboard UpStoke grid on accepting offers. = 1.1.0 (2019-12-02) = * Fixed: Issue of escaping html results in removing some html from the customizer templates for multi-product module. = 1.0.0 (2019-11-20) = * Public release